N75 million Anniversary Cake...that nobody will eat! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 1 October 2010

N75 million Anniversary Cake...that nobody will eat!

Our Independence Anniversary cake (pictured above) is reportedly worth N75 million.
The gala night that was supposed to hold this night has been canceled due to the tragedy that occurred earlier today at the independence celebrations. Lives lost. Billions of Naira gone down the drain. What's going on Nigerians?

And N75mil for that cake? That has got to be the most expensive cake in the world. Where are these Guinness Book of Record people when you need them. SMH!


  1. 75 million for this piece of shit! these guys r taking the piss

  2. Kai...nigerian government officials should be ASHAMED!

  3. it has to be a rumor that cake cannot be 75 million.Are they mad????It is impossible...I refuse to believe it.

    May those who died R.I.P

  4. What the hell do we need a N75 million naira cake for? Is it cake that people want to eat in such trying times? Hai!! I personally believe some of our Nigerian leaders need to have lobotomies performed on their brains. Like what exactly is going?

    A bunch of adults sat down and agreed to purchase a N75 million cake all the while being aware that we don't have constant electricity, some people will not have any food to eat on our 50th, children still roam the streets hawking, maternal mortality is at an all time high, civil servants are yet to receive their pensions, our health care system is in-existent, the roads are death traps, kidnapping is the new cool, foreigners get better treatment than Nigerians, security is only accorded to the "elite" . Omg! I weep. I weep. I weep.

  5. when something wrong is being done, the wrong doers should at least have some shame and lie about it and not brandish their foolery at us and think we are going to buy every shit they say....HOOK, LINE and SINKER.

    as for those saying Jonathan is God sent....look at him....he isn't any better than the slimes we've gotten in the past. people, we need a REVOLUTION or else MEND would turn out to be the RUF of Sierra Leone.

  6. 75 million naira is not so much for Nigeria to spend on a cake, if and only if independence is worth celebrating. I was all over with green and white today, until the shocking bomb blast story hit the world. Now all my foregn friends are waiting for me to come online so they could call my country a terrorist country again. Nigeria's image in the world now is pertetic, i guess we should get ready for the worst.

  7. the price of flour & sugar has gone up na & they had to use generator to bake the cake, didn't y'all get the memo???????
    Nigeria our Nigeria.....

  8. mtchwww.,.wat annoys me most is how ppl even believe this sort of bullshit!how can a cake be 75million naira,.,na diamond abi gold dem take put for d recipe abi wetin,.,.abi na so prie of butter, flour and egg take reach 4 market now!!haba ppl,.,its huge and probly expensive but 75mill??my papa send me skul na!

  9. You are being unfair by not mentioning that the cake was baked with private funds and not a kobo from the government..half story is no story..

  10. dat cake: The physical manifestation of our country's f**ked up mentality.

    Please read this note. Educate yourselves young people.

  11. the problem with this cake is the announcement they made i.e they shouldnt have told us the price..what a shame on nigeria..how can some adukts just seat and decide to make a cake of 70milion..even two million is much....they said they have made the world record... cant they make world record with " best uncorrupt nation"
    God dey

  12. See that is what Goodluck will do when he becomes president! nuisance!!!!!!! Vote IBB

  13. [1 of 2] You damn cheeky so, so, and sos. How dare ya? Kai. Wetin? I am so f%cking annoyed right now. I am. I swear, you people for that country called Nigeria sabi waste money oh. Even if there's no recession, someone like me, in government would throw out this lousy and stinking idea (to raid the public purse) of wastage. Lawd, have mercy. Jesus, please save me, your son, from your people. Even Satan, a.k.a Lucifer wouldn't spend 75Million on foolishness without getting value for his spend. Abi this people be Lucifer??? Or his children??? What kind nonsense is this now???? Mr Jonathan who are you trying to impress? Who? I swear, Mr Jonathan deserve to be impeached for this stupid nonsense. Imagine. Some people dey starve for some corner of naija and these senseless and stupid so called government of Nigeria dey waste money. For what? This is bad press and so, so wrong for Nigeria's image and for Nigerians everywhere. There are people unemployed, homeless or orphaned in that country. The government rightly or wrongly can't provide for everyone, but spends so much money on a bloody stinking cake. In this London town if anyone, tried that stupidity, be it in public or the private sector, them go wake up to their p45 through their letter box, possibly prosecuted for misuse of public funds, and roasted by the press. Not even Roman Abramovich or the Queen of England would engage in such foolish and wanton waste of public funds or any funds. This fucking cake only serves the fucking bloody fucking image of Mr Jonathan and his fucking cabinet and fucking stupid advisers. How does this stupid fucking cake serve the interest of any Nigerian? How, Mr Jonathan and your clueless people? Have these people in government no common sense? How could they be so stupid and ignorant? They even dared to publicly display their stupidity and serious lack of judgement. You all should count yourselves lucky that I'm not friends Naomi Campbell. I would have asked her to blackberry all of you and knock some sense into your brains with her BackBerry and rare gorilla skin handbag. Naija has a long, long way to go. Every local authority in England and Wales have embarked on massive cutback in public spending because they understand that it one of the essential ways to get their local government out of recession. But back home, those in government and in charge of our public purse and whom we expect to know better are clueless, ignorant and lost touch with the public. Don't those fools get it that they need to cut back and 100% do away with none essential public spending?

  14. [1 of 2] You damn cheeky so, so, and sos. How dare ya? Kai. Wetin? I am so f%cking annoyed right now. I am. I swear, you people for that country called Nigeria sabi waste money oh. Even if there's no recession, someone like me, in government would throw out this lousy and stinking idea (to raid the public purse) of wastage. Lawd, have mercy. Jesus, please save me, your son, from your people. Even Satan, a.k.a Lucifer wouldn't spend 75Million on foolishness without getting value for his spend. Abi this people be Lucifer??? Or his children??? What kind nonsense is this now???? Mr Jonathan who are you trying to impress? Who? I swear, Mr Jonathan deserve to be impeached for this stupid nonsense. Imagine. Some people dey starve for some corner of naija and these senseless and stupid so called government of Nigeria dey waste money. For what? This is bad press and so, so wrong for Nigeria's image and for Nigerians everywhere. There are people unemployed, homeless or orphaned in that country. The government rightly or wrongly can't provide for everyone, but spends so much money on a bloody stinking cake. In this London town if anyone, tried that stupidity, be it in public or the private sector, them go wake up to their p45 through their letter box, possibly prosecuted for misuse of public funds, and roasted by the press. Not even Roman Abramovich or the Queen of England would engage in such foolish and wanton waste of public funds or any funds. This fucking cake only serves the fucking bloody fucking image of Mr Jonathan and his fucking cabinet and fucking stupid advisers. How does this stupid fucking cake serve the interest of any Nigerian? How, Mr Jonathan and your clueless people? Have these people in government no common sense? How could they be so stupid and ignorant? They even dared to publicly display their stupidity and serious lack of judgement. You all should count yourselves lucky that I'm not friends Naomi Campbell. I would have asked her to blackberry all of you and knock some sense into your brains with her BackBerry and rare gorilla skin handbag. Naija has a long, long way to go. Every local authority in England and Wales have embarked on massive cutback in public spending because they understand that it one of the essential ways to get their local government out of recession. But back home, those in government and in charge of our public purse and whom we expect to know better are clueless, ignorant and lost touch with the public. Don't those fools get it that they need to cut back and 100% do away with none essential public spending?

  15. [1 of 3] You damn cheeky so, so, and sos. How dare ya? Kai. Wetin? I am so f%cking annoyed right now. I am. I swear, you people for that country called Nigeria sabi waste money oh. Even if there's no recession, someone like me, in government would throw out this lousy and stinking idea (to raid the public purse) of wastage. Lawd, have mercy. Jesus, please save me, your son, from your people. Even Satan, a.k.a Lucifer wouldn't spend 75Million on foolishness without getting value for his spend. Abi this people be Lucifer??? Or his children??? What kind nonsense is this now???? Mr Jonathan who are you trying to impress? Who? I swear, Mr Jonathan deserve to be impeached for this stupid nonsense. Imagine. Some people dey starve for some corner of naija and these senseless and stupid so called government of Nigeria dey waste money. For what? This is bad press and so, so wrong for Nigeria's image and for Nigerians everywhere. There are people unemployed, homeless or orphaned in that country. The government rightly or wrongly can't provide for everyone, but spends so much money on a bloody stinking cake. In this London town if anyone, tried that stupidity, be it in public or the private sector, them go wake up to their p45 through their letter box, possibly prosecuted for misuse of public funds, and roasted by the press.

  16. [2 of 3] Not even Roman Abramovich or the Queen of England would engage in such foolish and wanton waste of public funds or any funds. This fucking cake only serves the fucking bloody fucking image of Mr Jonathan and his fucking cabinet and fucking stupid advisers. How does this stupid fucking cake serve the interest of any Nigerian? How, Mr Jonathan and your clueless people? Have these people in government no common sense? How could they be so stupid and ignorant? They even dared to publicly display their stupidity and serious lack of judgement. You all should count yourselves lucky that I'm not friends Naomi Campbell. I would have asked her to blackberry all of you and knock some sense into your brains with her BackBerry and rare gorilla skin handbag. Naija has a long, long way to go. Every local authority in England and Wales have embarked on massive cutback in public spending because they understand that it one of the essential ways to get their local government out of recession. But back home, those in government and in charge of our public purse and whom we expect to know better are clueless, ignorant and lost touch with the public. Don't those fools get it that they need to cut back and 100% do away with none essential public spending? Could it be that Babangida wants to come back to office - to clean up Goodluck Jonathan’s mess? What else is that Mr Jonathan wasting our money on that we should know right now before them leave office and go sun their backside overseas?

  17. [3 of 3] I hope there would still be money left in that public purse when these people leave office? There's worldwide recession and our so called government spends our money on foolishness that in no way help resurrect the economy or serve the interest of Nigeria. Whoever gave Mr Jonathan this crazy idea ought to roast on electric chair for spending this 75million Naira from the public purse on this bloody stupid, ugly and horrible looking cake. No sensible Nigerian wants IBB to win the next election. I don't want him or anyone bearing his last name or associated to him or Sanni Abacha to ever govern Nigeria ever again. But, I swear, I fear that Mr Jonathan would make it easy for IBB to win the hearts and mind of forgetful Nigerians. People are forgetful and mostly easily misled and hypnotised by money. I have this feeling that Naija go bankrupt if that Jonathan should win the next election, but I hope my premonition misses. Goodluck Jonathan and his people must cut back and seen to cut back on unnecessary wastage of public funds. There are far too much corruption and lack of accountability in government and for the love of money those that ought to act as checks on these so called public officials are only interested in how much they can corruptly grab for themselves and their unborn great-grand children. May God help that country called NIGERIA. So this is democracy? Some people take "democratic" decision to "democratically" waste our money? Dem all crazy. Some people no get common sense or conscience. Den go school, but school no go through them. I'd rather have an illiterate, (direct from source!) carmel milk drinking (I’ve just vomited), but spend rift and frugal Hausa (with tribal marks all over his face: from his lips to the back of his skull) army general than a wasteful, unreliable, shoe making omoIbo/Okoro/Aba or shit talking, (very dark!) ewedu & cow skin eating (oh lawd, I’ve vomited, again), but no action, ngbati ngbati person in power in NIGERIA. May God save the Federal Republic of NIGERIA. Amen.

  18. OMG! Y in Gods name would a 75mlion naira cake be made! This is just absurd

  19. Infact there is not much to say...

    75M for a cake????????????????

    Everyone please think carefully before you vote. REALLY THINK.

  20. @ anonymous 1.29am....Are you for real?

    Private funds? Whose funds if i may ask. Please get a brain.

  21. If the cake was bought with private funds, then big shame on Mr predident Jonathan for associating Nigeria and himself with it. It amounts to corruption for Goodluck Jonathan to associate with that cake. Nothing goes for nothing. Whoever helped him to clinch his stupid and backward "world record", surely would want something in return. And what would they have a privatised government department r oil well for pennies? Naija is surely fucked up.

  22. OMFG!!! This is freakin' freaky, N75million on a freakin' douche... WE all should have license to guns so that we can really do that which our heart were proposed to do...Kill the bastards!!!

  23. W-H-A-T!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... *shaking my head in disbelief!*

  24. that is a piece of bullshit called cake. our people are suffering from poverty and some greedy fools are making merry with a work of art purportedly valued at such a ridiculous amt. shame to najia dat even @ 50 we are still doing this

  25. even if each state gets a cake @ a million der ll still b change n besides wuz d cake GOLD

  26. i refuse to believe if truly 75million of Naira has be spend on just whatsoever cake it called then our present leader must be crazy.....

  27. its just a rumor madam...that amount was never spent...pls lets stop castigating

  28. Linda i can see u did not publish my comment. I thot dis blog was independent from u d owner, i guess i was wrong. Just because i did not support d majority of opinions here by saying d truth, u refused 2 publish it. God help you. You just lost a whole family as fans. If only u knew...

  29. Anon 5:30...sometimes it's not what u say, but how u say it. sometimes u guys think it's ok to be rude to me. i can deal with that. but it's my blog and i can decide not to upload any comment.

    and saying i've lost fans...sweetie, u don't pay me to read this blog, so u are free to stop coming here anytime.

    God bless

  30. Wow..! You guys should slow your roll on the cake thingy..! This ain't goverment for the people any more...i learnt the cake was a private thingy for the celebration..! Moreover, you can take your cases to court if you feel cheated in anyway by the goverment! On the issue of posting comment on your blog page, linda is actually right(not everything you comment on the BBC site is published) but you(linda) went about making your point the wrong way...i rest my case!



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