Advert for Rihanna's new perfume Reb'l Fluer | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday 12 February 2011

Advert for Rihanna's new perfume Reb'l Fluer


  1. Probably nice smelling perfume, but lousy name. Whose gonna remember the name they gave it?

  2. I had to fast forward the whole thing.. complete yawn fest.

  3. shame on local championzzz like you Anon 3.31PM
    whats is so hard about the name ? Reb'l Fluer
    aint nothang wrong wid d name hommie .....

  4. It scared me a bit especially all the hands covering her eyes at the end! Scary and somewhat sensual!!

  5. OK, I give this one to Rihanna!

  6. what a hell was dat?

  7. Why is it that long and slow. Just drags on and on. Pshew, the girl is even annoying me sef. Bad feeld so good, good feels so bad. pshew. I'm angry (lol) :p

  8. sharappppppp dere all yu HATERS

  9. Love the ad. Edited to 30 seconds would be better though.

  10. @Anon 8:32 Unnecessary use of the word "hater" again. Did anyone insult o. These are opinions, which means they are personal and everyone is entitled to one. So how is it hating if you just don't like it.
    & what's hard about pronouncing reb'l fleur?

  11. @ Anon February 12, 2011 6:51 PM. U hella dumb, U know nothing :) There's everything wrong with the name. Teenagers are the target Market for the product. Whats the use of a fancy name which more than 60% of her target Market worldwide, including none English speaking countries, could potentially have problem remembering when they walk into a shop? Lesson # 1: Make it easy for you potential customers to remember the name of your product or service - - a name that anyone, anywhere (who could be a customer) can SPELL (easily) - without (effort) having to "try" and remember. Kiddo, u understand what I mean? Lol.

  12. I love my chance by channel, i love my ck euphoria and i love my cartier scents. pls let a musician remain a musician, kilode gan?

  13. Abeg e i like the ad....For those who don't like it, take a look at the Unbreakable commercial by Khloe Kadarshian (sp?) and Lamar Odom and u will appreciate this one more.

    This at least had somewhat of a storyline.

  14. I HATE IT, I HATE IT, I HATE IT!!! And to those who think i'm hating then follow the link and shine your eye:

  15. Linda have you heard of the illumaniti which Rihanna is said to be a part of? it has been a hot topic on gossip blogs... apparently she sold her soul to the Devil! personally i think there is alot of truth to it which is evident in Rihanna's current the transformation from her early music like Pon de replay..i know people will argue that she has grown and her music has grown with her...that she is being creative and "edgy"...that those who believe she is part of the illuminati or that the illuminati exist in the first place are reading too much into it but i am not one to just be supersticious! that advert is full of subliminal messages...these days the constant themes in her music are rebellion and sex! she even called her perfume "REBELLIOUS FLOWER"! she turned into a sex symbol! This can't just be her taking a different direction with her music! This can't just be her being "edgy"!

  16. @9nice thanks for the link! there are alot of videos about this on youtube! a guy called THEFORUNNER777 breaks down music videos amazingly! its so eye opening! when i saw that add i was like "there she goes again!"

  17. @9nice that link is invaluable thanks

  18. Is this an ad or a movie??? Mehn, America tire me o. Their advertising tactics are just so without content these days.
    I guess it cud happen if justin bieber earphones r going for $200.00

  19. hahahahahah at the illuminati and the people reading that crock of shit from that link so full of crazy I cannot even begin to start laughing.


    gullible people.

    anyways I'm no fan and will definitely not buy her perfume (nor her album!)

  20. anon 10.10
    you need to wake up
    you are the gullible one
    I have been reading VC and watching the forerunner chronicles youtube for years and they are so on point.
    I think you should be open minded and do your own research
    one thing I know these artistes will do anything for the limelight esp lady gaga do a little bit of research on the spooky vids that are reigning in the music industry lately.
    Then you know all these gullible people know something You dont

    Open your eyes,your heart and your BRAIN

  21. i think this topic scares people, some can't imagine not being able to listen to it when they learn/accept the truth abt it! given that this music is everywhere its in our everyday lives...go to a store and its being filtered through the name it! i agree with you anon people need to be open minded and do research or in this day and age you won't recognise yourself! you values will go down the drain without ur consent

  22. every celebrity must have a perf ehn?

    @anonymous feb 12, just because you can pronounce the name, it means everybody must?..nigerians!

    how many of nigerian names can you say without biting your tongue? abegggiiii!, go siddon o jare!



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