"Olu Jacobs should not play Igwe roles" Pete Edochie | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 27 August 2010

"Olu Jacobs should not play Igwe roles" Pete Edochie

"The people who are making movies are children and most of them are unintelligent. The person who is playing the Igwe roles in all the movies these days is Olu Jacobs. He is not an Igbo man. I simply do not understand why somebody who does not speak the Igbo language, who does not understand the culture, the mind and the psychology of a people should be the one playing those roles. This is the reason why those roles are not being properly interpreted. Have you ever seen a woman beside a Northern Emir? But I watched a film where people had to help hold Olu Jacobs wife in the movie and he basically raped her because she refused to have sex with him and he was supposed to be the Igwe in the film. That is an absolute insult to the traditional stools of the Igbo people. If he knew better he would have advised the producers of such a movie or should never have even taken part in it at all." Legendary Nollywood actor Pete Edochie was quoted as saying recently



  1. lol @ Mr Edochie.For pete sake it is called ACTING-pun intended :-) Dont worry you'll be fine

  2. Tribalism at work. Why? I'm Ibo and i think Pete Edochie's statement is a bit uncalled for.

  3. That is why dem call am acting.. Go find somewhere siddon biko. Guess he is bitter that he is not getting those role. Me wey i be black, wey i play queen of England nko?

  4. It's not Olu Jacobs fault, they shoot movies with so little time in naija so u work with what u're given. And besides, it's the Producer/director's job is get consultants or maybe elders in this case to tell them about traditional roles they know little about b4 they hand it over to the actor.

  5. I just think these days Olu Jacobs does a terrible job period, e no concern me if he's igbo,yoruba,efik,edo,urhobo,calabar...I just hate the roles

  6. Well well well i see who the real racist are!!! that is the dumbest thing anyone can say yet again its coming from and Igbo man!

  7. Alabi Oluwasegun Leo27 August 2010 at 15:12

    I think Pete was right, commenting from professional angle. I believe he wasn't attacking Olu Jacobs in particular but Producers/Directors. Thumbs up to the Director & Producer of "Temi Ni Nkem". A Yoruba character in a film should be able to speak the language (same for other languages). This is why I don't really like "Eji Owuro" where Desmond Elliot played the role of "Deji (a Yoruba boy)" but couldn't really speak the language. People commenting should not forget that Igbo people cherish the culture so much & wouldn't condone anything as insult on the culture.The duo of Pete & Olu Jacob are great actors no doubt and shouldn't forget that they are Role Models to many people out there, I don't think this should cause rancour between them.

  8. well i think these words should make us ask the most pertinent question,when will nollywood start producing good movies,when will we write well reasearched scripts,when will our actors really take their time to really immerse themselves into a character and get to be that character?when we get there then we can then talk of who is playing what part.
    A well reasearched script speaks for itself.
    Thanks to the likes of Tunde Kelani,Emem Isong and others but a lot work still has to be done.Nollywood should be above mediocrity by now.

  9. O everyone insulting this man should shut up!!!...when they portrayed Nigerians wrongly in a couple of movies everyone was shouting....he feels his culture is being misrepresented by the movie industry who generally do not care about doing a job well as they do making money...why shouldn't he air his opinions?....by the way i have never seen an Ibo person play an Oba or something like that because the directors and producers won't give him that role because he won't be able to interpret the role well...how is that racist? This id Nollywood where people don't even do any research on their characters before playing them

  10. how dumb of pete. who says you have to be igbo to interpret igbo roles? is he bitter cos he's not getting roles these days?

  11. he should attack the actor not the producer. How many atimes do we Nigerians or Africans complain when we're not well portrayed in western films? I agree with Pete jo , you have to be true to the culture.

  12. i don't think he's tribalistic. i just think maybe a bit of anger about movie producer and bad casting. and i'm shocked that he would say stuff like this after all his experience. i actually think Pete Edochie is better than Olu because Olu is more of a stage actor (he exaggerates in movies) and Pete is more TV inclined. this statement by Pete needs to be addressed. he needs to clear this up. i def think he's an igbo man to the core, hence the statement. how many yoruba ppl would be happy if an igbo man played kabiyesi and couldn't pronounce Adebayo properly? (it reminds me of Al Pacino's casting in Scarface as a Cuban and Manolo's accent was quite different from pacino's forged accent) a lot of them would be, and i think it's the same thing pete is trying to say but he didn't say it right. when i saw the statement first, i wanted to insult the shit out of him, but after reading the full interview, i think the guy had problems answering questions

  13. @ anon 2.34 this is not racism. racism has to with RACE...gosh.

  14. entertainment observer27 August 2010 at 16:14

    the green eyed monster as gotten a strangle hold on mr. edochie and it's embarassing to read/see.

    mr. edochie should have more respect for his contemporary to not call him out in the media even if he feels he is right, he could have stated his point without point fingers because one could equally say that HIS interpretation of igwes/chiefs etc is ONE NOTE, the same in every single movie! He is NOT versatile himself, he is always a rich man, a man chasing wealth through an occult, a wicked village uncle, an igwe (both wicked and good) so please!

    mr. olu jacob's job is do research as much as the time allows to bring the character and his circumstances to life for the audience but the director and producer's job is to hire an accent or language coach to help the actor with that process, their job is to check with tribal elders etc to ensure the authenticity of the character etc.

    mr. edochie's blame is misplaced and insulting to his fellow actor.

  15. i can't believe i'm about to write this but the TRUTH has got to come out when it has to.

    PETE EDOCHIE, you are an EGOTISTIC, TRIBALIST, REASON WHY THE COUNTRY IS IN THIS SHIT person. did you really think that we care about what you push out of your (okay i'm going to be nice) mouth, huh?

    olu jacobs doesn't write the film, olu jacobs doesn't direct the film, olu jacobs is a Nigerian. so what's you're point?

    if you want igwe roles to be acted by only igbo than you might as well take your family and those that agree with you on this shit(because that's what it is) out of this country and go form your own.

    Nigeria doesn't belong to one person, it belongs to us all. so if you think that because you are a "legend" (of which right i think you stink) then you should know better that its a bloody film and quite frankly your opinion is more or less a pile of shit. after all, we've got bigger problems like lack of basic amenities to deal with than listen to your rant about supporting tribalism.

    i have an advice for you mr. edochie, why not invest in your brain by buying a book and reading it so that it can open your eyes to the realities of discrimination and its harmful effects. maybe then you'd realise that all this shit you are saying makes you sound like a disgruntled five old fighting for a PLAY SPACE in a playground.
    who knows? maybe you are jealous that you aren't getting the roles and he is and want to try and cover it by lying that you are looking out for the interest of the igbo community.
    I've said my peace.
    now that, feels SOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!

  16. I smell haterade

  17. @skank, u will put me in trouble one day with all these ur comments...:-)

  18. @linda, lol don't worry... they don't read.

  19. I was just thinking to myself last night,that despite the intelligent and smart people most/some of these nollywood actors are,they still act like,its child's play.

    I dont know if its the director's fault or if its just the case where no1 wants to "cut and take scene" again,but really,many roles are not interpreted well. I'm yet to watch a hospital scene in a nollywood movie that looks convincing.

    just as I'm yet to watch a northern role interpreted well by nollywood stars.

  20. Peter is right...they shouln't insult the ibo culture In order to make money! But then its just one of the anormallies in nollywood...producer pls take note...do not prompt spats!

  21. it is not about race/racism or wat have you, it's all about getting it right in da movie industry, imagine a (producer/director/script/screen writer,etc.) who grew up in lagos that doesn't any of his cultures, and maybe he travels home only on december or festive periods, isn't he suppose to research his story very well b4 dishing out da burnt food to the public?,that's too bad and instead of thanking Pete for voicing out about da ugly trend, some pple here are lambasting Pete for saying the truth, ....you may call it ...The NIgerian Factor... but it is very very excruciating and igonosopia you know, Our so-called Actors should find time to update/upgrade themselves and not only be interested in hussling for scripts that bemoan/degrade and dent their self image out there after making the trash, the earlier we change our attitude and mindset about tribalism, the better for the growth of the industry - Kelechi Abuja.

  22. I refuse to believe Pete Edochie said that!

  23. I'm not nigerian but i watch a lot of nollywood movies and I have watched that particular movie Pete Edochie is refering to.
    I think he is wrong in all aspect of his comment. First of all, if all the story lines involving an Ibo context were negative I would see where he is coming from, but it is not the case. Olu Jacobs has played both good Igwe and evil Igwe in this particular case he was playing an old igwe who married a younger wife that would not submit to him and loved his son instead.
    So if portraying an evil Igwe becomes a disrespect to the Ibos of nigeria then I'm sorry to say that Mr edochie lacks of objectivity because that is the essence of fiction. There are to be good and bad characters.
    Do all Ibo speak their language or do all yoruba speak yoruba? For one to have to speak the language before they take the role? In a lot of western movie we see actors exchanging in languages they don't speak! the director has to make sure that if he wants a particular actor in his movie, that the said acor get's proper coaching.And the actor must work on his accents and pronunciation but by no mean being a native should be a prerequisit or Djimon Hounsou, Idriss Elba,Russel Crowe, penelope cruz and salma Hayek would have never made it in Hollywood.

    To follow this logic would mean that Morgan freeman and Matt Damon should not have been casted in Invictus, Rosario dawson should not play white girl, neither should jenifer lopez or Eva mendes... Because they are not white!Definitely, Robert Downey Jr should not play sherlock holmes since he's not Brit... Mister Edochie really needs to sit down and work on his monotonic acting.

  24. Ok Pete Edochie, it's a wrap for you! It is called acting!!! You don't have to be ibo to play the role of an igwe, you just need to be able to be convincing. Jammie Fox played the role of Ray Charles (A blind man) the brother can see, Forest Withicker Played Idi Amin in Last king of Scotland (Forest na real Akata from south central LA)and Don Cheadle Played an African In hotel Rwanda (The brother is from Kansas city in the states). Come on men!!!!! If you can pull it off then you are a good actor!!!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Put a sock in ur mouth Pete. Ur no match to Olu Jacobs. Only Real Recognize Real !!!

  27. He kinda has a point tho...esp concerning the story lines and mistakes....but that is the job of the director and script writer NOT the actor! Therefore, his point is kinda pointless in reference to Mr Jacobs.

    His point about Igbo man playing the part is so baseless! This man is supposed to be a veteran in the business and he still doesn't understand the concept of acting? Where is the challenge in acting if everyone plays a role similar to their real life? Kai.
    No wonder he's stuck on the same roles men...rich, powerful igbo man. smh.


  28. @ Skankmypeace....how can you ask Pete Edochie to pick up a book and read on discrimination and it's harmful effects when he probably went through the Biafran war where Igbos and the likes where murdered for just being Igbo?....maybe you should pick up a book :/...and this is coming from a Yoruba chic...whether you decide to read the whole interview or not, Nollywood and it's actors produce movies where the characters are not well portrayed and researched...I'm sorry but you sound like you let your emotions do the talking (typing in this case) without much thought to the truth of what the man said...and your insults where unwarranted, this is an older individual you could have said your piece without abusing....that was uncouth

  29. thats just bullcrap!
    i hate when people hide behind tadition. Thats what ACTING is supposed to be about- being able to potray what youre not.
    Pete Edochie should go and hug a transformer jor!

  30. Olu jacobs is an excellent actor, much respect to him. What Pete is saying has a lot to do with the producers and directors.

    I think what Pete needs to understand also is that the producers sometimes go with an actor that is more popular, basically someone that people are familiar with. I don't know a lot about how the Nigerian film industry works but in hollywood, producers sometimes go with actors/actresses that will bring in a lot of money. For example, it's like Denzel Washington playing every lead role in a lot of movies as oppossed to an average actor. Many people will want to see Denzel, whether he's playing a role that is meant for a caucasian or an Asian guy, an excellent actor is an excellent actor because he's just good at what he does.

    It looks like Mr Pete is more concerned about getting more roles, which is understanding.

  31. What an ignorant thing to say!
    Julia Roberts should not have played the role of a prostitute in Pretty Woman because she is not relly a prostitute.
    Forest Whitaker should not have played the role of Idi Amin in Last King of Scotland because he is not Ugandan.
    Oh and how dare Jamie Fox play the role of Ray Charles when he is not really blind. e.t.c

    He is supposed to be one of the top actors in Nigeria and he clearly does not know that a good actor is one who plays and interpretes his role irrespective of place of origin, race and background.
    I sense the green eyed monster in his statement period! Nonsense

  32. 4 all U Aholes insulting Pete he is complaining abt d portrayals of the Igwe s, and not Olu Jacobs acting did he say Olu is he a bad actor? no... he only says he feels an Igbo man will do a better job (thats his opinion) as 4 d ppl citing Hollywood, Angelina Jolie was trashed 4 playing laraCroft cos of her accent,Helen Mirren did a good job playing the Queen of England cos she is British (my opinion tho) J lo 2 was called out when she played Selena,like when ey tried to speak ibo in X-Men i was so pisse. Anyways ey point is Mr Edochie has a point but he didnt go about it ey right way.

  33. @ anonymous 9.21pm i can tell you are also an ignorant person as well calling pple u dont't know names u don't even know the meaning of becuase they have an opinion contrary to yours.How charming!

  34. bad belle troway troway......
    enemies enemies enemies.......

  35. Tell him to relocate to Lagos so that he can get good role.

    Non Igbo no go fit marry this man daughter ooo..Too tradition for this age abeg

  36. Yep Pete has a point. If Olu cannot pronounce some Igbo terms and names properly, then he respectfully has no business playing an Igbo chief or elder in the English speaking Nollywood sector. Now that said, if he feels that he (olu jacobs) has to protray that particular character, then he could employ a voice / dialet coach to be on standby (on set.) Then....

  37. Well pete forest whitaker is an american who interpreted idi amin's role perfectly to the accent sef and got an oscar for his role....go figure..... see ur tribalistic talk has no bases a good actor shuld interprete any role n execute it perfectly, dats y d acting industry is dying everyone has stereotyped roles...

  38. @ anonymous 12.17 na u sabi,if u like cry like a lil bitch i dnt care,u replied obviously cos u r an A hole.

  39. pple pls read properly b4 commenting, some pple only wanna hear wat they want to..he's against the part where guards holds down a girl for the Igwe to rape, and he's saying thats very unIgwe-like. if a 60something yrs old man says so, why wuld youths of today who don't knw the culture as must as he does agree foolishly & call him racial?


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