Genevieve Nnaji’s MUD Cosmetics Commercial | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 5 December 2010

Genevieve Nnaji’s MUD Cosmetics Commercial


  1. Ok let me put it this way- I'm on team Genny and always adore her but why does her voice sound breathless and pushed, like she's aware of her diction?
    2. Now the part that disappoint me most is the strong eastern accent, dont get me wrong i have nothing against sounding african and original but for international appeal it has to be modified. 'My mud my beauty, what's yoorse' really?

  2. i don't know why I couldn't stop laughing when she said..."there-fore"
    I love Genny jare!

  3. wat the heck is it with people and some damn accent issue. she's Igbo ! was she suppose to sound yoruba or chinese or hispanic? cos if she did y'all would have blurted out fake! I don't think there was anything wrong with her sounding like whom she truly is, I'm Igbo and if she had sounded otherwise I would have noticed and screamed "fake bitch" ! Some Nigerians need to love themselves & wat they sound like for real !

  4. @ anonymous 12:01 AM
    So you always modify your accent when speaking to non-Nigerians? What else do you modify????
    I think you should go modify your head, am Igbo too and there was nothing wrong with her accent, every Naija tribe pronouces words differently too. So does an American or Britain person, they don't modify, only fakies modify.And Gen isn't one.

  5. From all your comments, one thing is clear- she sounded very igbo.....@ Anon. 12:12am, not just "whatever" but also "flawless" & "modifies" muhahahah, star or star it shows, even mgbeke like me here in America still has my igbo moments.
    Genny i love you so do your thang, who no know say you be igbo?

  6. hahaha @ anonymous 12:49
    maybe Genny should have also modified her name. I think we African women have done enough we have modified our hair, our skin etc whereas the only thing that needs modifying is our confidence.she looks good tho.

  7. lols @ the above comments .
    you all need to go 'mudify' yourselves with her products jor.

  8. now it all makes sense, that accent and her voice sounds shallow.
    Genny i respect you and your works but this~~~~~~?
    You need to go take another studio voice over cuz that voice i listened to and the accentis lifeless and so not you.

  9. the advert is not very appealing to me, she needs to work on her voice over because she did not sound like an actress at all. But there is room improvement but it does not mean that it is totally written off.

  10. not personal, but she sounds so local!! i don,t mean she should speak like americans, but come on, it was much and she was even trying to spray on top

  11. ibo yoruba hausa american whichever she sounded weird.... ah let us call a spade a spade and not let admiration deafen was weird.

  12. More money 4 her more nonsense from peeps

  13. She is gorgeous but the commercialis boring and her voice sounded horrid(not her accent but the pace and tone)

  14. gene is beautiful but they should do somn about this add mannnn!! ah ah it is soooooooooooooooooo wack! they need a beta director to fix this mess! its such failure! the music is even off!! no vibe! its just so depressing!! its not apealin and nothing exciting!! they should learn from revlon addverts or mabylene or somn!! it is so horrible

  15. for the first time i agree with everyone, was coming to write same thing, her voice was terrible, and Anony 12;12 u hit the nail that "there for" was mad funny! they shldnt have bothered with commercial abeg, and the part of "from this.... to this" yea right! then "my skin my mud" so copied.... gosh all kinds of wrong going on here apart from the production.

  16. she is beautiful!

  17. I like the commercial and I like how she talked. The reason she sounded the way she did is because they wanted all audience to understand what she's saying and if she talked too fast, we would have missed something. Remember this advert is not only going to be shown in Nigeria but other countries that has different accent. I do think the commercial should be done differently in that they should show her outside walking and make a bit more vibrant. It looked staged.

  18. ahhh... people... complaining always

    she did a good job jare hands up!!! 10/10... i love her.... accept our artistes abeg!!!

  19. EntertainmentObserver6 December 2010 at 16:57

    People, there is ALWAYS room for improvement! Nobody is saying she should change her accent, sound American or British because Lord knows we have enough of those fakers in Nollywood, yes, I am looking at you Ramsey Nouah, Rita Dominic and Dakore Egbuson BUUUUUUTTTTTT she should have refined her speech in order to make it appealing to a BROADER audience. The people chose her because they want ALL kinds of people to buy their products not just Nigerians.

    Bimbo Akintola, Stella Damasus Nzeribe are Nigerian women who sound Nigerian when they speak but they can't be placed regionally because they have a broader accent which appeals to the ears! It's like in the states when actors take accent classes because they don't want to sound like your typical New Yorker from Brooklyn, or Mid Western or Southern. They want to sound American, period so they can play vast roles.

    This is all that is being said to Genevieve, sound like a Nigerian not like an IGBO girl. It has nothing to do with trying to be Fake or not having pride in her tribal heritage.

    Let's hope Linda posts this because she seems to have an issue with my post even when others say the exact same thing I am saying albeit in phrased differently.

  20. Her voice did lacked the enthusiasm that commercials usually have but she looks so beautiful!!! :)

  21. gurl u re swaggnificient joor!!!!!!!!

  22. Abeg me no like Genny..but i no see norin wrong wit her kommercial..she did her best & dat one dey fine...maybe Linda 4 dey berra than Genny..wat do u fink..?

  23. she is not her usual 'confident' self. She probably tried too hard and so it came off as if she was even 'faking' the Igbo accent.

    To be honest, if she had used pidgin English in a 'genny' sort of way, then everyone will probably relate better.

    You were trying too hard babes, and it came off all wrong and very 'uncool' sorry o.

  24. i dont think the whole thing is all that... i feel some sort of touch ups would have been done in there and there...Mpooof!
    was tooo...dunno but not it...


    its because its gennny..
    did anyone also notice she was looking very black....UGHHH!

  25. Not a Ms Nnaji Fan but in fairness she has what is known as RP (Received Pronunciation) Any English speaker on the planet will understand her. Beyoncé, speaks with a Taxan accent, even though she tries to tone it down. If Penelopé Cruz can pull it off with L'Oreal commercial with her STRONG Spanish accent so what's wrong with ms Nnaji?.

    PS: FoI she's laughing all the way to the bank.

  26. yes laughing all the way to the bank, but if you don't up your game, you very quickly become a 'has been'

    People are 'fierce' these days and demand for the best.

    Its very easy to get eaten up by the very industry that made you, so feedback is what every 'wise' person needs to remain relevant. It shouldnt be all about the cash you can get now, but the continous and consistent flow of the 'cash' and relevance for cashing in. Genevieve, meyaria this ad, not tasteful for the 'exposed' ones.....

    Ndi banyi, ani me ekwu ezioku??

    Igbo kwenu!

  27. @deetweet says
    lols @ the above comments .
    you all need to go 'mudify' yourselves with her products jor.

    One of the best you think she was given this gig based on her accent??..or you think they weren't aware of her voice..and for the record Genny always delivers her lines..cannot fault her tonne..I've heard enough British and Yankee people who cannot speak's not bout the accent all the time...
    Advert gurus..Have u bought urs...or is it hot air as usual!!

  28. thanks to the person who mentioned penelope cruz.. as star with her very own accent! Be comfortable in your own skin.. there is no one who can say they did not understand Genny...

    Your going places girl.. God is your strength..

    I'm sure all those complaining for nothing have the worse accent yet they'll be talking..

  29. Oh, my God. some humans can be vicious in their verbal attacks. the advert says mudnigeria. So, it is a representation of every tribe in Nigeria. C'mon, genny was chosen. There is nothing Igbotic about it. It is just Nigerian. Good grief!

  30. I don't understand why people are going on about Genevieve's accent- the problem here was not her accent but the poor sound quality of her voice- not her fault, I should add- the producers should have done a better job than this.

  31. @Anonymous December 6, 2010 12:12 AM

    Me too...Lol...I love genevieve but I couldn't stop laughing when she said "therefore" and also the part where she says "Because of what I do"...LOL....It seems like she was trying to westernize her accent but that made her tone and voice sonud very very off....You can actually hear her voice straining to pronounce some words...The commercial is good but her voice sounds funny....

  32. She lack confidence in her voice, sorry! She did not convince me to want to run out and support the MUD brand by buying their cosmetics. Try again!

  33. I honestly didnt see what u guys where whining about! She sounded so normal and polished. Cant ever please people!

  34. hateration! Good lord. I can't stand her actually. She has a nasty Diva attitude, but tha thas nothing to do with this commercial. She sounds like a Nigerian. If she sounds american you'll say she's faking. You can't please Nigerians. Keep making your money dear, just tone down the attitude.

  35. Very boring, and yes there was something wrong with her tone- it wasn't smooth and flowing.

  36. Good commercial, but bad voice over. Not her accent, she was very natural. But she just sounded really boring.

  37. OK GUYS!!!!. we get it.. lets just admit the commercial was good and maybe has one flaw...the voice! like somebody said she was trying to be careful in picking her words for better understanding plus shes being directed and told what to say. its not like she made the commercial herself. forever love u genny. u rocked it but theres still room for improvement


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