The Bishop Eddie Long Sex Scandal.... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 23 September 2010

The Bishop Eddie Long Sex Scandal....


 The Bishop Eddie Long sex scandal is perhaps the biggest news story currently so I'm sure you all have heard about. The scandal is getting messier and messier.

Details from the complaints against Bishop Eddie Long after the break.


According to the complaints Bishop Eddie Long bought cars, paid tuition and put his 'spiritual sons' on the church payroll. Oh and the church took their website down last night. Below are some of the messiest parts from plaintiffs Flagg and Robinson's complaint against Bishop Long.

Plaintiff Flagg’s mother agreed to allow Plaintiff Flagg to move in the Golod House since Defendant Long suggested it and she believed it would provide Plaintiff Flagg stability and more
opportunity to learn and grow with such an important spiritual mentor in her son’s life.
On information and belief, Golod House was owned by Andrew Moman.
Andrew Moman is a Minister at Defendant New Birth Missionary Baptist Church and serves as Athletic Director.
Shortly after moving in the Golod Way House, Defendant Long gave Plaintiff Flagg a 2000 Mustang Convertible to drive (the “Mustang”).
The Mustang was registered to Darius Wise.
Darius Wise is an Elder of New Birth and serves as Chief Ministry Officer of New Birth.
At some point, Plaintiff Flagg was placed on the payroll of Defendant New Birth Missionary Church.
Plaintiff Flagg’s pay checks were delivered to him personally by Defendant Long.
Plaintiff Flagg would endorse the payroll check and return it to Bishop Eddie Long and in turn Bishop Eddie Long would give Anthony Alonzo Flagg cash roughly equivalent to the amount of the payroll check.
Not long after moving in the Golod House, Defendant Long would come to the Golod House and sleep in the same bed as Plaintiff Flagg.
Defendant Long engaged in sexual massages from and to Plaintiff Flagg.
Defendant Long then increased the sexual contact to include oral sodomy with Plaintiff Flagg.
Defendant Long took Plaintiff Flagg on trips with him around the United States including day trips to Charlotte, North Carolina and Tuskegee, Alabama and overnight trips to New York, New York, Memphis, Tennessee, Las Vegas, Nevada, and Dallas, Texas.
During the overnight trips, Defendant Long shared a bedroom and engaged in intimate sexual contact with Plaintiff Flagg including kissing, massaging, masturbating of Plaintiff Flagg by Defendant Long and oral sexual contact.
Employees and agents of Defendant New Birth, including Andrew Moman, Anthony Render, and April McLaughlin often accompanied Defendant Long and Plaintiff Flagg on the overnight trips and knew that Defendant Long was sharing a bedroom with Plaintiff Flagg.***

And here's the dirty from the other complaint
Bishop Eddie Long began to spend personal time with Plaintiff Robinson when Plaintiff Robinson was fifteen (15) years old.
At some point in time, after joining the Church, Plaintiff Robinson was placed on the payroll of Defendant New Birth.
Plaintiff Robinson would accompany Defendant Long to the gym where Defendant Long would have Plaintiff Robinson rub lotion on Defendant Long at Defendant Long’s direction.
Andrew Moman, an employee of New Birth, purchased a Chevrolet Malibu for Plaintiff Robinson’s use.
Defendant Long took Plaintiff Robinson on several overnight trips to various destinations including, New York, New York, Turks and Caicos and Auckland, New Zealand.
Defendant Long took Plaintiff Robinson to Auckland, New Zealand for Plaintiff Robinson’s birthday on October 25, 2008 (the “New Zealand Trip”).
During the New Zealand Trip, Defendant Long placed his mouth on the penis of Robinson.
Following the New Zealand Trip, Defendant Long regularly engaged in sexual touching, and other sexual acts with Plaintiff Robinson. 7
Defendant Long would use Holy Scripture to discuss and justify the intimate relationship between himself and Plaintiff Robinson.
Plaintiff Robinson was regularly given cash by Defendant Long.
Defendant Long and/or Defendant New Birth paid for college tuition at Perimeter College for Maurice Murray Robinson.
In or about 2009, Maurice Murray Robinson traveled to Ohio with Bishop Eddie Long where Defendant Long engaged in sexual acts with Plaintiff Robinson.
In or about 2009 Maurice Murray Robinson traveled to Connecticut with Bishop Eddie Long where Defendant Long engaged in sexual acts with Plaintiff Robinson.***

Bishop Eddie Long made a church summer camp counselor call him “Daddy” and coerced him into sexual acts, according to a third lawsuit filed against the mega-church leader.

On Wednesday, Jamal Parris, 23, a former member of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, became the third man to file suit against nationally known preacher and his church.

The suit, similar to two filed on Tuesday accuses Long of using his power to force the plaintiff into a sexual relationship. In exchange, Long placed the Parris and the two other men on the church’s payroll, bought them cars and other gifts, and took them on lavish trips, according to the suits filed in DeKalb County Superior Court.

Parris worked as summer camp counselor at New Birth, according to the suit. Parris, now living in Colorado Springs, Colo., and his mother joined the church in 2001 when he was 14.

Within two weeks, Long gave Parris his personal cell phone number, the suit alleges.

Their relationship intensified during the 2004-05 school year, with Long often inviting Parris to his guesthouse on Snapfinger Road.

"Initially, Long engaged in sexual touching during their encounters and then escalated the activity to oral sodomy and other acts of sexual gratification," the suit reads. "Long would discuss the Holy Scripture to justify and support the sexual activity."

Parris claims he left the church in 2009 "disillusioned, confused and angry."
Long adamantly denies the allegations and has scheduled a press conference Thursday morning.

Parris' allegations are similar to claims made by Anthony Flagg and Maurice Robinson, who filed suits Tuesday.



  1. America is the most open/ liberal country when it comes to sexuality so all those boys are definitely Gay. At 14 years of age a child in America knows his right and can be rebuff all kind of displeasing sexual advances. What suddenly happened to them that made them file a suit now huh?

    Check well the pastor probably got tired of their sticks and moved on in his rampant ways and that angered the boys. They felt used and want not to teach him a lesson alone but to also extort large sum of money. Just my opinion though, the boys are not totally without blame.

  2. There is a thing called STATUTORY RAPE. Having sexual affiliation with a minor.

  3. This story is all kinds of foolywang!

    At first I thought he was being framed but those pics are so suspect. Lmao!
    I still won't pass judgment yet! I'll keep waiting 4 concrete evidence.

    p.s-Linda ur blog is one of the few blogs that save me from boredom @ work on a daily basis. Lmao

  4. Catholic, pentecostal, evangelical, same problem, same storries of illicit sex, sodomy and fornication.
    There is a leadership vacuum in the fellowship of Christs followers. We need him now more than ever to come and restore the church. The devil is here wreaking havoc.
    Dear God come down and deliver your people because we are being led by vampires. Even the pharisees of Jesus time were better than the current crop.

  5. @anonymous 10:17

    Are u for real? You can't seriously be blaming the boys for speaking out about the abuse(if the allegations are true). You are totally excusing Eddie Long! You may not have noticed but this is no different from the Catholic sex abuse scandal...."shepherd" of a flock, respected by the community who is a closet homosexual and pedophile to boot (abi whether it is bisexual in this case) taking advantage of young, trusting boys and their trusting families, all the while maintaining a veneer of being above reproach. Eventually when the boys grow up, they speak out. Simple! I am not Catholic but i am definitely a christian who could probably be described as an evangelical. Either way this is just wrong on every level. (Parents out there, let this story serve as the umpteenth warning...... pedophiles and perverts like to hide in church - whether catholic or protestant)!

    I am also a pediatrician who lives in America. I tell you authoritatively that a child is a child is a child..............i don't care where in the world u live. Whether it's a 3 yr old girl in Nigeria, a 16yr old boy in America or a 10yr old intersex person in Indonesia, no child should have to deal with something like this. These boys are 1000% without blame if they were children when it happened (which they were). Liberal or not liberal has nothing to do with anything. What suddenly happened to them is that they grew older. Furthermore, at least 2 of the boys have said that despite it all, they do not consider themselves to be gay.

    Please NEVER EVER blame a child in the slightest way for being the victim of sexual abuse. I rather think they should be commended for having the courage to speak out knowing how powerful this man is in their community.

    And there is no amount of money that can compensate for the destruction and havoc he has wrecked in their lives.

    Sexual predators who prey on children are the lowest of the lows, utterly despicable .....even criminals in penetentiary recognise this and usually dole out to them swift retribution when they are eventually incarcerated. And they deserve to rot in hell in this world and the next.

    Let me make a related detour here as i quote a bible passage - Matt 18:6, 10 - but if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. See to it that u do not despise one of these little ones; for i tell u that in heaven, their angels always behold the face of my Father in heaven - powerful stuff! The overwhelming majority of children believe in God cos they are not as "smart" as some of us think we are, and this passage applies to essentially all children. We should all be careful how we treat children o! In particular in Nigeria, physical abuse in the name of "discipline" is just too rampant.....but i digress.

    Unfortunately, because the age of consent in Georgia is 16yrs, Eddie Long may never be criminally prosecuted except if boys who were younger when the abuse took place step forward.

  6. @anonymous 10:17

    Are u for real? You can't seriously be blaming the boys for speaking out about the abuse(if the allegations are true). You are totally excusing Eddie Long! You may not have noticed but this is no different from the Catholic sex abuse scandal...."shepherd" of a flock, respected by the community who is a closet homosexual and pedophile to boot (abi whether it is bisexual in this case) taking advantage of young, trusting boys and their trusting families, all the while maintaining a veneer of being above reproach. Eventually when the boys grow up, they speak out. Simple! I am not Catholic but i am definitely a christian who could probably be described as an evangelical. Either way this is just wrong on every level. (Parents out there, let this story serve as the umpteenth warning...... pedophiles and perverts like to hide in church - whether catholic or protestant)!

    I am also a pediatrician who lives in America. I tell you authoritatively that a child is a child is a child..............i don't care where in the world u live. Whether it's a 3 yr old girl in Nigeria, a 16yr old boy in America or a 10yr old intersex person in Indonesia, no child should have to deal with something like this. These boys are 1000% without blame if they were children when it happened (which they were). Liberal or not liberal has nothing to do with anything. What suddenly happened to them is that they grew older. Furthermore, at least 2 of the boys have said that despite it all, they do not consider themselves to be gay.

    Please NEVER EVER blame a child in the slightest way for being the victim of sexual abuse. I rather think they should be commended for having the courage to speak out knowing how powerful this man is in their community.

    And there is no amount of money that can compensate for the destruction and havoc he has wrecked in their lives.

    Sexual predators who prey on children are the lowest of the lows, utterly despicable .....even criminals in penetentiary recognise this and usually dole out to them swift retribution when they are eventually incarcerated. And they deserve to rot in hell in this world and the next.

    Let me make a related detour here as i quote a bible passage - Matt 18:6, 10 - but if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. See to it that u do not despise one of these little ones; for i tell u that in heaven, their angels always behold the face of my Father in heaven - powerful stuff! The overwhelming majority of children believe in God cos they are not as "smart" as some of us think we are, and this passage applies to essentially all children. We should all be careful how we treat children o! In particular in Nigeria, physical abuse in the name of "discipline" is just too rampant.....but i digress.

    Unfortunately, because the age of consent in Georgia is 16yrs, Eddie Long may never be criminally prosecuted except if boys who were younger when the abuse took place step forward.

  7. Yay! i just figured out how to stop posting comments as anonymous (go ahead and yap me if u like).

    So i am continuing my comment above which ended with "Unfortunately, because the age of consent in Georgia is 16yrs, Eddie Long may never be criminally prosecuted except if boys who were younger when the abuse took place step forward."

    I know i shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but i don't think it's hard to believe he did any of thinks he spends way too much time on looking attractive (in his opinion only o!). As we all know, many gay men place a premium on the way they look. Check out the many hours a day do you think he spends pumping iron? And i never trust a man with greasy, chemically altered hair!

  8. NOT AGAIN! Please all these closet homosexual borderline pedophiles should just step off the pulpit! Chei Eddie Long! Anyone who knows anything about pedophilia, knows that these allegations read like a textbook case, he picks victims from troubled backgrounds, and grooms them, entices them with gifts and showers them with "love" & "affection." In the process he isolates them from family and eventually strikes, then justifies it or threatens them slyly.

    Shame on him if this is true, actually shame on him if it's not true either, because his actions give the impression that he was up to no good. What reason on God's green earth does any pastor have to send pictures in biker shorts to a young male member of his congregation?

  9. ROFLMAO. After seeing these pics, it ain't had to tell that ze chances of the guy playing for the other team is QUITE HIGH.

    Que fotos mas gay! LOL.

    I just love it when this kind of scandals hit the church as they're always acting righteous and promoting violence, hate and discrimination against folks who just want o leave their lives in peace and enjoy their time on earth.

    Anyhow I wish the guy ze best with the lawsuits and investigations into his past.

  10. from those pics we all know this freak is a cock sucker... the annoying thing is that he's on the pulpit one and two he's a pedophile. too bad these boys had to go through this shit.

  11. Here is an excerpt from a book (Gospel of Deliverance, by Maurice Ekwugha; pg 232-3)that aptly describes what we see in today's churches.

    "Today we see the proliferation of churches in various forms and guises that are not churches at all. These carefully disguised satanic altars have a façade of Christianity worshipping the God of Israel in clear view but behind the scenes, they worship idols cleverly hidden out of the sight of the undiscerning. These people call on God by Name but reject His power and seek that of the devil instead. They combine the use of God’s Name with the devil’s power. This is a mystery.
    The easiest way to detect such false prophets is their penchant for fame and fortune. They acknowledge God with their flowery speeches but their deeds (or misdeeds) tell a more revealing story of selfishness and greed. In some cases these people are church leaders who have fallen out of God’s grace. To maintain a stranglehold on their congregations, they turn to idolatry affecting a semblance of divine power and authority. And to justify their practices they resort to heresy by which they drag their followers deeper into the pit. (see 2 Peter 2:1-3)
    "They use the scriptures, not for the intended purpose of blessing God’s people, but as weapons against true believers and as tools of extortion. Thus, they are able to lead double lives, the spirit of the antichrist thrives, and the ignorant are led astray. The danger here is that the lukewarm believer is easily enticed away from God and destroyed. That is why Jesus said that if it were possible even the elect should be deceived.(see Matthew 24:24)."

  12. the church didn't 'take down' their website. their single shared server was overloaded and went down. it was upgraded to a dedicated hosting plan, and they even had the new website design finished by that time. the new site is up on a new server. so many people were 'rubbernecking' the video, that it even brought down the immensely huge

    gather facts before making assumptions.

  13. Click the link below to see Lance Scurvin's controversial cartoon on the Bishop Eddie Long Sex Scandal at the New Birth Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia.

    Don't laugh TOO hard!


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