How can you tell when a man has had penis enlargement? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 4 January 2011

How can you tell when a man has had penis enlargement?

Ha, mo gbe....what kind of a question is this ke?

Hey Ms Ikeji, quick question for your readers. How can you tell when a man has had penis enlargement? My boyfriend of almost two years recently returned from Switzerland on a business trip and I noticed his jank is almost twice the size it was before. The sex is different these days, a little uncomfortable. He added a bit of weight, but can weight increase a man's penis? I think he had surgery, and I don't like his current size. Can I discuss this with him?

Ha ha ha!
Whoever sent this email is probably just messing with me...or us...because seriously?...
Anyway, if you care to answer, let her know what you think...because me, I casin't understand...


  1. *jaw-drop*...then...laughing so hard......i dunno oo!


    hahahaaaa...i just can't help laughing o.

  2. hahahahaha..........Linda did the person also send the graph????
    I hope she finds her answer. I have no idea.
    Happy new year Linda. Your blog is one of my favourite past times during office

  3. Penile enlargement is possible, but would require a pump @ point of performance to be fully functional.

    A flaccid penis becomes erect when blood flows into it, there's no surgery that can replicate the flow of blood required to have an erection.

    What prolly happened in this case is the lady has a) not had sex in his absence so her vaginal muscles have tightened or has had sex with smaller/less endowed men, so his larger size has some difficulty entering, the vagina is elastic afterall...

  4. so penile enlargement really works?? i see all the commercials and find them too fantastic to believe..what is the science behind a grown adult male growing more inches there?? can someone explain it behooves me??

  5. linda which one u like the first penis or the last one?

  6. i dont know how 2 tell but she shd b happy abt it cos most relationship and marriage has broken down cos of small dick,wish my ex did it,wld have nt left him,cant stand small dick,gosh

  7. weaker erections is prob a sign of PE...not as safe as it sounds...make them just acept fate..a third leg is a winner.....everytime!

  8. lwkm4h!!

    By the way, weight gain & penile increase is not directly proportional oh!
    Mek she check d guy wella!!

  9. Linda, what does "casin't" stand for?
    I don't get it. Joke: Have you had a chit-chat with the Lame dame? I no know book ooo!

  10. The lady should calm down, linda, tell the lady that the orifice will adapt to the increase in the linear expansivity of the trouserius erectus over time. It is a blessing in disguise. LOL

  11. Can you tell if a woman had boob enlargement or vaginal rejuvenation?

  12. Penis small, women complain. Penis big, women complain. There's no pleasing women. Tell the lady that instead of moaning she should go to church and give testimony and love offering. Smh.

  13. My babe complains of my natural largeness.I am thinking of reducing it.Any clue linda?

  14. There are additionally common systems that you can consider however once more, get some information about it first. pearly penile papules removal cost

  15. I believe that sex is crucial to a relationship, and the thought of having a relationship without an active sex life scares me. When you can't feel anything during the act, that's a problem.So male enhancement is very important.

  16. I believe that sex is crucial to a relationship, and the thought of having a relationship without an active sex life scares me. When you can't feel anything during the act, that's a problem.So male enhancement very important.


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