New Video: Willow Smith - 21st Century Girl | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 7 March 2011

New Video: Willow Smith - 21st Century Girl


  1. shes proper cute!! OMG!!

  2. Did someone say this girl is 9years old? Hmmm....

  3. A witch ! right in the beggining! Seems like a satanic ritual! Then a Monarch Butterfly, flyes from her hand... illuminati! Sorry Willow you`re a puppet!
    nway,.,not suprised,.,no b hovvaz handiwork!nd its sad how ppl wud b quick 2 say there is nothing wrong with wat dis 10 yr old is doin!i can only but shake my head!demonic nonsence!if dis is wat we call progress, then fuck it!
    signs of d end of the world i swear!
    miz curly!

  4. She needs to go and sit in school. She is not a natural. What is Will and Jada thinking, have they not seen Miley Cyrus. They might think they have it under control, but with the children of this days, well God help them. I am not impressed with her at all, when I saw her on Ophra's show of talented children, of all the kids that performed she was the list talented, but hey when Will Smith is ur father, u can press any button.

  5. She is quite annoying thou, like seriously annonying.

  6. The clothes look oversized for one, she is trying too hard to fill some? shoes? who knows whose shoes. She is definitely cute, but what she is being made to do is defn not cute. The ritual @ the beginning is symbolic. Na wa.

  7. New Willow is like a cross between Rihanna and Ke$ha.

  8. She's too young.

  9. Anon 8:31pm just took the words out of my mouth! spot on!
    i commented on the first video i saw of her on the stage here last year and i did mention some illuminati signs i saw in the video, some novice said i was a 'kill joy'
    It's pretty obvious willow said herself 'she is on a mission' let's wait and see..... very sad, i had loads of respect for Will.

  10. Wonder why people are selling thier souls to the devil for worldly and material things, will & jada better give thier lives to Christ & save thier kids from the furry of hell becos ignorant is not an excuse & the funny thign is that they are not even ignorant, they know what they are doing & are even flaunting it & shouting it from the roof tops through thier videos. God help us

  11. Her parents have pimped her out, end of! MK programming and they are her handlers. Well with parents like Will and Jada she has to be very cute. Now, there’s also some chip of arrogance on her shoulders (Jaden included) and by the time she’s 16, it may all go burst. Typical HollyWEIRD. The truth about celebrities is that there’s more to them than meets the eye.
    N/B; i read that most of these child stars get raped by a parent as some sort of initiation/ritual. Billy Ray and Miley? Possibly. At nine, they are already sexing her up with light make-up and adult clothes to get her ready for inbreeding.

  12. OMG ! That was not a real witch loool damn. she is not a real Desert child brought from the dead !!! they were all acting, take it easy. Cicely Tyson is a great actress all she was doing was acting!.
    Someone said her clothes are too big. she is a child, its better than being too tight and sexual.
    As for all these symbols people keep talking about, ok maybe they are there...i wont recognize them cos i have not studied them so i leave that to those that know.

    Nice video....My opinion


  13. She looks like an AVATAR! OMG!

  14. annoying girl, go and read your books. lol

  15. I can see in this video; the practice of shamanism! God forbid evil! I feel sorry for them.
    Willow should focus on being a child and leave trying hard to be an adult. SHM.

  16. half rihanna half Kesha, hope she finds her tru self soon. but very nice concept for the video

  17. Ok..I know i run the risk of being burnt at the stake..but here's my take on this.This is WRONG on so many levels...I could understand whip my hair as being crazy,fun and all that..but this????What was the essence now of that dark ritual at the beginning really necessary???Oh all dis oyinbo ppl na wah ooo.I din't have rockstar parents,granted,but my memories of when i was ten years old had no old witchlike woman bringing me out from the ground...Nothing wey we no go see..Nsogbu dikwa oooo!

  18. I'm deeply sorry for this gal

  19. Nigerians and their issues. I have seen in the same sentence "demonic nonsense" and "fuck it" (Anon 8:31). smh

    If she was a tennis, golf or violin prodigy, no one will have batted an eye lid. Live and let live I say. That's her calling...even if she were at school, what is the guarantee that she'll not end up like one of those hollywood brats (Paris, etal...)

    In my opinion, she is very cute and if I saw my kids dancing to her tunes, will not be displeased at all.

  20. lol...people must say a lot of BS. If you don't like a video or a song it's alright to criticize but it is not right to judge a person, thier upbringing or family. why are you "anonymous" ignorant people hating? she is a child, who is having so much fun and reaching out to the world in her own little way. if you hate it, deal with it.

    I think she is FAB and I got my eye on her and please for the person who said she didn't have talent...err...shez a child doing these kinda songs...what do you call that??? you ignorant my dictionary that is talent.

    Good night and Good luck!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. talent

    and for all of una whey dey lament on the *ritual*

    exactly what she expects you to do

    dey dia dey rant

    the girl is making *personal* money at nine/ten

  23. She looks like a woman in a child's body. How old is she again? Yuck and then the monarch butterfly? Need i say more?


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