Nike Oshinowo on Today on STV. A must watch video! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 21 October 2010

Nike Oshinowo on Today on STV. A must watch video!

It's an old video. Early this year. Watch the host of the show Adaura Achumba go in on Nike at the 4:40 and 6:10 mark..bad ass


  1. I bought the fitness dvd, i think is okay, not too bad, but not too good.
    And in my opinion it didnt look like she was someone who had done those exercises regularly sha, but its a good thing that she is letting Nigerian women know the importance of exercise

  2. Adaure isn't the best host out there!!

  3. they're both a bit annoying. what's with the fone???

  4. Someone please tell me why the heck Adaure and Nike are both speaking Fone (stupid fake accents). Can we naija's please keep it real. Isn't this show meant to appeal to the public. Nonsense! I can't stand naija's that feel because they live or have lived abroad, they need to start talking with fake accents. Please let us embrace our nigerian accents and keep it real.

  5. Adaure sha fonee no go kill her in Jesus name.

    Nike Osinowo knows her face has been tampered with, who is she trying to fool? But I love how she said "its good to be Nike Osinowo right now" because upon all her runs and being passed around Lebanese men to stealing someone's hubby and pimping out younger beauty queens, she's happy and living the life she wants. Few people can say what they want but I think we'd all want to be happy and content with our lives at her age.

  6. Nigerians are ashamed of their accent that is why the always fake it. Its so sad.

  7. i have to be blunt cuz i'm just....aaargh!fuck nike adaure prob doesn't like her. what kind of woman is that?nike oshinowo was never even pretty..even when she won mbgn...look at her forging an accent,and i actually met her once she talks like that and she acts like a bimbo...adaure's accent is also annoying.i mean c'mon nigeria..what is it with british and american accents...why don't they forge an italian or french accent for crying out loud..geez!i can't even listen to both of them talk...but nike oshinowo...she's just fake and she's just living in her own little deluded princess world...what a shameless human being...Gawd!

  8. I love where she said I'm living my dreams ryt now. I want to be able to say that one day. soon hopefully. In Jesus name I've prayed. Amen.

  9. adaure could have asked that question in a more courteus manner by saying"dont you think you have this body because you are yet to start having baby?"this is crap journalism.i pity the poor woman;nike being ridiculed by this small girl with big mouth called adaure.that"s not fair atall.although i am not nike"s fan too.

  10. adaure was so stupid in this interview;infact i hate her;she is forcing me to pity nike oshinowo who i had no regard for before.

  11. it is cowardise that make individual use what one does not have control over as an insult...adaure is such a coward and she is foolish too....

  12. Did she have to tell us the bikini was Dolce & Gabbanna? and am I the only one who thinks her accent is weird...
    And Miss Oshinowo you can be airbrushed in water. Have u met Mariah's retoucher...airbrush u to oblivion.
    Other than that her body is fab and she looks great regardless of how she achieved it. Her style is always so on point.

  13. Adaure is not fine at all. I love nike. As for the fone, nike actually schooled in England from a very young age and attended uni there as well. Adaure's accent is as fake as michael jackson's nose.

  14. After having breast augmentation (not to increase but to make her boobs pert,) a nose job and liposuction, she's now spewing lies that she achieved that body through dieting! Who is she fooling? Fake as ever!!

  15. People should stop yabbing their accents. If they've lived abroad for a while, its only normal that they start pronouncing words differently even unconsciouslly. It sounds forced to nigerians cos its not fully american or british and its not nigerian accent either but they are not necessarily forcing themselves to speak that way. Doesnt Adaure live in U.K? (Dont know just asking)

  16. nike looks like a guy who had a transexual inplants and d interviewer needs a makeover. period!

  17. nike is beautiful and i think her body is fab for her age, i know women her age that also don't have kids but d not look half as great as she does. ride on sister, nothing do you

  18. Nike,Nike,Nike! Ever soooo fake !!!! From her plastic smiles to every other bit of her. & she thinks the sun shines from her black ass! Always going on & on about one fake topic or the other. Ok,now she wants to tow Jane fonda's line. Hmmmm, naija ! Originality is the most scarce thing amongst us! As for Adaure, when u finish speaking that dirty fonè,u'll tke panadol for stressing ur cheeks so hard. Nonsense !!!

  19. What is this foolishness going on here with the pair of them. They do not even know how to speak the english. I live here in the UK and have been for so many years and anytime I am in nigeria i appreciate my nigerian accent and speak like one but i use my english accent her in the uk only. These girls should learn to behave like the romans when you are in rome. Nonsense!!!

  20. adaure is speaking with a normal nigerian accent now. where is the foneh there? if she's speaking with igbo accent you people will say she's razz. besides whose business is it how she speaks? i think she sounds polished and she needs to if she's on TV.

  21. I don't think any Nigerian with an AMerican accent is faking it. Maybe they grew up in America.

  22. I found the interview to be informative, intelligent and great. I don't see anything wrong with the way the ladies are speaking. It's just "bad belle" if anyone thinks otherwise. Though I'm not a big fan of either Nike or the host, they both did a great job and it was a fantastic inteview.The lady is just trying to fulfill her dreams and help others along the way. It's your prerogative to buy the dvd or not.

  23. Linda, I must say, kudos to you and for all the things you're doing.I stunbled upon your blog a while ago. I live in the U.S and I just love reading your blogs. It keeps me in touch with Naija and I thank you for it. Keep up the good work! More grease to your elbows! Wish you much success.
    P.S- I am the same person who made the last anonymous comment.

  24. Here comes Nigerians again. Geez, do you guys ever get tired of insulting and disrespecting people?
    I guess not.

    Gosh, Nigerians can be so annoying when they go on and on analyzing people for no damn reason.

    If Adaure speaks fone, that's the way she chooses to speak. Actually, her speaking seems natural to me. On the other hand, Nike is trying to speak i guess Nigerian/Britishish and even that shouldn't be anybody's business.

    If you speak American/British, Nigerians claim you are trying so hard to be something you are not. Are you kidding me? If someone grew up in a place, you adapt to the way of life including the way they speak. And if you choose not to adapt that's your problem.

    The stupid part is most of the people claiming to be so Nigerian, they don't even care about the country. All they do is carry big belle up and down and open their big mouth yarning nonsense. FYI, speaking fone is not a way to judge who's patriotic and who's not.

    It's specifically annoying to me because I get that a lot. I'm half American/Nigerian, lived in Nigeria for couple of years. Some Nigerians try to force I guess the "naija pride" on me. I'm like can i be the one to determine who I am and speak naija or American whenever I want.

    One of the reasons the country is a mess is bcos all they do is put each other down over something stupid. But, when it comes to real things that they should be concerned, they keep their mouth shut. Please, stop this nonsense!!!


  26. Let me ask one question, why does she have to say im 44 like 5 million times in this video? And pls ive seen tons of 44 yr olds that look much better. please...take a chill pill.

  27. geezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!! omg!!!! you guys are so daft and so stuck on STUPID!!!!!!! omg! such haterzzzz!!

    first of ALLLLLLL!!!!! ADURE is NIGERIAN AMERICAN dumbass!!!! she is american!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she just moved back to nigeria to pursue her career!!! she was born and brought up in america!! wtf is wrong with u people!! like are u serious or just daft?????? so everyone that has american accent in that country is faking it???? no wonder they call u nigerians BUSH! and local africans!! omg!!!! like u dont know lots of africans and especially nigerians live in america??? all cos u were not fortunate to live in america?? she has even toned down her accent a bit cos of u haters!! but it can never go away cos guess what?? she is american DUMBASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gosh! i hate nigerians, so when i come back this is how yall are gon hate on ma accent cos im african american??? idiots

  28. Lol...hmmmm first they are both annoying. You can tell Adaure can't stand her ass and Nike is sitting there wondering why Adaure looks so old and has such a horrible weave's the way a Diva 's mind works. ahhahha2nd, Adaure is such an idiot for using her position as an interviewer to use style to insult Nike Oshinowo. You never had! I guess that's a discredit to her video or a disabilty or what exactly is Adaure getting at. There are ways to ask the same question w/o sounding like an asswipe. Kids or no kids, what has that got to do with fitness? 3rd, Nike is so fake its nayseatin

  29. Please Adaure did secondary school in Naija and went to Yankee for Uni. As far as I am concerned if you lived in naija up till the age of 14 and you moved abroad, you will still have a naija accent. I have been in the UK since I was 16 and I am 29 now, and I still have my naija accent. I can understand faking the accent to foreigners but why do it to naijas. Pleaseeeee....Please can we naijas stop speaking fone to each other, it is very razz and irritating.

  30. Lol at Anon 3.53am. I guess you are Adaure's friend eh and you both fake your accents together..loll

  31. anon 3.53 u r just lost. adaure was not born and bred in america...and any idiot can tell that she's forcing an accent that is "slightly" american wud know she's not even a "real" american like u's just too obvious. accent forgery is question is "how come nigerians in spain and england" still have american accents...isn't their accent supposed to be spanish or british? look at nneka the musician..she has lived in germany for a while but she speaks like a normal nigerian...all these accent forging ppl r just crazy...take note dakore egbuson/ really is annoying...nigerians don't care if u have an accent or not.

  32. C'mon, chill with the hating. Adaure's accent did not sound forced or fake. She is simply adept at using her American accent. Same goes for Nike. I agree that Adaure could have done a better job with the questions posed and it was obvious that she could not stand Nike's "fakeness". Gosh, can you blame her?! I enjoyed the fake smiles on both sides though. Women eh!

    (yeah, Nike def. had a nose job..who is she kidding?!)

  33. Nigerians can like to stop accusing people of a fake accent. If you go to school and live in a place other than Nigeria for a few years, then yea you get a bit of an accent. Also the thing with an accent is, when you are in a formal setting, you kinda just find yourself speaking like that but with your friends and all, you sound completely different. Happens to everyone, it's just the need to be articulate at certain times!

  34. Hmmm...lots of interesting comments. I for one didn't enjoy the interview period. I found it a tad uncomfortable and grimaced through out, period!

    BTW...I don't think Aduare was trying to insult Nike on d baby issue, I didn't get that vibe at all. It looked like she just wanted Nike to validate her video on how it might appeal to mothers whose body has gone through that change.

  35. Personally I think their personality grates on people and the accents get a bashing as an extension of that..
    There are some people with Yankee or Brit accents that are well loved by Nigerians..take Sade(Singer) for example remember she was born in Ibadan..though very British in her ways..
    All about expectations..the expectations on say Usher would be different to say BankyW..being a son/daughter of the soil 9jas expect you to at least infuse some 9ja mannerisms in parts of ur speech..not acting like you never ate eba or heard pidgin or some local dialect and this is what 9ja people tap into..that's a natural reaction..
    It's strange speaking to fellow 9jas in those accents..with other Brits\Yanks that's acceptable but with fellow Africans..sorry just sounds out of place especially when you in Africa..c'mon now!!

  36. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! Madam Nike u were a queen like 20 years ago so please get over it..Everything you endorse may have been nice if you didn't have a STANK attitude to go with it especially throwing tantrums in public places! watching this was like pulling teeth!

  37. oh Nike.....please spare us all! Never seen anything more fake in my life. ps- since you're done with the fitness, maybe you should thing about working on the personality also. Those tantrums in public places are getting a tad old!

  38. Biko, nike eats elegushi soup. Fake is fake. Speaking about sade adu, she is very down to earth; still cooks egusi stew and eats it with her daughter born for a west indian man. As for adaure, she is from north carolina, ain't it?

    LWKMD... seriously.

  39. I don't hear too much about this Adaure girl - don't know how she's doing career wise, but I must comment that accent is 'forced'. It's quite obvious. I live in America and have lived here for a decade, have friends who have been here for 15 years, 20 years... Guess what they speak in the Nigerian tonation crisp and clear. I don't understand why Adaura cannot be like the likes of Kemi Adetiba, and other fine TV personalities who speak in crisp clear Nigerian made for TV accents. She actually needs a whole image change, from her 'forced' (it's not even American) accent to her wardrobe, hair and make up. Maybe when she does so she will being to establish a good fan base...

    As for Nike - I reserve my comments, I giess she's spent so many years feeing entitled and 'beautiful'... it does get in the head at-times...

  40. Like I said and I will say it again, Nigerians stop spending so much time randomly picking on people and gossiping when you are no better either. It's obviously not taking you anywhere. Look at the country, it's a HOT MESS!!!

    If a Nigerian who's been in America/Britain his/her whole life but still speaks with a fresh Nigerian accent that should not be a big deal or be seen as she's more Nigerian than the other person.

    If a Nigerian who's been in America/Britain for only a short period but picked up the accent shouldn't be a big deal either.

    Some Nigerians who lived here for a long time but still has the thick nigerian accent don't always like it. So, if another person happens to pick up the American/british accent faster, how is that affecting you?

    Nneka who speaks in her thick nigerian accent is no better than Adaure. You look like a fool to keep arguing that it's forced and use that to judge. Let it go, for goodness sake.

    Speaking with Nigerian accent or whatever accent is not making the country better. Asians come here, and most of them just assimilate well with the American culture but still hold on strong to their culture while taking over. To be successful sometimes, you have to let your pride down and learn one or two things from others.

  41. I guess you've said it all - so in summary, letting down ones pride = keeping it real = success. One's ability to out shine and stand above others comes from first the ability to be 'true to self'. I will say it again and I know it does not change the price of garri in the market, this is hoping that Adaure will wander in here some day or a concerned friend will share these comments with her, "Adaure's accent is forced forced forced" and it is putting people (potential fans) off. She should learn from others like Funmi Iyanda, Kemi Adetiba, etc... You can speak well and succinctly without faking an accent. And I am not foolish for making such an observation, it's the court of public opinion to which I am entitled a voice...

  42. You guys are horrible. If you think Nike sounds too foreign now, you should have heard her when she was MBGN 20 years ago; she sounded really British, but toned it down after she was crowned. And anyway, she was raised in England, that's why she talks like that. Finally, it's how we say it that's important, it's what we say; if you don't like it, don't listen.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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