"The word "betrayal" isn't strong enough. I felt like my whole world had fallen apart." Elin says of Tiger Woods affairs | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 26 August 2010

"The word "betrayal" isn't strong enough. I felt like my whole world had fallen apart." Elin says of Tiger Woods affairs

Elin Nordegren has spoken for the first time since her split from Tiger Woods, and she says she had no idea about the golfer's multiple affairs.


Speaking to People magazine, Swedish model Elin, 30, said she felt 'blindsided' and 'embarrassed' when she found out about Woods' infidelities - especially when the whole world soon found out about her private life.

She said: 'I never suspected, not a one. For the last three-and-a-half years, when all this was going on, I was home a lot more with pregnancies, then the children and my school.'

Elin added that she and Woods tried to work through their marital problems, but in the end they had to agree to split.

Speaking about the parade of women who claimed to have had affairs with her husband, she said: 'I felt stupid as more things were revealed. How could I not have known anything? The word "betrayal" isn't strong enough. I felt like my whole world had fallen apart.

'I felt embarrassed for having been so deceived. I felt betrayed by many people around me. Initially, I thought we had a chance, and we tried really hard.'
In what she described as her first and last interview, Elin, whose divorce from Woods was finalised yesterday, also said she has started to come to terms with her situation.
She said: 'I have been through the stages of disbelief and shock, to anger and ultimately grief over the loss of the family I so badly wanted for my children.

'I also feel stronger than I ever have. I have confidence in my beliefs, my decisions and myself.'
In the People interview Nordegren denied that she and Woods had been fighting on the night he crashed his car outside their Florida home.
She emphatically denied hitting Woods with a golf club or chasing after him before he crashed his Lincoln Escalade 4x4.

'There was never any violence inside or outside our home,' she said.
'The speculation that I would have used a golf club to hit him is just truly ridiculous.'
The car crash led to the stories of his multiple affairs being made public by his many mistresses.

Nordegren did not reveal how much her divorce settlement was worth but tellingly added: 'Money doesn't make you happy. ... But I have to be honest: It is making some things easier. I have the opportunity to be with my children as much as I want.'

She also credits her children, three-year-old Sam and 19-month-old Charlie, with getting her through the past nine months.
'Just having them around, hugging me, kissing me, gives me the strength to get through every day," she said.

Source: People Magazine


  1. She needs to shut her trap..
    she was just a bloody nanny for the neighbors who got lucky..

  2. So if she was a nanny. woods married her legally.

    what is ur problem????

  3. Well with her pay off she can pull her world together!

  4. Hi Linda, may be we should start a debate on how many men or women, for that matter, have remained faithful to their spouses since signing the dotted line. I wonder, I just wonder

  5. @Anonymous 1:53 - why the venom? Do i detect some envy here? What is your problem with the woman. U have allowed jealousy to cloud your thinking....i sincerely hope you are not a female who is married or hopes to be married some day.

    We need to stop looking down at people who do honest work. So what if she was a nanny? Would you rather she had depended on her parents (her mother is a respected swedish mayor) or become an escort/prostitute? It's not like as if he was married and she was his nanny and then she stole him from his wife. Shebi Tiger Woods saw her as a nanny and decided he still wanted to marry her. (For your info, before you ask me why my own is too much - i am a physician, i have never worked a day at any other job in my life than being a doctor, but i still recognize the importance of nannies, etc - where would people like me be without them?)

    Anyhow, na you know. Most women just want to be married happily ever after. Its nice if your husband is rich but you may have heard that money doesn't buy happiness....and it cetainly doesn't buy love or trust. What he did to her was utterly despicable. This is worse than betrayal and i would do the same thing to him if i was in her shoes...kick the bum out of her life.

    She has every right to tell her side of the story because in the end SHE is the person who was wronged, not Tiger Woods. She is just another wife wronged in the baddest way by her husband. And as usual a lot of people (including u) still have more empathy for the offender. Sad, sad, sad.

  6. this ATTENTION ASHAWO/ GOLD DIGGER should just shut her trap. if not for his misdoings would she be telling how and when to use the word BETRAYAL.

    she should just take her money and go. yeah he cheated, so what? if you (in general) can't deal with it; divorce quietly and go about your life not coming to our media and describing shit and if you must talk....go see a shrink.

  7. OK! Skankmypeaceofmind, I am not in the habit of leaving responses BUT your comment warrants it. "....he cheated, so what?" Omo, are you for real?
    The first time he cheated, the thought of his wife and kids didn't stop and he went ahead to sleep with everyone else that was open to the idea! Her talking about her failed marriage even though she tried to save the sorry ass union for the kids makes her an "attention ashewo" in your books?

    Nigerian women are really unfortunate if the attitude forever remains "...he cheated, so what?" No decent woman should have to go through that *ish* when she knows that if she ever tried something funky like that, she would be thrown out the house so fast , it'll make her head spin! Una patience and tolerance for STIs and extra marital pikins pass me!

    Dear, do go easy on the skank, will you?

  8. The people calling this woman names or saying she was just a nanny or gold digger are out of their minds. Are these people crazy or they are just some bunch of insecure, jealous, and envious of what she has in terms of money.

    People should get educated and stop using the word gold digger loosely. Why is it that when a woman is obviously a gold digger that's when some idiots say she's a strong woman and a role model. Seriously?

    Only people who cherish marriage and family will understand what it means when your whole world looks like it fell apart. No amount of money can buy what it means to have a healthy marriage and family.

    Tiger woods was the one who chose her and married her. This woman looks like she was really in there for what she thought was the real deal. That's the reason, we never saw her around or she tries to get some attention when she was married to Tiger Woods. That's the more reason people who are sensible enough should empathize with her.

    Some of the women who keep saying just get over it, I hope whoever you are with cheats on you or maybe he has but cheats on you multiple times with different women, do the worse, so you can feel how she feels right now.

    Some of the men who are probably calling her names too or telling her to get over it, I hope the person you cheat on will give you something you will never forget. I mean we've heard stories of some women cutting penis off or burning it, so maybe they will feel the pain that women go through.

    Cheating should not be acceptable, you do it once, forgiveness is good, twice and multiple, it's just absolutely wrong. Real Women who have respect for themselves will not take anything like that.

  9. Being cheated on by a loved one is EXTREMELY painful and devastating. I've been there, grieved, and moved past it, but almost lost my life in the process. I have resolved that if my current partner cheats on me, I will leave like Elin b/c if you stay after you catch your loved one in a cheating act, it will destroy you in so many ways. It is okay to love someone and let them go if they are incapable of being faithful to you.


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