Clarion Chukwura reconciles with ex-hubby, Femi Egyptian | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 5 March 2011

Clarion Chukwura reconciles with ex-hubby, Femi Egyptian

"It is not a rumour. It is true. In fact, I have been a Mrs Femi Oduneye for the past 7years, since 14th February 2004. City people published my traditional marriage ceremony in my home town with pictures then. Yes, we separated on May 5th 2006 but we didn't get a divorce. A year ago, we made up and resolved our differences. He apologized to my family and we made up. It is just that I didn't make the reconciliation public" - Clarion Chukwura to a City People reporter


  1. Linda leave this ashewo alone...stop giving her a voice, i can never be her fan....she is a braggard.

  2. @anonymous 11.20am. your mum's probably an ashewo too. You think it's right to just hide behind your pc and call people names cos they're celebrities

  3. Clarion should learn from experience and keep her marriage our of public glare! he has had on too many! Shina peters, Abiola, now this and others we cant even remeber. if not for anything then for her son Clarence.

  4. Ashewo or no Ashewo I love me some Clarion. This lady is a powerhouse in the acting stakes so hate on her all you like.

  5. She's been around forever though. I like her longevity. Lol!

  6. anon 11:20am, you are an idiot for making that comment. We love clarion regardless of how many husbands she's had. she is a nice woman and when a marriage doesn't work out what she should stay there to avoid the likes of u calling her ashewo abi?

  7. she's lovely but why is she bleaching???shame on her

  8. the bleach hunters have come again...anon 7:47 I am referring to you.

  9. I don't understand why its okay, the guy can get away but the girl or in this case the woman gets named.

    @ the first anonymous She's human and there's no crime having one too many lovers. Just ask your mum

  10. I am happy for her. Good for her. marriage is for better for worse. What God has joined together let no man put asunder.

    All married couples who are separated should be take a cue fromn this.

  11. someone has been eating too much FUFU...Looool.she has put on weight.

  12. You anonymous 11:20, it is either you are an asheweo or armrobber. So choose one.

  13. Na only for Nija that having multiple marriages makes someone an ashawo, so if the marriage doesn't work out, the woman should sign up at the nearest convent and become a nun for the rest of her life? So J-Lo, Elizabeth Taylor, Zaza Gabor, Halle Berry, Nicole Kidman all of them na ashewo? Or this rule doesn't apply to Hollywood actresses? Is Stephanie Okereke or Stella Damasus ashewos?

    You don't have to like the woman but to call her a prostitute is so dead wrong, uncalled for and totally disrespectful to a woman of her age and achievement. I do hope that one day someone calls your mother or sisters a name that you find offensive so you know how it feels you faceless coward hiding behind a computer to throw poison darts at people who are icons, something you will never be in this life or the next.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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