World's Widest Mouth. | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 28 October 2010

World's Widest Mouth.

20-year-old Francisco Domingo Joaquim from Sambizanga in Angola has been awarded the title of World's Widest Mouth, by the Guinness Book of World Records. The manwho can fit a can of fizzy pop - sideways - in his flexible gob, won the title at the Big Mouth competition in Rome this month.


  1. Wonders shall never end. Is he a human being or gorilla? Somebody please help me out.

  2. It must be so diffucult to clean that....CRINGE!!

  3. he cld swallow a human! eeeeewwwww!

  4. Is this for real or is this a joke or something? Wonders shall never end

  5. and for this he walks into bank of america and gets how much again?

  6. he should go get a job or better yet join the cabinda boys

  7. seriously, linda you should have hidden this and given people to click if they wanted to see this nastiness! very disturbing image indeed and unlikely claim to fame. imagine seeing this crap right before breakfast!

  8. Chai, this guy go swallow any woman boobi (dont know why i thot of that)

  9. this is one sickening,scary,annoyingly irritating image.eeeewwww!!!!

  10. this is one sickening,scary,annoyingly irritating image.eeeewwww!!!!

  11. Hey I don't think its disgusting... besides how many of u all can do what he can do lol. Remember he is also God's creation. Think about that before calling him disgusting :)

  12. Ewo!!!!!!!!!! Pls dont kiss, cos u might just find ur head in his mouth.Chai!

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