Beauty of the day: Banke Meshida Lawal | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 14 February 2011

Beauty of the day: Banke Meshida Lawal

She's gorgeous...


  1. yea, she is gorgeous and gifted too, i love her eyes

  2. She is truly gorgeous. I like.

  3. how can you say shes gorgeous linda
    now i believe you do this beauty of the day to spite some women
    she looks like a grandma
    pls Banke am not hating o am just saying
    go and lose some weight even if its just for health reasons

    aside that shes a regular beauty just like me hehehe

  4. she is bold and beautiful.

  5. she's just there...

  6. Not pretty at all. Her handiwork = 100%

  7. Well shes pretty but she does have horrible makeup on for a makeup artist and cuz some colours work on others dont mean it works with her ...but in all i think she pretty

  8. I heard she is saucy. Na true?

  9. @anonymous 12:38
    So cause she's on the big side she ain't gorgeous??

  10. yeah,very gorgeous...a full figured beauty.......her husband is one hell of a lucky dude,hope he knws dat

  11. anon:12:38,u re so full of shit.... jst say ure jealous...she is a very beautiful full figured confident, intelligent and hardworking woman and mind u linda does not use beauty of d day 2 spite any body get a life nd stop being a drama queen *(long Hissssssssssssss)

  12. her attitude is one thing i can't stand for sure...unless you are shagaya's relative, she does crappy makeup for her "average" clients and shows up with an attitude. her husband is finer

  13. banke used to be pretty but lately she's been looking worn out. i don't think she's a bauty..maybe a few years ago..yes, but not now.

  14. Naija people haba!!!!!! Everybody must comment.

    Anonymous @4.31. I have been Banke's client for over 10 years now and I really find it amusing when people insinuate that she only does nice make up for people like Bola Shagaya etc... I assume it's because the lady has a high profile and makes sure that she is seen and photographed once she is out and about at social functions/gatherings.

    When you say, she makes the 'Shagaya relative' look good and the 'average' client gets crappy makeup done on their faces, pictures in magazines are evidence that even the lady you make reference to does not always look 'hot' after she has been made up by Banke.

    BM Pro has a price list for their services. She will be silly to treat people differently when dealing with paying customers. A client is a client. As for the end result, no-one said that Banke is a magician, not everyone ends up looking like a million dollars after a makeover.

    The lady is a business woman, and if you look on her fb page you will notice that her main clients are the hundreds of brides, their attendants and brides family members that she does their hair and make up for from Thursday to Saturday, and not the few Nigerian 'celebrities' you refer to. And a very great majority look absolutely stunning and beautiful.

    This is a young lady who has been able to make a good living out of a God given talent, provide employment for many young Nigerians and transform the makeup industry to sheer artistry.

    Banke did not ask me to come to her defence, but it is not fair when we sometimes are not objective in our comments about people.

    Linda put Banke as 'Beauty of the day'. It is her opinion, we are all entitled to say, yes, she fine, or no she no fine like others have done. But when we start mentioning things that do not correlate with the article, one wonders.....

    And yes, Lanre is very hot........and he is Banke's husband.

    1. Based on my comments you will know that it is not Banke commenting as it will be foolish of her to mention that not every client looks like a million dollars after a makeover.

    2. I will be a coward and not identify myself.

    3. If you feel my comment is too long......sorry, but too bad.

  15. NIGERIA is a country full of alot of HATE it is actually very very very sad and it is only goin to get worse over time ....were all the comments about her bizness & personal life even necessary?

  16. solaye stop drinking panadol for bankes headache
    I said shes a reular beauty like me
    is English your problem
    dude you better dont burst a vein
    shes young and she does need to lose weight for health reasons
    I never said she wasnt hardworking

  17. Lol..anon 7:53PM has to be none other but Banke herself...othewise, it's even sadder if it's someone else using panadol over banke's migrane. I hope it's BMPro cos if na random voltron, then u have yeye time on ur hands and u should perhaps go start some pure water business to keep you busy

  18. SMH @ negative comments... Either way, Banke did my wife's make up on the day of our trad, and as flawless as my wife looks already, Banke took out the stress from her having to do any makeup herself that day, thus making my wife happy, and consequently making me happy...

    So as far as her ability to deliver goes, she didn't dissapoint.

    As to her feeling her husband is all that and a bag of chips, well, she had better, what kind of wife would she be if she considered her husband to be below average?

    People u've really gots to chil with the hate...

  19. health is now the new way to insult fat people. not every fat person is obese especially when they are not MORBIDLY OBESE. there is something called BMI. so if you don't know someone's BMI and think that the info hollywood gives you is the truth, then i suggest you shut that eba hole and pick up a book on body types, nutrition and SELF ESTEEM. it would do you some good.

  20. @ Annonymous 7.53 pm, I agree with you people should comment on the topic, not her personal life or business. But pls since you have been Banke's client for over 10 yrs, can you pls tell me how much she charges for wedding, I have my wedding coming up in December, and would love her to do my make up. I would like her to do it in person as well if that ok. Thanks love

  21. Or Linda love can you help with her price range, also if anyone has her contact details I would appreciate. And Banke is Beautiful!!

  22. I love Banke. She's beautiful.

  23. Banke charges btw 70k-150k for wedding day makeup.

  24. Banke charges btw 70k-150k for wedding day makeup.

  25. AD, your wife must be truly worwor if Banke was all you relied on to make her presentable on ur wedding day.

  26. @anoynymous 10:56 calling someone else's wife wor-wor...

    I don't blame you for having deep rooted hate issues, I would be calling other people's wives ugly if my mother looked like an orangutan too...

  27. Alicia says...

    @ anonymous 8:07 PM can you please stop shouting and causing yourself HBP? what the hell does the comments and opinions here have to do with 160 MILLION PEOPLE?! you better mind yourself.
    so Americans dont criticize their celebrities (socialites) either? abeg, go and siddon for one corner.
    i don't see why you have to say ALL Nigerians are hateful because of 2 comments here. must everyone like everything?
    your comment was out of line, just shut up!

  28. Linda I approve this message!

    Banke rocks.

  29. @ 9.14 - and your immediate assumption is these comments will give Banke a migraine?

    If I understood what you were on about 'random voltron' I would know how to respond to your comment.

    And the pure water business thing at the end of your comments? was that to make people laugh?

  30. She needs to watch her weight she is seriously expanding!

  31. But guys nobody has noticed yet that she is way lighter than she use to be, she use to be chocolaty in complexion o and at a time she wanted to go back to her old figure, if she could be going about every week and she still has this mass of flesh? Omo wahala dey. Her husband is cute and humble though.

  32. Awww, She's pretty, she has a certain twinkle in her eyes that I love.

  33. anon 9:12,scared of using ur name ...iranu,i must comment goatie

  34. Lets learn to appreciate people and not to criticize them. Please.

  35. Talent yes! Gorgy...not so much, she is not ugly but she's aight!

    She cant dress for shit and if I see that damned flower in her hair one more time...i might faint!

    Georgeous loun loun....I beggi!

    Im not a hater o! I recognize that she turns beasts into beauties! God bless her for that....NEXT

  36. 1. Banke as a beauty is Linda's opinion.
    2. Banke is just ok, and yes she's too fat for her age-33 and career.
    3. She's not fairer than she was, that was 'camera trick'.
    4. She's got attitude problem hence the hate. E.g looking down on brides with unpopular names, and sending her girls to attend to them! And then hating other makeup artistes once they become popular.
    5. Her makeup applications are similar. Same looks for everyone.
    6. Finally, Banke needs a humble attitude, flexibility at work and a trimmer look!!!

  37. seriously if you've met her you'lld know she's the coolest person you can ever meet,but i think it gets to her at times,heard from a friend who works with her thatshe pays her makeup artists 15k which i feel is sheer wickedness considering the amount she gets,she can be nice when she wants to be,she has this funny way of looking @ people,all the same she's pretty but the weight's the problem tho

  38. I think she looks good and fit for a bold woman..I'm a makeup artist and I know how difficult the job is...we make you up according to what you can afford or willing to pay.of cuz if I pay 100k I don't expect the person that pays 50k to look finer.

  39. I don't think she charges less than a 100k. Banke's work is good. But she's over hyped I love the BMPro range tho. And yes we are allowed to criticize our celebrities... She is one right?

  40. I have an immense respect and admiration for Banke Meshida.
    She's absolutely Gorgeous and very humble.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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