Pastor Taiwo Odukoya's new wife delivers baby boy in SA .. | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 31 August 2010

Pastor Taiwo Odukoya's new wife delivers baby boy in SA ..

Pastor Taiwo Odukoya's South African wife, Rosemary Simangele, has just put to bed. She was delivered of a bouncing baby boy on Friday August 27th in her home town of South Africa. Mother and son are said to be doing great.

They were married on Tuesday, January 5, 2010 after courting for two years.

Congrats to them.
And yeah, I think I'm thinking what you are thinking...:-)


  1. Alabi Oluwasegun Leo31 August 2010 at 21:30

    Congratulations to the Odukoyas.

  2. oh and congratulationsssss!
    I forgot!

  3. Maybe the baby was born a premature...It's possible
    LOL sha :-)

  4. Big congrats to them. May God bless them all.

    Thinking what you're thinking? lol! My daughter came a month earlier than due date so you never know.

  5. LROTF (laughing rolling on the floor) at Linda.s comment...yeah I have been doin the math too...they were maried in January and 7 or 7 and half months later she has a wah.....anyways they humans sha and humans in nature are weak....

  6. that was quick! but then we all know that with God all things are possible!!!!

  7. Eyin aiye...lmao...ok ok ok i confess, i too was thinking the same thing you were thinking. Hormones na bastard sha when a fine woman is in the room alone with you

  8. *ahem ahem* maybe the baby was premature

  9. I calculated too but we are all gbeboruns. Congratulations to them. Late Pastor Bimbo inspired me to be closer to God when I attended the church in Nigeria for the first and only time in 1996. May her soul rest in peace amen.

  10. cough cough.... my fingers did the magic... noo talking here!!! lol

  11. to the pure, all things are pure

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Congrats to the Odukoya
    what of your pastor....the household man, he is yet to make an impact...what is going on? let him pray harder

  14. haha ppl are tew funy...i think we were all thinking the same thing...and let's all say the baby was premature. Pastor Household of God Church, i dunno but i hrd he may be impotent....please Linda i dunno if u'll post this but that's what i hrd from some of my informants *wink*

  15. Reflex action: immediately I read d post I started counting my fingers wa oh. Thank God for a safe delivery.

  16. My people just last week there was a publication about a couple that there wedding was not celebrated in Assemblies of God simply because the Pastor suspected the bride to pregnant. Some people commented that it is sinful and what the pastor did was right.

    Well we are humans and we are sinful in nature, we shouldnt condemn people and instead encourage others. I wish that pastor to read this article.

  17. My people just last week there was a publication about a couple that there wedding was not celebrated in Assemblies of God simply because the Pastor suspected the bride to pregnant. Some people commented that it is sinful and what the pastor did was right.

    Well we are humans and we are sinful in nature, we shouldnt condemn people and instead encourage others. I wish that pastor to read this article.

  18. when i read this,d first thing i did was to call my husband to calculate for me........''honey,jan to august,how many mths? eight months.and d next thing i screamed, mo gbe.pastor!!!!!! lol

  19. lindaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!you wan kill person for laughter?please help as i can"t stop laughing at your comment...remember touch not my annointing..".with your mouth "lol

  20. is it marriage before sex or sex after marriage. Please practice what you preach...

    apparently, contracts and i still miss your wife tho??!!

  21. lmao the truth has comeout and me will talk...they married in Jan and born in August how does that add up nine months? later pastor will come and preach abt sex befor marriage! Abegy u see y i stopped going to church...Let my heart and God judge me for He knows my way alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  22. Hahahahahahahahaahahahahha! I think say na only me do the math sha! I soon as i saw the headline, I immediately started solving calculus lmao. Hmm! na only God sabi who be who oh!

  23. the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak.u no na!

  24. touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm...........that is to say,do not slander the man of God!

  25. Yes, it is all about practicing what he preaches! Give them a break life happens... Knowing the right thing to do in a given situation is very different from what you might do when faced with it.

    Lets give them a break... if God can let them be and bless them with safe delivery... then who are we to speak..

    This is exactly why I say pastor or no pastor... hold not human to high standards... cos yes we are humans and we all fail sometimes even after telling other the right things to do.

  26. Linda, you ku ku know say i no dey and no go mince words.

    pastor, pastor...i know say that pickin no be premature so you better start to dey erase "no sex before marriage" from your preaching.

    chai! Bimbo, why you go na? see the way your husband no waste time to do the "you know" when im see im wife to be.

    i quite agree, that hormone is a bastard but at the same time i believe that its time for most pastors to stop all this their "no sex before marriage" bullcrap because the courtship of the sixteenth century is not the same with that of now talk less of that of Jesus's era.
    i think that rule should be more of a personal thing than of a communal thing. if you don't want to do it or want to do it, should be your prerogative and not some man who is standing on the pulpit that is constantly shagging his wife and has shagged so many others before for her and his faith, telling you what to do.

    now that I've typed my peace, i should do the proper thing..... CONGRATULATIONS PASTOR and of course to your WIFE.

  27. Congratulations to the Odukoyas. whether premature or mature birth... it does not really matter anymore. The deed has been done.

    There is a difference between knowing the right thing to do and doing it. This is exactly why we should not think any human is a saint and cant hurt a fly... it is also the reason why we should not place anyone, pastor or no on any pedestal.

    We are all humans and we make mistakes and fall sometimes... so guys... give them a break.

    See everyone as human beings not walking saints.. cos TRUTH IS NONE OF US ARE!

  28. Pls can some one really define what a marriage is?

    IS it sex be4 the ceremony or sex be4 we agree to spend the rest of our lives together...

    Cos they might have even had court marriage done....

    How about those who never have the money to do an actually wedding ceremony who inform families they are ready to be married get their blessings and go ahead?

    Not being able to do the right thing.. does not mean you should support what is wrong! SOOO..

  29. and who was touching his anointed? So we should rid our brain from its normal functions because he is anointed?

    pple take d bible too literal. abeg go and drink ice water jare. all u bible thumpers annoy me.

    Stop worshiping ur pastors and grow some common sense.
    I hv nothing against Pastor Taiwo and still see him as a noble man but he just proved yet again that Pastors are still human beings like d rest of us--awon non-anointeds, which is y all these preachers need be careful abt d way they are so quick 2 condemn pple-----Re the whole assemblies of God saga.

  30.'s amazing that even amidst a glariing fact that suggests everything on the table doesn't add up and is probably wrong, some brainwashed indoctorinate folks here are still going on looking for ways to justify someone who has obviously erred. Keep making excuses for them ok? ARen't these the same people who sit on the pulpit and judge the congregation? Let's see what baba Adeboye has to say to this one...eleran ara ni gbogbo wa man. We are all flesh before God and sin is sin

  31. I am saying it as I see it, my opinions which I am entitled to:

    Another man of God abi?
    Two other men of God took 2nd wives yet they preach to men and women that divorce is wrong and remarrying after divorce is worse.

    This current 'mog' is pathetic as his wife was so 'moral' so pure so good and had so many rules which she says she applies in her personal life..

    His wife published a book that intending couples should court SIX WHOLE YEARS before marriage.

    She had a column on city people announcing this no sex before marriage thing and she gave herself as an example immediately putting pressure on people making them feel like sinners.

    Now her very own 'love of her life' courted for just 2 years and was OBVIOUSLY sleeping with the woman breaking all the 'laws' his wife took time to 'preach to people'.

    Even as obvious as this case is, people are finding it difficult to say the truth as they see it, ho ha! Going as far as even making excuses on behalf of a man when it is plain to see that has been sleeping with his girlfriend. Mind you a number of churches have openly embarrased couples who say they were fornicating before marriage and many more refuse to marry couples when the woman is pregnant. Recently a church in Lag, refused to join a couple because according to the tests carried out, ...the bride was pregnant. Now, this was announced on the wedding day, when all the guests were sitted. Haba I also witnessed one in christ embassy where a couple was disgraced as fornicators bcos they only did traditional marriage. hmm!

    Shey all fornicators should be damned to hell??

    Now see this case ho ha sha.. i know babies come early and to avoid all doubt and erase all wrong impressions,he can tell his congregation that the baby came early. Barring all that, it would be safe to say, Pastor had "known" his wife before marriage. We should not go around making excuses for that.

    With the divorcees who openly and brazenly took 2nd wives and this current case, I am not afraid to say it as I see it as DOUBLE STANDARDS.

    The men seem to have a freepass to 'revel in sin' that the congregation doesnt have.

    I utterly dislike Nigeria's version of religiousity and the manipulators + brainwashed hypocrites it produces. Everyone is religious yet the society is rotten and there is no sign of 'love' which is what the Lord has ordered Christians to do. where is the proof of 'Love' were people have lied to you almost your whole life of 'worship'.

    I pray more and more of these MOG people are exposed so Nigerians can reason out their salvation by themselves as was said in (Philippians 2:12-13) and leave these 'do as I say' people to fester in their contived sense of superiority& self importance

  32. I can't type anything reading Mena's comment. She don talk finish. This world sef, everything tire me. Pls, let christ come quick!!!

  33. Linda, u r a funny lepa especially for that statement"I know what u r thinking". PLEASE LET SOMEBODY RISE AND TELL THAT PASTOR IN ASSEMBLIES OF GOD CHURCH "YOU DO THE MATHS" ON THIS ISSUE LMAO

  34. I just tire for all these. Thank God I know better now.It therefore means that a lot of them just manipulate their congregation for their pockets abi?

  35. @dith,
    iam not a bible thumper

    i have never been to his church sef but sometimes we should just turn a blind eye when "proclaimed" men of God are doing unconventional stuffs!

    religion is between a man,his heart and God. so if he had sex b4 wedding or d baby is 8 months and 1week early,thats d job of his heart and |God not us!

    God knows all and will def judge accordingly........atleast no one knew about d redeemed pastor who was maintaining two families(lagos and abuja) and even embezzled government funds running into billions but when God was ready,he dealt with him!

    lets sofry sofry point fingers sha.

  36. well she could have delivered 4weeks early - very possible - happened to a close friend of mine

  37. Chei, Naaaaiiiijjjaaa peeps.....LMAO.....


    and $DITH you said it well, "bible thumpers"
    rubbish and nonsense.

  39. This is why every Christian should know God for themselves and not put any man on a pedestal. Until the couple comes out themselves to declare that the pregnancy was delivered prematurely, it means they slept with each other before marriage. They may have a special explanation for this, only God knows. After all there were several respected men of God there.

    Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Christ shall return very soon. We have lost the sense of the reality of this. He'll come like a thief in the night, when no one is expecting. Let us not waste our time pointing the finger at others (judge not, lest u be judged) lest the good LORD return and meet us doing so. Rather we should occupy and do all that he has commanded us. The day of reckoning is coming, look forward to it, you'll plainly see who is who on that day, there will certainly be no hiding place:)

  40. You know it amazes me how people just jump into conclusion on matters they know nothing about. I was with Pastors Odukoya and just got back from South Africa and I can assure you, the baby came early and their integrity is very intact. Mom and baby are doing very well and can't wait to return.

  41. Elenu lo lenu, ignorance is no excuse. Nevertheless, may God forgive you all!!

  42. Na wah for you people. It doesn't sound like most people on this post has had a baby before or known someone who has had a baby before.

    I have had friends, family and siblings have their babies early (in fact as early as 31weeks in one instance) but since they are not pastors, it was widely accepted that they had complications. If they had been pastors, it would have been a different case. Abeg give the man a break. If to say na 4months after wedding now i go understand as una dey shout.

    I remember when i was preggo last year, i was due mid-october but prayed fervently for the baby to come in September which was like 5weeks early becos i learnt that at 34weeks your baby can be healthy an not require the incubator at all (in fact my online birth club had people that had their baby like end of July and August). If i were a pastor, i wouldn't have dared to pray for that becos i'm sure i'd have been crucified with christ.

    As was said earlier, all man should work out his own salvation becos we are accountable to God only individually.

    That being said, Congrats to the man and his wife. If them wan do another one, I go advise make them do sharp sharp as age no dey dem side.


  44. Well Bodi no be wood.....This one of the reasons a friend of mine said no Nigerian will make heaven....."Pre Marital Sex defiles you..Somebody say Alleluia" Meanwhile the guy dey hammer wella....

  45. didn't you all do biology? babies come early. So bcos they are pastors, they should show premature certificate from their doctor.

  46. With the same measure you judge, so shall you be judged also. Judge not so that you will not be judged. be careful because the way God fights for His own is mysterious. Live holy Jesus is coming soon. I dont know why people who claim to be educated just jump to conclusions, its a pity

  47. Hmmmmmmmm! no comment. Pastor Bimbo may ur soul RIP.Death is to be blamed for all this sha, and may God forgive pastors that mislead people.Amen.

  48. judge not,that ye may not be judged.before you take out the wood in your neighbor's eye first take out the log in yours.babies come early all the time,particularly if a lady is in her prime.Why people are always looking for excuse to destroy a man of God with their comments,i will never know.If people can sit down to say Jesus was Mary Magdalene's boyfriend,what would they not say about men of God.So be careful what you say about men of God,so that you don't incur a curse on your head.

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