"I won't kill myself because of love" Shan George | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 25 May 2010

"I won't kill myself because of love" Shan George

"I don't know why my relationships don't work out. I have found love, I have stayed there and the men kicked me out. What do you want me to do? I am not going to kill myself. I am probably not a great person. They always fall in love with someone else and kick me out. I have gotten to the stage I can tell you I am a master in the heartbreak issue now. I cry for a couple of months and then I begin to cope again" Actress Shan George tells Encomium magazine.

Did Shan say "I'm probably not a great person" because her relationships didn't work out? Wow!
She needs talking to. So please talk...that's if you have any wise words to share. I'm sure there a few other ladies out there who feel like Shan feels...


  1. This is my two rusty bit, she needs to see a shrink about her issues because if you are repeatedly the one being kicked out of your relationships, if you are using your own mouth to proclaim that you are "probably not a great person" then you need to be laid out on a shrink's couch getting somethings off your chest. There is definitely a self esteem issue here to begin with so just start with that when and if you decide to give psychology a try. I think her dad abandoned the family when she was very young, she went on to marry early and having had two children, she is still looking for love obviously in all the wrong places.

    Shan, you need to reexamine your standards. What do you look for in a man? What types of men do you attract and why? Because the elements you attract in a man exists in you, to attract the type of man you want, you must exhibit those qualities within yourself as well. What do you think you do to sabotage your relationships? Because it is not a one way street all the time. How long of a break do you take between relationships because jumping into one relationship after another is not healthy. Maybe at this point, you simply need to be focused on your children, your career and personal happiness instead of love because sometimes the right man comes along when you are not necessarily beating every bush in the jungle looking for one.

    It's like with Halle Berry, if man do you well well the first time, the second time, I go say this man wicked o but the third and fourth time, abeg make you check yourself.

  2. One thing is for sure! If u EVER, I REPEAT EVER show ANY MAN that u have low self esteem issues and u somehow can not survive without him, u definitely will get kicked to the curb or treated like trash!

    That's just d way d cookie crumbles!
    We ALL have vulnerabilities and sometimes it is best not to let it get the best of you.

    All d best to you lady and yes I advice you see a counsellor of some sort.

  3. Maybe you should send her a copy of your book!

  4. she just said it sarcastically me thinks...doesnt mean she thinks she is not a great person...

    Shan, you are a really pretty, hardworking woman, yours may tarry but it will come and soon...

  5. It's about time to stop putting the blame on men, time for women to examine themselves. Shan George, Halle berry, stacey dash, etc look at yourself, and see what you might be doing wrong, and then work on it.

  6. @ anonymous, you may have hit it right on the "nail". I seen this beautiful and articulate sister in an interview, speak about her childhood and so on. Hope she finds fullfillment in other areas of her life until she gets it together and then learns to pick men interested in healthy relationships.

  7. @ anonymous, you may have hit it right on the "nail". I seen this beautiful and articulate sister in an interview, speak about her childhood and so on. Hope she finds fullfillment in other areas of her life until she gets it together and then learns to pick men interested in healthy relationships.

  8. @ anonymous, you may have hit it right on the "nail". I seen this beautiful and articulate sister in an interview, speak about her childhood and so on. Hope she finds fullfillment in other areas of her life until she gets it together and then learns to pick men interested in healthy relationships.

  9. I understand how she feels because I use to feel worse than that. She needs to hold on and be strong. She will definitely find someone that will treat her like a queen someday. I have been in her shoe for more than 7 yrs in different occassion. It got to a stage my friends and family thinks I need prayers but SUDDENLY I found someone that loves me so much and make me feel like a queen everyday. Its just a matter of time. Shan George is a very great person. Dont give up dating...


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