Majek Fashek dumps Adams Oshiomhole’s rehab programme | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 5 April 2011

Majek Fashek dumps Adams Oshiomhole’s rehab programme

It has emerged that Edo State Governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole made great effort to rehabilitate reggae Icon, Majek Fashek. The Gov went as far as recruiting specialists and even got a home for the reggae star in Benin City, all in a bid to restoring the man who was once touted as the next Bob Marley, to his rightful place in the industry. However, the programme had scarcely picked up when the eccentric packed up his bag and relocated to the US, dumping the programme.

Source: City People Magazine


  1. Actually no eya:( Is there a center like that for people State wide that need the help? Majek could afford to get treatment in the finest parts of the world, hopefully the center's resources can be used to help people in Edo State that need rehab.

  2. Majek has major problem on his fucking hands he still would not admit he has a problem what a bloody shame

  3. Please let us remember him in our prayers

  4. Anon 2.04pm; you typed "Majek could afford to get treatment in the finest parts of the world."
    Really, with what money? he's dead ass broke and probably doesn't even have health insurance in America.
    Sad and he needs to get off the rocks before he dies.

  5. What's he addicted to, the story doesn't say?

  6. So you got this information from City Magazine, a tabloid magazine? Anyway, goodluck to Majek Fashek- I hope he won't end up in a coffin at the rate he is going.

  7. @ 9javatar - he insists that he is an alcoholic but it's been said that he has more than an alcohol problem. He loves his marijuana, he loves to drink but when I saw him in NY back in the early 90's on the street and sometime in the early 2000's, I thought it was certainly more than those two things. I thought he was on crack.

  8. Saw Majek @ naija independence day parade in 2010 and 2009... Dude is chasing the dragon, if anyone wants, I can send Linda the pics...

    As for admitting he has something, that's why there's a 12 step program for recovering addicts. You might want to read up on it, not as easy to beat addiction for some as it sounds...

  9. Incase u dont know...There was never a thing like that.City people made up this story & i know they just want to sell...Majek is acoholic & smoke weed no doubt but he never engaged in crack...but this story right here is no true atall bcos i'm close to Majek alot. we have tried to help him but he doesnt want to bcos he believes he is fine.

  10. Majek's issues go waaaaay beyond weed and alcohol my friend...

  11. @ 2:41pm - are you sure? sometimes we want to believe the best in the people we love, well sha, you na you know since na close friend but irrespective of wine or alcohol or crack or abi na heroin, i think we can all agree that dude needs help but i guess he hasn't reached his personal rock bottom but i hope that rock bottom doesn't turn out to be a 6ft drop! it is painful to see, he had such amazing potential and promise. i can't believe i used to have a major crush on him. may God help him to find himself soon.

  12. drug head will always be a drug head..

  13. Actually saw Majek in Houston just over a month ago. He looked (seriously) looked like a street bum. He was in the African store ( precisely Payless African Food Store on Bissonet Street) muttering to him self like a street bum and being loud and shouting incoherent slurs. He looked so much in need of intervention, teeth all jagged, hair half gone and in dis-array, I remember him saying that he needs to get out of here ( here I am guessing being America). He then asked some random girl to be his wife.... I stood there in dismay and just could not believe my eyes. This man was a rolling stone several decades ago...

    So for all ye celebrities - take note, keep it real, keep real people around you, remember once the pomp and pageantry is gone you will need a dose of "back to real life' and I hear it can be quite anti-climatic...


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