Ex-soccer star, UcheOkechukwu and his dad flee their home for fear of being kidnapped | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 19 May 2011

Ex-soccer star, UcheOkechukwu and his dad flee their home for fear of being kidnapped

After retiring from football, ex-super eagles player, Uche Okechukwu, 45, retired to his palatial home at Mgboko Umuoria Obingwa, Aba, in Abia State. But he and his brothers have since abandoned the place for fear of kidnapping and armed robbery which has become the norm in those parts. Even his dad, a monarch, is hardly seen at the home after he escaped being kidnapped a while back. Their abandoned multi million naira home is said to have been taken over by rodents.

The rodents are welcome to it. Nothing compares to life!


  1. That's more like it, prompt response to my earlier comment. Incidentally, I hail from Abia and you don't want to know how many criminals we have in Ngwa area. It's so bad! It's worse than the worst of the area boys menace in Lagos. God help us.

  2. Its same story with my home town in Mbaise, Imo State. Folks generally stay out of Imo or remain abroad. There are many abandoned properties in my home town. I have not been back to the village for over 10 years. Those robbers and kidnappers scare the hell out of me.

  3. i used to have a cruch on Uche like 13/14 yrs back, he looks soo unkempt now...and was living in his village with monarch Dad?...Utch darling what happened naa?

    1. Is crush not cruch ...wat happen u ask? Ur education and happened.. Lol

  4. So, this guy is 45? 15 years ago, he played for under 23 in the 1996 olympics. No wonder we won. Gosh. Naija footballers and their severals age scandals. God forgive us for cheating.

    1. For the olympics three over aged players are allowed to play for each of the teams. You need to update your knowledge of the game. GOSH. Nigerians and their level of IGNORANCE. God save us

  5. The Olympics allowed 3 over aged players. He was one of the over aged players along side Ammuneke and Amokachi.

  6. @ Anon 1:55. Point of correction, Uche Okechukwu was one of the three over aged players allowed in the competition. The other overaged guy in that team is Emmanuel Amunike, I cant remember the third guy.

  7. He actually chased me via calls when he was still playing in Turkey, only for the couple who introduced me to him to say they heard he liked his own! I stopped taking his calls after that. Lol!! That was the last i heard about him. I thought he lived abroad. He was a fab defender (& so was the late Uche Okafor)

    Out of Gas clothing; my people still go to Imo state albeit with a lot of prayers. It's not as bad as you typed. I don't go to the East when i'm in Nigeria, but over Christmas (& Easter) all the holiday makers still went home and came back safely. Abia is worse than Imo state for this.

  8. @ Chilling, are you saying that uche okechukwu is gay?

  9. Anon May 20, 2011 9:42 AM; the couple who introduced me to him was told by a fellow Nigerian footballer that he was that way inclined. I didn't follow up on his life after that. It may have been a one-off or false info, I don't know. I don't know anything about him now re-getting married and having kids. Now that he's been mentioned i'll see what i can scoop.....

  10. gay yet he was chasing you via calls. does it strike u that u just defamed the guy for no reason

  11. fifa allowed three over aged players at the olyimpics,so uche okechukwu was one of the over aged players choose by nfa


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