2 yr old Indonesia boy addicted to cigarettes | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 28 May 2010

2 yr old Indonesia boy addicted to cigarettes

  I'm hoping this is photoshop, but apparently a 2 year old boy from Indonesia is addicted to cigarettes. Ardi Rizal, who lives in the fishing village of Musi Banyuasin, in Indonesia's South Sumatra, was given his first cigarette by his dad at just 18 month old. He smokes two packs of cigarette a day.

His mum, Diana, understands her son has a problem. She said: "He's totally addicted. If he doesn't get cigarettes, he gets angry and screams and batters his head against the wall. He tells me he feels dizzy and sick."

But Ardi's father, Mohammad Rizal, is unfazed by his son's smoking habit.
"I'm not worried about his health, he looks healthy. He cries and throws tantrums when we don't let him smoke. He's addicted," he was quoted as saying.


WTF? Seriously the parents of this boy need to be arrested. This should be illegal....


  1. nope, not photoshopped. this was actually in the news papers as well not just media take out and other entertainment blogs.

  2. this had better be a joke! like seriously

  3. aba!!! that boy is not two am sure he his like those aki and pawpaw cats

  4. i saw the video on cnn, if u see the skillzthis child was showing *i shake my head* the say he smokes 40 ciggie a day/2 packs

  5. saw it on fb...they said he's two

  6. That can't be a 2yr old, that's a big kid like a lil person.

    WTH! Is that diaper he's wearing? Ok, this baby is gonna die soon.... I mean ASAP.

  7. ///aba!!! that boy is not two am sure he his like those aki and pawpaw cats

    May 28, 2010 6:20 PM///

    what does that mean exactly? aki and pawpaw are also humans you know? and yes he is two. aki and pawpaw cats indeed

  8. I can testify to this, becos i happen to live in Indonesia and my people the smoking that goes on here is ridiculous!!! Its shocking.

  9. I wonder where his parents are, they can't stop him?

  10. not photoshopped at all.
    This is pretty common in Indonesia (although it is often older kids and less addiction).
    i have seen primary school kids smoking in African countries on regular basis.
    Who said the world is not about to end?

  11. wow! dis is huge!

  12. I read elsewhere he was 5?

    2 or 5, neither is right! Tis a shame

  13. what a useless father. i give that child till his fifth birthday and lets see if he doesn't die of lung cancer. what a disgrace to fatherhood.

  14. Hey,

    Thanks for sharing the link - but unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody here at lindaikeji.blogspot.com have a mirror or another source?



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