Cameroon blacklists T.B Joshua | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 1 October 2010

Cameroon blacklists T.B Joshua

Their reason for blacklisting him when you continue...

The Cameroonian government has blacklisted Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua of the  Synagogue Church of All Nations, saying that he is an agent of Satan hoodwinking unsuspecting members of the public with “diabolical miracles”

Cameroon Foreign Affairs Minister, Mr. Henri Eyebe Ayissi, in an official communiqué he  issued this week titled “The Devil Is In the House”, described T.B. Joshua as a “son of  the devil” pretending to be “a man of God”.
The Minister warned hundreds of Cameroonians trooping to Lagos, South West Nigeria, for  miracles in Joshua’s church, to desist from taking the trip or face the consequences as  the country will not stand by them.

The communiqué written in French reads in part “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns  those who by naivety or deception of Emmanuel TV’s captivating images, or even those who  by hopelessness, envisage taking the pilgrimage to Pastor T.B. Joshua’s Synagogue Church  Of All Nations in Lagos, that they will do so at their own risk.

“The Cameroonian Government warns these pilgrims that they will face the consequences  alone. This is motivated by the painful and shameful fact that Cameroonian men and women,  in search of deliverance and blessings, once in that church, find themselves in bestial  and pitiable conditions.

“Women are raped; pilgrims dispossessed of their belongings by armed robbers and left to  sleep in the streets at the mercy of gangs. Many cases of assassinations have even been  recorded. And this is without other cases that are not recorded at the Cameroonian  Embassy in Lagos with the victims too ashamed to narrate their infernal odysseys once  they are out of Hell,” the Minister said.

The Minister said that while the bible asks us to be discreet with gifts and donations to  the poor, T.B. Joshua is seen daily dolling out bags of rice to indigent people.
Cameroonian newspapers which published the communiqué this week tell tales of hundreds of  Cameroonians who sold their properties or borrowed money in the hope of getting miracles  in T.B. Joshua’s Church, only to be disappointed in Lagos.

The newspapers report that Joshua’s TV station has gained popularity in Cameroon and many  people are tempted to take the trip and receive healings and sudden blessings.
It says that Joshua is now in many households in Cameroon and many people believe the  flashy images they watch on television.

One newspaper writes in French “witnesses who come back from that pandemonium reveal that  to secure an appointment with this Jesus-Christ-reincarnate, they had to spend 150, 000  FCFA (about N50, 000) and the amount keeps going up, depending on the treatment and the  case.

“This has led to confusion and disillusionment from Cameroonians, who on their way to  Damascus, now find themselves refugees at the Cameroonian Embassy in Lagos.”

The newspaper report says further: “There are many here in Cameroon, convinced of the  power and the blessings of this “man of God”. However, they forget that Jesus Christ is  in our hearts through faith and with our practice of the Ten Commandments and our  relationship with one another. Before the publication of the communiqué by the Ministry  of Foreign Affairs, the bible said over 2000 years ago, ‘And Jesus answered and said unto  them, Take heed that no man deceives you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am  Christ; and shall deceive many’.”
When contacted this morning, T.B. Joshua denied that he has been blacklisted in Cameroon.

He said that Cameroonians who come to his church only heard about him in Cameroon and  started trooping to the church in Ikotun, with most of them without accommodation.
He said that had he been aware of their presence around his church, he would have  provided accommodation for them. He invited P.M.NEWS to visit his church for detailed  information over the matter.

Source: PM News


  1. " Everyday for the thief, one day for the owner " Bring him to me, lemme have him for Dinner

  2. TB Joshua Never claimed to be Jesus Christ. He is just a man and cannot be held responsible for other people's actions of faith.

    He didn't invite anybody to come from Cameroon. They all came without is knowledge.

    If they had contacted the church of their coming and requested for accommodation , the church would have let them know if any was available.

    It is wrong for some group of people to wake up in the morning and start painting someone black.

    I hate it, and will never be a part of it.

  3. That Fat Liar..
    He has been Blacklisted in Cameroon and the News Report is authentic as the communique has been published in several local papers including the government Official Journal.

  4. this guy is evil. short and simple. talk about giving nigeria a bad name...tb joshua gives us a bad name wen it comes to religion. how ppl manage to go to his church still amazes me. very creepy!

  5. @ Date Nigerian Girl: Cool down. I don't see anywhere in the communique where they said TB Joshua claimed to be Jesus Christ. The government of Cameroon is just warning it's citizens against coming to Nigeria for the sole purpose of seeing the man and visiting his "synagogue".

    To be forewarned is to be forearmed. It is evident that a lot of these people are ending up at the doorsteps of the Cameroonian Consulate in Lagos. Sending them back to Cameroon at government expense is a needless and preventable drain on their budget.

    I understand that it may be shocking for you to believe that a government can actually care about it's citizens but all sorts of countries issue all sorts of travel advisories aimed at their citizens all the time....and that is simply what this is (with an African flavor).

    On a side note, someone needs to tell TB Joshua that this is 2010 not 1980. I really can't stand to look at his hair - he needs to take it down a notch or two.

  6. I dont understand why you wicked generation criticise servants of God and you praise wicked celebrities.Dont attack God's servants because you're attacking God himself. You foolish pharisees

  7. the bible says a prophet should bejudged by a prophet. Iam amzed how a minister can judge a prophet on the acts of the misinformed people who leave the country without aproval. these people get stranded at their own risk.on the other hand TB Joshua does not claim to be Jesus but a servant of Jesus Christ. stop blaspheming or you will fall into an unforgiven sin

  8. See i only belive in living God,faith can heal you even in ur house without going anywhere, TB JOESHUA or not what i know is that only God will say!! ONYE ZUKO


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