What should we do about comments on this blog? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 13 December 2010

What should we do about comments on this blog?

Should I censor them more or...? I'm beginning to think it's kinda getting out of hand. The reason I upload most comments is because I understand the importance of giving everyone the opportunity to air their opinions. We obviously can't all agree on a matter and the diversity is what makes a blog like this more interesting. But I'm beginning to think maybe I'm allowing too much negativity on here.

Should I censor more or leave it just the way it is?


  1. yes please censor negative comments that actually don't make sense or sound right..some people are so bitter that all they do is complain.

  2. I think when it deals with non celebs like that Nicole girl yes it should be censored. She did not sign up for it. But on American blogs, the president gets talked about, so does Oprah and any other famous person. It is what it is. However I think you should wither censor comments for non celebs or not put them on your blog. They did not sign up for such.

  3. its quite simple!
    Censor your comments and your blog loses its appeal.

  4. Greetings i think u shud censor it cus some of us need to know how 2 air our opinion or view in a Blog.i quite understand u cus we were raised in diff enviroments with diff exposure but then abusive words or rudeness is never a welcom idea 4 a better 2morrow cheers..

  5. no...what is the purpose in having blog where freedom of speech is not allowed? DO NOT CENSOR.. The day anybody poses for a camera at a public event, is the day they sell their rights to the public.

  6. I agree with Dith @ 8:37pm.

    I visit your blog often mainly because you don't censor your comments.

    It's bad enough that you give some peeps preferential treatments on your blog like D'Banj and other Mohits mofos, while eagerly posting pics & bad bele stories about Toni Payne, 9ice and now Killz.

  7. Oh was wondering why u were asking.
    The Naeto C guy's post!

    Well um 2 be honest! Maybe a little in instances like that but seriously people are entitled their opinions.

    The war on that post started from an individual stating she/he/it didn't think d babe was model material or something like that.

    I didn't think that was spiteful at all. its that person's opinion & if I were Nicole, it wouldn't matter to me because i am already modeling anyway but then some folks jumped on board calling the person a hater and juvie ish like that, right then & there I foresaw nastiness written all over that post.

    People r entitled to their opinions and really if ur on someone else's blog, u really shouldn't be expecting everyone 2 sing praises abt u.
    However the part abt her family sha, I didn't quite get. What did that hv 2 do with anything?


    But anyway jst my 2cents

  8. @Anonymous 8:37pm don't you think the poor nicole girl will be offended. you just called her a non celeb even though she is a model and is dating naeto c. na wa.

    anyhow, linda please do whatever you like. it is your blog.

  9. I don't think it is professional to ask commentators such a question. Ask journalists or attend workshops on on-line journalism etc.

    Nevertheless, you should know that offensive comments should be censored unless you want to risk libel and so forth.

  10. I think you should censor, the Naeto nd Nicole bashing is abit excessive.

  11. Yes Linda censor vulgar language like F' H' B' A' P' C' words. Though i use it too but thats becoz there are too many immature people who cant stand your opinion hence throwing tantrums at you like 5fth grade pupils. But then only censor comments that are totally senseless if not you will take the sweet out of this blog. The name is Fiercely!

  12. @3gbosa...it's unprofessional to ask? lol...blogging is professional i guess?

  13. I have mixed feelings about it. Ok, if the abuse or insult is too personal, where it's just plain stupid, censor it. Like if the comment is directly at you, and it's just rude, censor it please.

    But the rawness makes it more fun and appealing. I don't like when bloggers only leave the positive comments on there, where is the authenticity?

    Honestly, I have a good laugh sometimes reading the comments.

  14. @9:07 I did not mean it like that. Someone like Jay-z if people talk about his looks he is a rapper he put himself out there and it comes with the territory. I have not seen this girl around on blogs before. So she is not a well know public personality I mean. And she is not used to such negativity then.

  15. censor the totally gross comments... but u cant censor somethin just because it mite offend some ppl.... censor the ones with too many cuss words and obvious plan to just upset viewers but u cant just censor an opinion.... but its hard to kno which is an opinion and which is not but if u over censor u lose readers...i think u have been doin well so far...

  16. do not censor o......

  17. This is Blog, I didnt think any one accessing blogs pages are below 18-. I dont see the need for you to censor any negativity here. We are all matured mine. Lets talk about SEX and educates ourselves once more. African should learn about that not hypocritical many things but at last, we carry the world record hold of AIDS and his sister HIV. But how come upon all censoring? Answer! (*_*)

  18. U NEED to censor comments Linda....not like u shld censor every negative comment(cos doing that will make ur blog lose its appeal) but some are really vile and offensive and shldnt see the light of day!
    Too much negativity oozes from blogs these days,I'm particularly sad abt the Nicole story. What I find disturbing is the fact that pple could go to the extent of bashing her family,refering to the osu caste system e.t.c not becos of her attitude or personality but simply cos she wears primark sandals.
    P.S....shout-out to the pple who insult others on blogs even when its totally uncalled for;it'll pay u more if u used the energy to tell urself the truth abt urself instead of hating on pple that are not aware of ur existence!
    And to you Linda....u need to watch the adjectives you use to describe pple...most times that's what fuels the negativity

  19. Don't censor jare! Thats the whole point of a blog- to allow pple express themselves....Once you are a celeb pple will not stop talking about you...sometimes good and other times bad...it comes with the job...abeg if this place gets drrrrry na you know ooo!

  20. It's your blog LINDA, why ask us hum?

    You didn't take the complains of some of your commenters into consideration when they complained about the new template, so why are asking us now?

    You might not give me an answer ....or decide to publish this comment...but the truth need to be told.....THE BALL IS IN YOUR COURT!


    So sistah, make the decision yourself! kapesh?

  21. regardless of how the comments started, i don't think you should censor it, most people on here are adults and should know better

  22. I think censoring would take the fun out of your blog. It's nice to read different views. So you basically want Yes-men who would come and say "She's fine" "She's pretty" "She's lovely" to every picture you post. How boring it would be if we all had the same opinions!

  23. Dont censor....except the comments are extremely crass and abusive i.e. name calling or slanderous
    However, as Nitty said...its your decision!

  24. Do not Censor.

    If anyone poses for a picture at events should expect some negativity & bashing. I'm yet to read the Nicole story though(I wonder who she is anyway), the nastier the tastier! LMAO.

    Freedom of Speech in Blogsville.

  25. I saw all those hateful comments and they were so painful. However, you have to decide what you want- frequent visitors or happy people. I think all comments should be allowed because that's what causes traffic here. That's the only reason I visited. It's left for people to exercise reason and empathy. I have never let myself be photographer for a site or blog for this very reason. Therefore, anyone that does allow it, does so at their own risk. They should just endure and ignore negative comments. People will always have bad things to chat.

  26. To be honest it's a blog. why censor it? most people read it for the comments.You censor it, It loses its appeal. You din't censor it when you had the pastor's story and there was a lot of controversy. I respect your stance but if you want to have double standards then......

  27. Linda..we don't want your blog to become all Bella9ja on us..way too sanitized..we dare not say anything to offend bella's friends..not even constructive criticism..
    Anyways..certain valid personal insults can be tolerated btw two adults..we all grown folk here..but when folks's parents and siblings are dragged in that's a no no!!..

  28. it is your blog, do what you want with it, you can choose to make it controversial or not. I had a simialr issue on my blog and I didn't have to ask the public how to manage my blog.

    BTW, you have just brought the issue back to light, you shoiuld have just closed the chapter.

    I love your blog though, It is fast becoming a Nigerian treat.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Linda, presently i am sure there is a measure of censorship on your blog?
    Please do not deviate from that level.
    anything more will make the blog lose its appeal.
    Afterall, people have come here to insult you and you still post those comments.Whoever died from words typed by an anonymous person?
    Anyone too worried about such needs help.
    Don't be Bellanaija o!
    The sanity there is irritating.

  31. Hi Linda

    I think it is a bit unfair to be asking us whether you should censor your the comments in your blog; you did not listen to us when we complained about the new layout, so why asking us now about censoring? It is your own decision to make but one of the reasons I view your blog is because of the comments- I like to contribute to debates on your articles but if you censor your comments, you can consider me a goner from your blog.

  32. Hmmmn kinda tough question..I say censor when the comments get excessively insulting. I mean, I know there's free speech and all but some folks get way out of line..especially since they get to do it anonymously..

  33. haha this is funny..but i'm the wrong person to comment cuz u know why.. lol!

  34. Please do not censor nothing,the negativity is what Nigeria as a Nation is all about but people fail to realize how deep negativity has eaten into Nigeria as a country,i keep saying that we are the most negative people in the world but all people say is that statistic has it that we are the happiest. Negativity comes out of extreme sadness and dissatisfaction with oneself...what i advise you do is leave these opinions and conduct on a regular basis a statistic of the negative and positive comments by bloggers and then from time to time,write articles about how negativity has destroyed Nigeria a great deal and have your statistics to compliment your article.We are indeed a bitter and decadent nation,only a constant reminder of the consequences of our negativity will impact our sense of reasoning and change our way of life,starting from your bloggers.

  35. Please don't do that. Part of the allure of your blog is reading the diverse opinions of your readers. I won't bother looking through the comments if I knew I would see a homogeneous view typed with different words.


  36. Big head, sorry,.....I mean,... very, very, very, very senior, senior sister Linda...If you dare sensor my comments, I will not hesitate to have you arrested and jailed for a long, long time. I mean it :)

    PS, how can you sensor me on my own blog, Linda? For your information, I own this blog :)

    I'm jokingggggggggggggggg :)

  37. Linda I KNOW you will not publish this, Most times I have sent comments abt ur that were vile, bad and negative and u neva publish them meaning that those comments hurt you, but you are quick to publish negative comments abt others. You are obviously enjoying this and stop asking us.
    Look within and act as the spirit leads.
    Always ask ur self if u were the person been dissected like that whether u will like it.
    You allow cyber bullies to over take your blog, making it crass and razz, u cant see this kind of comments on Bella Naija, ur blog is a product of who u are if u don't enjoy such, weren't u the first to publish and upload pixs of Ikechukwu fracas wit the bouncer. Check yourself before u reck ur self. U wouldn't publish dis but I am satisfied that u read it.

  38. Linda, You are a CEO. Please use your discretion. A church is made up of both the righteous and sinners. The beauty of any blog lies on the unalloyed and virgin opinions of contributors. Different levels of exposure, education , choice, experience etc, all put together shapes our perception which further influences our utterances.. Magazine is magazin and blog is blog...... By the way celebrities like to be talked about, it fuels them . In fact some celebrities go to the extent of staging publicity staunt. Blog is for mature audience so why censor. ....... you know when a young girl marries a rich Man , they say she married him cos of money and when that same Girl warries a poor guy they say which kain lov be this , you want to finish your life wit poverty. People's opinion differ and thats the colour of blog

  39. Gosh the post about Nicole has just become a war zone, abeg topics that are irrelevant to the post or bash people's families should be censored abeg! Linda put yourself in her shoes, how would you feel if you read all that stuff about you!
    Women, we are own worst enemy!

  40. Pls sensor hateful comments! Bella naija clearly does and her blog has lost NONE of its appeal. Its your space so you can do what you like with it really. Good job Linda :)

  41. hmmm! after seeing dis, i just ran through d naeto c and nichole's comments and wondered y such hate came about? hmmm! wat can i say? well linda, these are some of the things u should expect when u decide to create a blog. it shouldn't be new to u. it's a responsibility u must shoulder. people have different minds, different backgrounds, different opinions. some sickening, some wonderful, some wise, some foolish. In the actual sense, its up to u howeva u want to handle ur blog.

  42. first time reader, first time commenter...
    had to come here to view the "hating" myself and while i admit to be a bit shocked at the depth of the vitriol on here, fact remains is that there will always be people that hate for ANY reason.
    keep your blog open. let the haters hate.
    if someone actually commits suicide over what a cowardly blogger wrote about them, they we may revisit the issue.

  43. This is simple... This is one of those instances in life when you have to live in the world but not be of the world. Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.

    Once ur blog becomes a forum to riducule and bully members of society your blog is being used as a vessel of negativity.

    I like your blog, you try, dont let them spoil it or drag your name timt.

    Use your discretion when censoring. 99.9% of the time common sense will help.
    100% God will.

    There is freedom of expression in the USA. But Barack had to censor the burning of a holy book.....R u getting my drift?

  44. no you can't censor jare...nicole follow Naeto.C, wetin she expecT? Plus you lose authenticiy when you censor...even you the owner, you've taken heat really well and one cannot but give you your kudos for that.

  45. Anyway, if this Naeto C matter cause this censor debate, then i must say yeah, Nicole and her friends did her in...yeah when you come and voltron yourself on the internet,be prepared to take and suck up the heat

  46. Linda,

    Use your best judgement. On one hand, there are comments that may need to be censored such as comments that advocate violence, criminal activity, are defamaotry, or profane. On the other hand, censorship may be inappropriate when the subject matter is part of the public domain such as issues that plague the society, i.e., undisciplined police force, criminal activity, or celebrities.

    Ultimately, Linda, it is your blog and your decision. I will say this: unlike that other blog known as Bella Naija, I like your blog because you do not overly censor comments and your blog seems down to earth instead of trying to be extra and giving a contrived view of Nigeria.

  47. i think you should leave it how it is u can have profane language censored though but upload every comment it makes people appreciate the blog and blogger -pk

  48. Like everything else in life,moderation is needed.The comments on Nicole's post were very spiteful and disgusting.People need to know how to leave comments in a non abusive manner.We dont have to agree but let us be decent about things. A comment about a primark sandals is okay but when people start bringing in familiy ish and printing names of people that they think are responsible for the insults that is a no no.They even went as far as posting someone's facebook page and she was not even mentioned in the original post. You should moderate comments that have nothing directly to do with the post. Bella Naija moderates comments and is still the number one blog, i dont think it will take away from your blog.People will still come to read your juicy gossip regardless of comment moderation. We forget these people are human beings.Some of us are saying leave the comments, but really,how many of us can stomach such insults?I know me i will crumble inside!
    It may be the norm for gossip sites but that doesn't make it right.Be the change you want to see in the world.

    Pls remind me to dodge from camera people in Nigeria.

    Dont go against what is right because of monetary gains!
    Linda,i know you will do what is right

  49. @ anonymous 11:55pm. You regard what people write here as debate? More like HATRED.People dont even comment here except it is controversial.

  50. I'm sorry Linda...u censor it and it lose. it taste..reason I come here is coz some of the comments make me laugh esp those bitter people full of hate making no sense...I think ur problem is u taking some of this comment to heart or too personal...Linda the moment u decided to become a blogger, u automatically gave people the right to write as they plis on ur blog...u wanna be recognised...no censoring....thicken ur skin some more to all this bad belle comments.....they actually make ur blog interesting...I have a maters in english language and Literature...am telling u....u censor, it will lostt it takes...Negavity makes the media interesting!!!

  51. please censor the negative ignorant comment...your blog lost appeal to me because the comments were too negative...freedom of speech is ok but nobody like a 'debbie downer'and there are too many here....a little snark is ok, maybe even funny but downright 'bad belle' is ugly...just my 2 cents...

  52. i cosign with Dith, if you censor, your blog would lose its appeal and become a site for kumbayahs and ass kissing. you ku ku know say i be the number one offender. the reason why we love your blog? FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. if you get rid of that, you get rid of the majority of us. nobody likes to be shut down regardless of the reason.
    its a simple as ABC.

  53. honestly i have always considered ur blog very sane...commenters are really not abusive, and maintain a lot of decorum...Nigerians are generally raised to be respectful..and i have noticed that yr bloggers simply speak their mind either for the good or bad..and i dont get the sense that ppl go out of their way to be venomous...free speech shld not be censored but no one shld use swear and curse words

  54. linda , i trust you wont do that.

  55. Linda, please lets allow opposing views on issues that are important and contribute to our growth and also informative to prevail. But, negative, belittling and sometimes insulting comments should not find a place in this your great blog.

  56. The extremely nasty comments should be censored!! Thanks for asking for our opinion!

  57. Linda, the really mean comments should be censored.The anonymity of the internet make so many spineless people spew out hate when there should be non. If Naeto C chose to showcase his new girlfriend at a public event, they both should expect comments.Linda...you started it all by calling her smoking hot!na dat one pain haters.

  58. Whatever you do Linda, Put a Disclaimer on some of those comments. I think people really did go too far in some cases. P.S There's some bloodthirsty peeps out there!! Talk about eating flesh!!!!

  59. Hi Linda,
    It your blog and you can lay down some ground rules and put it up on the sidebar so that people know exactly which kind of comments will be deleted.

  60. yes. i think so..the negativity is too much.. it would make people reason before they post.

    An opinion can be aired without being malicious or foul

  61. well, when i read the nicole&neato c post & all it's comments i thought to myself, ''If Linda posted this then what did she censor?'' Things like the whole Osu thing should have been censcored. Its your blog.My advice is that you have a standard, no ass kissing, no partiality etc.
    Because someone commented that you show favouritism to some celebrity. All in all, Good luck.

  62. Linda. You have a sister on here right? Ive seen a post about your sister. I just want to ask you how you would feel if people here say hurtful things about your sister,comparing her to an animal, your family, her boyfriend, her ex, your father, your mother, even her friends, just like as they have done to this innocent girl. This is getting ridiculous and is plain abuse but of course it brings you more viewers, how dare we get in the way of that. You think about that and answer the question yourself! I expected more from you. But then again class is class, that is how Bella Naija got to oprah and CNN. You wont get there like.

  63. All those people comparing Linda to Bella Naija should shut the Fuck up!! Yes I said fuck...I don't visit bella naija anymore just so hypocritical and unreal...every comment there is possitive even when it shouldn't...they world isn't all roses and Daisy.s..I guess the only reason she gets recognised its due to the blog decoration and format...Linda u are doing Good my dear...I'm not Nigerian and from Houston Texas a nigerian friend introduce me to ur blog in 08 and am stuck...even my American friends...all of u talking abt censoring are sick...media is only place where people can say as they plis coz pretty much most of those people may never meet in real life...if u want something nice and censored Get off the net and read the Bible...Linda u censor, u will loose losts of ur readers...if You can't take the heat get out of the Kitchen!!!

  64. Please censor the comments. Some people take delight in throwing insults at people for no reason at all. Your site is fast becoming a war of words zone where people come to show just how far they can go with insults. This is not nice at all.

    There are ways of criticising constructively without insulting people. On Bella Naija's blog, people still manage to criticise without making it look like they have something personal against others....

  65. Barack who stopped whom from burning a what?

    Lol. Dude didn't go through with the Qur'an burning because he was induced with lots of offers, including a free car if he did not go through with it...

  66. you don't have to censor it. Everyone has got freedom of expression. Afterall, it aint you that passing the comment, its someone else. these comments makes the blog interesting.

  67. Linda,

    All the major blogging sites Huffington post and all censor. but let it be for legitimate reasons not because your friends was not praised.

    Look at Bella Naija just because i said i did not like the Anchor Baby movie their site had been promoting my comments were censored. That movie was horrible and i need my N500 change.

  68. Divalicious Damie14 December 2010 at 11:16

    lol...linda linda so y do u have a blog if we cant leave our comments ehn? ok you know what, try to censor comments for a week and see what happens, if your followers reduce then you know the answer, but for those that leave unhealthy comments, why not have your own blog so you can put your comments and allow us to enjoy linda ikejis's blog abi

  69. no, please leave it as it is, everyone is entitled 2 their opinion.

  70. Like u said Linda everyone is entitled to their opinion and ur blog is like a discussion point where people just talk about things...so censoring and allowing only that which sounds right to you might end up in people not coming to ur blog again as all the people there are of just one opinion....i must admit i have learnt a lot from other peoples ideas and comments and have also contributed to a discussion....me some times i just love hating....(its kinnda my past time thingy) but that doesnt mean i am serious half the time i am dissing people...celebrities especially. so please consider it properly....and one of the things i noticed when i started reading ur blog is that u even publishg comements of people that diss u....lol....thats what publishing is all about showing everything...anyway i hope i have made sense sha....make i go work...cheers

  71. linda, i like the fact that used WE when u wanted to write the title it shows how involved u r with people,i guess we r all not the same, some think d best way is say negatve things even when the response should be positive, to me the ball is in ur court, if u think response is alright, publish it, if otherwise dont publish maybe this will send the right message to them people.

  72. Do not censor please. This blog is sort of like our naija YBF and one of the reasons why many people flock here is the comments section. Celebs/People featured should not take it seriously. It comes with the territory.







  74. Linda, jen ba e so otito oro: da day u start censoring the comments is the day ur blog starts loosing its appeal. that's just the basic truth! Even daily mails, us magazines and some other websites like that don't censor comments. Attack on Prince Charles & Camilla by protestants/ Prince Willaims & Kate Middleton's engagement/President's Obama christmas party etc got some nasty comments online that were not censored. Celebrities/public office holders & their family are public properties. It's even bettter here in Nigeria; it's worse in Abroard. they would use the opportunity to dig up buried family issues. I think what u can do is not accept comments on issues that u feel...and daily mail only do that on stories that have to do with the court (legal issues. But I'm telling u start censsoring the comment, loose some followers. Some will not even bother to read comments

  75. Nicole for no date Naeto C if she no want make dem taalk about am

  76. I just read through the Nicole & Nnaeto C post. think you should censor some of these comments, especially when it pertains to name calling.

    i wonder why you are asking this question, its only common sense, you have a responsibility to some of the people you post their pictures here. i am so sure you do not have rights to them. Kindly keep things reasonable.

  77. Ade-Cool, you are so right. I stopped visiting BellaNaija bcos of that. Everything one posts get deleted. I wonder how they would post pictures and expect everyone to think the same way about them. How stupid is that!!

  78. Linda, what should you do?

    You, my dear need to get a life!

    ITS OBVIOUS you are enjoying all the mad 'love' shown to Naeto and Nicole remember Karma is a bitch and it will hit you hard! Wat you think is just fun and games will bite you so hard....
    You better wise up and wake up!!!

  79. Linda, do not. I actually dislike the haters but if anyone lives, people will talk about you;good or bad.

    If you censor it, what do you think media houses thrive on? What is most important is that you are concerned.

    Good job.

    P.S: Linda, you need to step it up, do something bigger. Your blog is fantastic by the way.

  80. Since you claim to be a journalist i think it is wise for you to let people leave whatever comments they want to leave

  81. Of course you should edit comments on your blog.

  82. Linda please don't censor anything. Some of us need to laugh. I love your blog! :)

  83. Noooo! Don't censor please! Think about it, whenever people read a blog/tabloid, the next thing they want to read are the comments. It adds that extra spice. Please don't censor. Thanks.

  84. Linda please please whatever you do, don't censor your comments..
    When you post something controversial, it's bound to create some diverse opinion.
    Now, it is agreed that some people don't know how to control their way of talking but it it the reason they rush to your blog cause they want to be heard.
    Don't deny them that.
    It's where the fun is..
    The bickering and all..

  85. Na wao, this internet censorship thing again! anyways most negative comments on blogs are dropped by anonymous commentators,so take the basic action. Only accept registered blogger's comments.

  86. I think you need to disapprove some comments. Some people are just sad with a low life. They do not see any thing good about other people. They even lack confidence in theirselves, all they do is critise people.

  87. Dont censor its a good feedback channel for people. Look what it did for your wardrobe.:) The truth hurts, even stings but if you yield to it, it will set you free.

    It will also help people balance their issues when they see things from different angles....haters vs lovers

  88. if its not too much for you to handle, why not. Lot of haterz out there... but you can make it more of fun if you add the facebook comment form

    How To Add facebook Comment form to Blogger blog

  89. well linda, i'm a blogger myself, albeit a new one [chiellablog], bt i think it all depends on d purpose of ur havin d blog, but i'll advise you to censor EVERYTHING that goes on in ur blog, to keep ur respect and intergrity. u can add me 2 ur blog lists as i've done you. continue the good work. cheers!

  90. Linda i will ask you one question and based on that u can make your own decision...If after you posted a pic of yourself or your little sister,people started making personal nasty remarks about you,even as far as insulting your parents,would you leave them up ? If you can truly answer that question and be true to who you are,you have your answer ! That is all.

    Hoever personally,i dont think she looks like a model is okay,things like your primark slippers,hook nose all of that is personal and it shouldn't be through your blog that people will come and express their personal beef at the end of the day she didn't ask you to put her picture up,so if you are going to do that u also have to respect her feelings.

  91. personally, hmnn..i dont think you should...dont worry, if you are concerned the people you write about will come crushing your head, well, Nigeria hasnt matured to that extent of bashing bloggers...at leats, not the perez hilton levels...lol...

    i think the fun here is for everyone to air the f*c*ing opinion as they deem fit...taking that way will leave the blog as the regulars...but at the end of the day, 'its still youyr blog' like u say, so, who cares? (:-

  92. out of the 61 polls cast so far, 26 voted that negative comment on this blog shld not be censor, while 17 voted that negative comment shld be cencored and 18 voters decided to sit on the fence between yes and no. so, as the electoral commissional of this blog(even wen nobody send me)i here by declared that negative comments watsoever on dis blog should not be censord. any body who feel otherwise is free to tender his/her case b4 the electoral tribunal that would be st up on the 21st march,2070. I RISE

  93. Linda,I come to this blog daily for info and I get alot of it.

    most of those comments are really really uncalled for.
    I have also always admired your putting them up and not replying them.

    Truly,you inspire me with that. whatever you decide,I will still come here.

    so,like always please DO YOU!

  94. do not censor!!!

  95. It's really up to you, Linda. How do you want your blog to be? Do you want something that would serve as a free for all where anyone can come say anything regardless of how mean, spiteful and relevant it is to the topic, or do you want something where people are free to air their opinions in a civilized manner?

    Don't create an outlet for people with a different agenda. Besides, what's the point of moderating comments when you pretty much let everything through? If it's not relevant to the topic and adds nothing to the discussion other than to tear someone down, why let it through?

    You already know the right thing to do.

  96. You should not let the comments get to you....but you should censor the comments that are just downright hateful and insulting....anyways, do what you desire but if you censor too much, your blog might loose its appeal....don't over do it if you are going to take that decision.

  97. this has to do with naeto C and nicole C doesn't it? hahaha! the commentators with negative feedback were very burnt. Yarning all kinds of gibberish about Primark and ish.

    I say leave the comments, let them continue making a fool out of themselves!

  98. Nne, Censor and you loose the diversity in opinions. Unless the comments are a direct attack on the vulnerableor very vulgar. Nne use your discretion.

    It makes it more interesting to actually read people's thought process on various issues, the educated and uneducated alike....

    I say remove only if it is 'without a doubt' degrading or a direct attack...with very bad language...in fact only censor/block any bad languange, so that the person knows language like that will be deleted/not tolerated and release rest of the comment.

    Set your standards without chasing everyne away...feel me?

    My humble opionion, my namesake:)

  99. Censor all the negative comments!!
    All the people saying they wont visit your blog if you censor comments are lying. They will still visit your blog, where else would they go to hear about the latest news in Naija.
    Bella Naija censors comments and most people still go there.





  102. I undertand that people are entitled to their own opinion but after reading some stuff it is clear that people cannot keep their personal isues peronal. Censoring negative comment can only create an illusion that the world is all hunky dory and even if we don't like to admit it, it isn't and we all love a bit of hate now and then. So, I don't think cenoring i the answer(Unles in obscene case ofcourse), but people need to compose themselves instead of hiding behind anonymous

  103. Linda you are not serious at all. Infact I'm not sure you have a good character. I definitely agree with Ebele, you already censor comments. When I've written things to you questioning why you did certain things, you refused to publish. Primarily because they hurt you and you didn't want other people to see you being bashed. Yet you take delight in having that done to others!

  104. I assume you already use your discretion in censoring extremely vile comments. Keep it the way it's been. No need prospering hate.

  105. sweet linda, dont even think about it, dont make ur blog dryyyyyyyyyyyyyy,the moment u start censoring comments, THIS BLOG........will become so dry, let the fire on.i mean we all are 4rm different backgrounds,u dont expect same opnions .cheers

  106. dats why its a blog, ppl ve different opinions .....
    shouldnt censor it, there ll definitly be negative and positive comments....

  107. well, sensor it and u can as well forget about blogging... maybe u can start selling food as a hobby sha

  108. American celeb blogs dont censor. Look at blogs like TMZ and the likes. Though I do agree that some of the things said were kinda hurtful. Celebs know they'll be talked about, which is why MANY celebs in western world never expose their love lives. I wish younger Nigerian "celebs" will take heed to this.
    Dirt is bound to be revealed when you are in the public eye especially in something like entertainment or the crude naija business and political world.
    The comments that were made on that post actually are things that are probably shared by people on a day to day basis.
    Regarding mentioning family members, how many times have we heard about Lebron's mother and other random fam members because of their association with the celebs? It comes with the territory. What about Beyonce's dad who had a baby outside wedlock, we heard everything about it, incl about the random wannabe celeb chic too.

  109. I hope it is not because of my comments. They have been quite benign!!!

  110. Linda, you've done a good enough job so far, continue doing it like you were before. And I don't think you particularly stick to just negative comments about others as has been alleged, you've actually allowed quite hateful comments about yourself go up as well.

    As for ebele who has come to admit she comes to insult you, I say you just continue ignoring bitter/angry people like her and do you

  111. Linda, i think you could let go of adding your comments together with your posted blog on anything, for example. And please allow people's comments to see if there is any difference other than censoring. It is my suggestion...)

  112. I think you should leave it. You got to remember alot of people actually enjoy the comments more than the blog... good or bad. I don't think it is out of control. Go to perezhilton.com and you will see out of control. But his ass doesn't care cos he is laughing all the way to the bank!

  113. hen hen Linda, se u no wan blog again? abi because of Nicole now, we no go enjoy u, ur stories and ur sense of humour again? abeg Linda, leave them and start blogging again o jre. abi wetin sef? since Monday?

  114. // ...the negativity is what Nigeria as a Nation is all about but people fail to realize how deep negativity has eaten into Nigeria as a country..... Negativity comes out of extreme sadness and dissatisfaction with oneself...We are indeed a bitter and decadent nation,only a constant reminder of the consequences of our negativity will impact our sense of reasoning and change our way of life,starting from your bloggers. //

    @Tommy I coulnt agree more!!!

    @ Linda: its your blog and your decision. Ask yourself: "why did I set up this blog" and stick to the reasons you listed!

    Best of luck


    p.s: enjoy this blog;

    you will be shocked at the responses from some Nigerians to something as serious as rape!!!

  115. Linda,
    To censor or not really depends on your mission statement for the blogsite. If it is all about business, then you may end up cutting off those people whose ideas and comments you loathe, but whose patronage you could benefit from in one form or the other. The controversial and 'negative' comments some people make on your blog may actually be one of the reasons people log on. I log on to Nairaland because of the no-holds-barred kind of comments I read there. If indeed you want to sample people's honest opinion about issues, then do not censor. Variety - that is the beauty of life. We all can never be the same, else life will be too boring. But if you just want to host a fancy blogsite where all you get are praises and positive comments, then please start censoring. That will appeal to hypocrites and friends alike.

  116. Hun, people will always have an opinion! do what you feel is right at the end of the day its your blog - dont let anyone stop you from doing what you obviously enjoy doing and you do this blogging thing so well - if its also where u get bread from don't LET THEM TAKE IT AWAY FROM YOU - Be encouraged- You are inspirational - come back I check your blog everyday!

  117. My dear d whole LindaIkeji blog should b censored. As far as i am concerned the entire blog does not speak professionalism in any way. Candid advice, have ur blog restructured, and ensure to deliver quality information not idle gossip or "dem say dem say". Learn from d likes of Bellanaija and Rosemary Kokuhilwa...no hard feelings, tk this as a constructive ctiticism.

  118. Linda pls dont punish us na.....I think we are sorry for all the very bad bad tins we have done...pls post again! I have been coming here for the past 3 days to see if there is a new story and nothing is going on. We r sorry and wont do 'it' again please!

  119. don't censor! let God judge the cowards hiding behind anonymity...Unfortunately, some people have some pretty shitty opinions but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be heard

  120. I just saw this Linda on this thread;
    Comment deleted
    This post has been removed by the author.

    Yes please! Censor the extremely abusive comments.

  121. Alabi Oluwasegun Leo15 December 2010 at 19:39

    Professionally you're to censor all comments, I have advised you on this a couple of time.

  122. Hey Linda, It me! One of your oldest blog readers :) * no kidding*

    I think the comments here are already moderated because they are not visible until you approve them. So any comment that is published has already gone through a form a moderation. Why put another???

    I agree that the Nicole/Naeto C commentary was disturbing but that is not the norm on this blog.

    Some people stated here that Linda should not ask because she didn't "listen to them" when they aired their dislike for the new layout. Linda only asked for your opinion; she did not sign a contract with you saying that she will adopt what you/we suggested. Abi na witch you carry for mouth (or hand, since you are typing)?She is allowed to adopt or ignore any perspective.

    I totally love coming here and hey I dont read every single post but that's just cos of time and my level of interest in the topic.
    Good job anyways!

    Linda Ikeji's blog is a great entertaining /gossip blog. Bella Naija is a great ass-kissing entertainment website. Slightly different areas of specialty so stop the comparison.

  123. While some of the comments on here make me just wonder if its because they are behind a screen tht these pple have the effrontery to say the things they do or if its just general lack of manner I wont lie its part of the reason i come on here. i Think its part of the whole blog experience,comin in contact with people who mke u thnk God or ur level of intelligence its a beautiful thing...ok lemme stop yanning dust ma point is as much as some of the comments annoy me i enjoy the controversy

  124. There are lot of angry, bitter sad people out there that hate their lives, their jobs and anyone that seems to have more fun than them... why should you entertain their pain? You sure as hell should censor some comments... I have a site too... I censor comments and even enter anonymously to whoop their sorry asses with yabis! Low lives! Nobody disrespects me especially in my house! abeg, Linda censor them! Dont mind all those 'free-speech' blabbers! They havent been at that end of the stick yet that why they are saying that!

  125. Linda, I must say that some of the comments you get here are totally crazy but don't do the censoring thing so much that your blog isn't intereting and amusing any more.
    Your blog na hot cake na so you expect to see all shades of people.
    Kip your head up!


  127. Ultimately everyone is entitled to their own opinions, your blog provides a platform for people to be heard on diverse topics or on some specific topic in focus. The price to pay for freedom of speech is that sometimes you may not like what you hear or even when those with bad breath speak you have to listen despite the offense of it. So in conclusion whether good or bad, encouraging or disheartening, fresh or stale the total package sums up the mentalities of the people and the variety of the society. So keep the platform open even when you don't like what you are hearing, it tells you about who we really are.

  128. I dont think there's any need to censor peoples commnts... a negativ commnt portrays a negative mind. dats all.

  129. please peepz! i think Linda is getting too bussy bloging! She has other things keeping her time than her Blog **** you know She is an acclaimed celebrity and other stuffs like that.....i think it is proper for me to introduce YOU ALL TO MY BLOG where i entertained THE GOOD,THE BAD AND THE UGLY....lolz


  130. I believe your readers have a right to free expression. That said, I also believe that readers are mature enough to sift grain from chaff. In other words, give everyone the benefit of the doubt to air their views and let your readers have the prerogative to either read or ignore a writeup, unless they are attacking your person because of your own views. And, yes, bye the way, you're doing an awesome job. Keep it up. Happy Holidays!

    Kaanayo Nwachukwu

  131. can we please move on from this? miss the blog!

  132. abeg o my people no be sensor na censor! this is y i love this blog,pls linda baby dont censor comments by people but censor wicked comments targetted at u and innocent peeps!

  133. U re gonna kill da most interesting blog in africa so far, immediately u start strict censor of peoples views towards a particular topic. LINDA PLEASE DONT. Stay up BLESS.

  134. linda u claim to have travelled to a place wer u cant access the internet? so tell us who has been approving our comments kai linda na wa o cos some are still been edited o ga o

  135. All you talking about feedback. Are you kidding me, how is insulting someone's mother and father feedback? Linda rarely blogs about educative issues so what feedback do you need? On how to abuse people? There is right and wrong and we all know it.Calling peoples parents name is not right.Whether or not the media has made this the norm,It is still wrong and we know in our hearts when things are excessive. We should be able to disagree without resorting to cheap insults.

    A lot of people know that the abusive comments they leave on blogs are mean and downright hateful. Guess what? they post such comments as anonymous-because they know in real life they cant utter such words.If they could stand by the hateful things they spew on this blog then would have signed in with their real names,blogger ID and even post their facebook I.D- Guess What? They cant, because they are cowards-Go figure

    You know the right thing to do Ms Ikeji.

  136. The Nicole/Naeto matter truly warrants this discussion. Its one thing to not like her dress, its quite another to insult her family. I commend you for asking the question. It shows you have a conscience. Even Perez Hilton pledged to stop being abusive. However, I think censorship should be kept at a minimum. The comments say more about the poster than the target and I doubt Nicole lost sleep over some lunatics who don't have the guts to use their names. That said, I know of a bride who read a negative comment about her wedding on Bella Naija and cried. Some people are very senitive but you'll never please everyone. Just do you.

  137. linda Honey, don't censor!pretty please...with ice cream & sugar Lol!
    Your blog totally ROCKS bcos u dnt censor.
    I love your blog bcos i knw y'all keep it real up in here...( You & the Readers)
    It's absolutely fab that u don't. Your blog makes my day (4 real)
    Cheers to keeping it real!
    Love your blog... xxx


  138. I am late to this but pls dont censor comments, all comments are part of the whole blog, we dont wanto to come here and read nice comments alone thats boring, io have seen great blogs killed because of censoring and this blog here is a great blog


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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