Huge Earthquake Triggers Tsunami Off Japan’s Coast, this morning. | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 11 March 2011

Huge Earthquake Triggers Tsunami Off Japan’s Coast, this morning.

Houses were washed away by tsunami in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture in eastern Japan, after Japan was struck by a magnitude 8.9 earthquake off the northeastern coast.
A devastating tsunami hit the coast of northeast Japan this morning Friday March 11, after an 8.9 magnitude offshore earthquake. Waves of more than 12 feet were seen roaring inland.

A tsunami carried boats across waters in Kamaishi city port in this still image taken from video footage.
At least 30 people were injured in the cities of Tokyo and Osaki, the Kyodo news service reported.



  1. Too bad for the Japs.My heart goes out to them.Keep praying this doesnt happen here in Nigeria

  2. ^^^
    I am telling you if this happens in Nigeria
    na die we al dey

  3. Thank God we are not prone to natural disasters in Nigeria because the discovery efforts will be zilch. Ordinarily, when it rains heavily, all the drains and roads are blocked and flooded. If we can’t sort that, then we have no hope if an earthquake or tsunami hits. My friend just told me that his mum-in-law is on the coast of Chile and the tsunami is on its way there. I hope she gets out safely! Sad for the Japs.

  4. now all the Nigerians in Japan will be trying to come home.
    i feel sad for all the japanese people though, extremely sad.

  5. political unrest, natural disasters, etc etc, these r signs of the end times..Jesus is coming soon!!

  6. Let us pray for them,now it is Japan,where will it be tomorrow?It could be next where we think is safe.Let's pray and start contributing our own by lessning the threats of global warming.

  7. ^^^^^
    google may 21st 2011 everyone and prepare
    cant say you were not warned!!!!!

  8. Anon March 12, 2011 3:59 PM; no one knows the date, only God. Year 2K was meant to be one of those world ending years but what happened? We are still here!!! Thanks God.

  9. anon March 12 3:59PM; Only God can say when this World we are living is going to come to an end, there are some issues being opened up to us by God while some are concealed to us in which only God knows.
    Though, we hv seen some minor signs of the last hour but we are yet to see the Major sign like the arrival of false Prophet (Dhajjal with logo 666), the heavy Earthquake that is going to strike the world in which it's going to claim the 2/3rd of world population and the arrival of Jesus Christ (P.B.U.H).


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