Whitney Houston's Back On Drugs, Says The Enquirer | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 7 October 2010

Whitney Houston's Back On Drugs, Says The Enquirer

The National Enquirer is reporting that Whitney Houston is back on drugs and that an intervention is being staged.
Oh dear, not again!!!


  1. Na winch be this or wetin?!
    Please o God, you just have to come to her rescue..
    Stupid Bobby Brown and silly Whitney!

  2. May the good Lord save her from drugs.

  3. chichifulloflove7 October 2010 at 19:38

    i no fit tok how the ting pain me sey she just lost her voice over drugs, when papa God don give you special gift, you no suppose to dey play wit am!!!! Chei Whitney! Make God help you, abeg. Addiction is a very very powerful ting o, na really demon drugs be!

  4. Lord Jesus please have mercy

  5. How great the mighty has fallen!.... what a pity.....*sigh!*

  6. there goes my dream of reuniting the "waiting to exhale" cast in smoke. oh well kids....HEROINE IS WHACK!!!!!!!!

  7. I just feel so bad for her and that her "I look to you" song has been my fav..for sometime now..I pray she looks to God now..

  8. Think the genuine Nigerian pastors could do a good job on her..if she's willing to give herself a chance!!..It's a real shame and this is endemic of a decadent US culture..all about money worship with no principles..culture or moral values..lost track of how many gifted "black" people have gone lost their mind..have you heard about this regarding Talented African Artists who have made serious money.

  9. BOBBY look what you done do?

  10. seriously guys , National enguirer is the least trusted tabloid mag. Take whatever you read with a grain of salt. Just saying


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