Election Cancellation: TB Joshua Vindicated | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 7 April 2011

Election Cancellation: TB Joshua Vindicated

Several weeks before the cancellation of last Saturday’s National Assembly elections in Nigeria, Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, had predicted that elections may not hold unless very serious prayers were offered.

In a story published in P.M.NEWS on 16 March 2011 and titled “Pray For The Election To Hold”, the Man in the Synagogue: as TB Joshua is known by his followers, prophesied that only ‘serious prayers will make April (elections) a reality’. The story reads in part: “With billions of naira already spent by thousands of candidates and many hours invested in campaign trains, a warning by the man who predicted the outcome of the Ghanaian election two years ago may send shivers down the spines of many”.

In the interview to be published in TheNews magazine, TB Joshua said : "About the upcoming elections, I have said many times that I don’t like talking about Nigeria again because all the messages God has given me about Nigeria, nobody has bothered to come and ask me ‘what are you saying? Explain more so that we know the next step to take.

“But, I know that we need a lot of prayers to make April a reality. I said it earlier and you can see what is happening now: bomb blasts all over the place, court cases all over the place and so on. So, like I said, we need a lot of prayers to make April a reality.”

Shortly after the story was published on www.pmnewsnigeria.com, many readers derided TB Joshua’s prediction, calling on him to stay away from politics. Naubiko, a reader wrote: “These people are the ones killing this country with their obvious statement. Every man knows that the election in Nigeria is not stable and neither is it free and fair. Instead of the so-called religious leaders rebuking these greedy politicians, they rather support them and then subdue the people with their hidden agenda just to boost their pocket instead of telling the truth.”

Source: Simon Ateba - PM News.


  1. Since he knows everything
    He should go ahead and tell us the winners already

  2. So why didn't he offer the serious prayers he said were needed? If you shoot a gun randomly, you are sure to hit your target once in a while.

    This man is a megalomaniac who obviously craves fawning adulation. Why should people come to him to ask him what his "prophesies" mean?

    If anyone falls for this man's antics, you are OYO. We should mind our own business and leave God to handle the future. God did not ask us to be trying to find what the future holds in store for us. Throughout the bible, that is something only faithless people did.

  3. And if the elections had held, we would assume that the serious prayers had been held abi? Like saying, that you are pregnant, you'll either have a boy or a girl.

  4. The man is a fraudster, that is all i know...

  5. Check out my blog to hear what he said. He can not force those concern on what to do if the don't come farward to ask him what to do instead the called him names. TB Joshua can not force NIGERIA. Prayer is 2 sided the person praying and on the person being prayed for

  6. Check out my blog to hear what he said. He can not force those concern on what to do if the don't come farward to ask him what to do instead the called him names. TB Joshua can not force NIGERIA. Prayer is 2 sided the person praying and on the person being prayed

    http://tbjfansuk.wordpress.com/2011/04/06/nigeria-election-extension-prophecy-tb-joshua/ Listen to him

  7. Linda why do you even write about TB Joshua self. Don't you know he is occultic?
    I like your blog but this kind message I no like o. Abeg

  8. i thank God that there are people that stand for the truth....hmn the end times are here the predictions in the bible is being fufilled false teachers and all...pls people beware of false prophets and donot be swayed or tossed to andd fro by every doctrine....

  9. Yea right, even the most fanatic atheist knows that we need prayers to avert trouble during this election period. What kind of stupid prophecy is that? even the deaf would have heard the drumbeats of war in the background from when that empty barrel (Atiku)threatened that the heavens will fall if he didnt get nominated, to those Nothern parasites who have lived on oil money from oil blocks even while staying in that arid and land-locked region of theirs for decades and still shamelessly screaming and scheming to retain power by all means..., Who doesn't see the obvious threats to a peaceful election process? TB Joshua simply said what any fake prophet will say to a pregnant woman.."If u no born boy, u go surely born girl!" RUBBISH!!!
    @ Brown, u are spot on. Since he knows everything, let him say who d winners will be. @ omo jeje, i agree with u 100%

  10. Am not Nigerian, I can see how you hate TBJ, so its true that a prophet is not honoured in his own land, no wonder Jesus was insulted by Israelites and was called so many names, its not surprising, its biblical! But watch out your tongue before you get the wrath of God. Everyone has his own opinion, but its not good to insult men of God.

  11. Anon April 7, 2011 1:19 PM; one word for you; "sheeple!"

    As for this demon; hell fire awaits you!

  12. Any blind, deaf and dumb person who knows 'someone' in INEC and understand how the 'powers that be' in Nigeria operate, could have 'prophesied' the postponement. What an utter occultic fraud this man is

  13. for all of you who open your mouths and insult someone u never caught red handed, i feel sorry for you...i will never open my mouth and say such degrading words against someone like tb joshua cuase i'm in no position to do so, i don't know him personally so why should i talk about him or against him? u do not wanna go to hell trust me!

  14. hahahahahahaha, i can only laugh. TB or no TB, people predicted a lot of stuff. Please not now.I beg e

  15. deeboy get over it. You won't go to hell for opening your eyes and calling fraud what it is. The only reason people go to hell is because they do not accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. All you need to do is cross reference your Bible and what it says about the last daays and false prophets and you will see that this man is nothing but a satanic agent. If that does not convince you, do a search on youtube for people who have 'escaped' his 'Synagogue of Satan'. Don't remain in fear. Jesus came to give us life and liberty to serve him and not to crouch before the likes of this TB Joshua. I am 100% protected by the blood of the risen Lord, Jesus Christ, so there is absolutely nothing and NOONE to fear.

  16. I find it odd when people insult TB JOSHUA but ignore the sheeps in wolf clothing called pastors all over the place. Pastors and Reverends that rip poor people off their money all in the name of giving to God while they are buying jets and living in mansions are worse than what TB JOSHUA is accused of doing.

  17. Anonymous 4:59 I agree that many church leaders have brought the church of Christ into disrepute but then again according to Hebrews 12:2, the key standard and focus for Christians must remain Jesus Himself. On another note, whilst all sin is bad, i think you yourself would prefer that a pastor take money from from you to build his mansion than for him to sexually assualt you and make you do degrading sexual acts in order to protect you from 'enemies' and 'help you conceive'...

  18. Read T.B. Joshua's exact words of prophecy concerning the postponement of the Nigerian election here - http://tbjoshuatestimonies.wordpress.com/2011/04/07/postponement-of-nigerian-election-t-b-joshuas-prophecy/

    As a regular viewer of Emmanuel TV, the consistency of accuracy of the prophets declarations are the most authenticating factor for me, irrespective of the parabolic and often vague descriptions.

  19. @brown, you are very funny oooooo. He knows the winner. It is obvious that PDP will win by twisting facts. PDP ti wole o.

  20. @Emmanuel, abeg get away from Linda's page jare, ojikokoro is making you fall for TB Joshua.. If you believe in him, keep it to yourself.. Pshewwww

  21. so you condemned TJ Joshua and calling him evil names over the prohpecy he made since last year concerning the extention of Nigeria election which later come to pass. But Bishop Oyedepo acquires N4.5b Jet you congratulated that and wishing him more power.

    well you should know that God has never changed and still saying something through his chosing servant whether you believe or not.

  22. Why all these.

    There would be surprises in heaven but really he saw it before saying it.

    I think he is right but God knows better.


  23. plz ppl y r we criticising? but if u sure say u better holy pass make we see ur own hand work in order to give u some gud marks... i think he is good in his. i think u guyz did not have other gud things to do. every one shld leave men of God alone. Only God can question their calling...

  24. to be honest, i've seen this man doing what that touched my heart, single handedly sponsored some phisical challenged pple to a commonwealth game in India last year 2010. six of them won gold and he crown them with a automatic car and A million naira cash gift each.. does it not worth encouraging him rather than criticising.. other men of God are busy acquiring luxurious house and jet and u guy are congratulating them... I have a friend whom always criticising him but when he sat down watched, he said even if this man is using evil power that he likes him for his generious heart... He is only man of God in Nigeria whom late President Yardua gave Award for his good deed.. his wife was the one that collected the Award. I love him cos he made me to love God the more

  25. Anonymous 5:21 PM, plz tell us did he had sex with u? be specific ok,


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