The robbery attack... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 25 February 2010

The robbery attack...

Warning: The pic is extremely gruesome. I will probably take it down if too many of you protest. I can't even look at it again...yes, it's that bad! So be warned. If you can't stomach horrible pictures, then please don't look. The pic is VERY disturbing.

...The story is that armed robbers attacked a bus traveling out of or into Lagos recently. The robbers raped the women and at gun point told the driver to run over passengers (whom they had placed on the road). These were passengers that had no money on them. The location hasn't really been verified, but some say it was the Lagos/Benin Road, others say it's Lagos/Ibadan Road.

Anyone have full details on this story...?

The pic


  1. wow..may their souls RIP..may God make these robbers pay in a way that they never thought possible

  2. This is so terrible, may the robbers never know peace and the souls of all the people they killed haunt them till they will die in an horrible way. (Amen)

  3. R.I.P....may the robbers be paid back in their own kind..this is just evil!!! God pls wash away the sins of the deceased....may we not experience a similar fate....AMEN...

  4. I couldn't read this and not leave a comment. My heart is broken with what I just saw. I am in the verge of crying now. How can human beings do this to their fellow human? These innocent souls that have loved ones waiting for them, don't they have a right to life? There is no justifiable answer to why one should commit such a horrendous crime. May the souls of those killed find perfect peace and may God give their loved ones the strength to bear the loss. Has government officials issued any statement? The criminals who did this must be found and must be made to pay the price (no price on this earth can be enough).

  5. Heard about this yesterday too!That is sheer wickedness i heard it happened on tuesday!!

  6. i lament for my country!

  7. seen it on sassy trends.. my mum actually lost her appetite when she saw it.. the driver didn't do well.. no fear, not even fear of death will make me kill another person.. I'd rather I died..
    Not heard from you, why?

  8. now im scared to go back to nigeria

  9. May God take vengeance on the robbers..may they know no peace..
    dey attacked and killed the poor..
    May the Lord turn his anger on them

    This is more than disturbing..
    Wat is all this??d masses will be suffering cos they have to travel by road..yet the main thieves are there running around in private jets..



  11. saw this pics yesterday and i lost my apetite!!i cant even look at it again

  12. What d heck is this country turning into? This is really painful. My mum was on that route today. Those robbers are not human they're beasts from d pit of hell, may they get what they deserve. We really need to give God thanks each time we embark on a journey n arrive safely.

  13. whoever did this will never know peace, for the rest of their miserable lifes..

  14. At least we can see how we as a nation can never collectively move forward...The ground is soaked with so much blood, people just do not have any regard for humanity or the value of life.

  15. LORD save our soul and forgive our sins!
    RIP to the deceased and comfort to their family from the holyspirit.
    very sad..
    I pray for forgiveness of those robbers that they will come to know God and repent of their sins if not they will experince worst than they have done

  16. Linda this story is touching, but at the same time not convincing says my boyfriend to whom i showed this to and he says the pix has been edited, i believe him because he has convincing points, but at the same time a real evidence from you like the story online or in a the newspaper where it was told would be great.

  17. All the robbers will feel everlasting pains and die.I put my faith in God and when I come to Nigeria,I know I wont feel safe.I even hate to travel no matter what and pray everyday for the safety of my family still in Nigeria and I know the US may not be heaven but the police will act when called unlike in Nigeria where after a robbery they come in with excuses.

    I feel so so bad inside my heart watching this pics because I know how it is to lose a loved one.What about the family of the deceased and the innocent women that were raped.Are we saying until the whole operations was carried out no one drove through there.

    Its high time we have soldiers and policemen drafted and equipped to counter this Sons of the Devil.Linda thank you so much for the pics even if some may find it offensive because their hearts are too heavy.I dont feel pity for those who take the lives of others.Why are the poor attacked and the people at the seat of power are left to amass wealth and not provide security for the poor citizens.
    God Bless you Linda and since I caeme across your blogs,I have never missed a day whenever I wake up due to the time difference btw California and Nigeria.

  18. may the Lord have his way.

  19. like you said, I expected people to protest for this picture to be taken off... maybe they did and you didn't get the comments published.

    The contagious moonlight virus had infected Nigeria. It is very contagious, contaminating and infective. Oh my Nigeria. Dr. Chinedu

  20. I reiterate, some people look like human beings but they are not. May the souls of the victims rest in peace.

  21. God forgive me for saying this, how about they rob and kill those officials that are robbing them daily? They should start shooting all of the top officials one by one. That way, they will learn to do their jobs. Why would they harass people that are struggling like them? This country scares the life out of me.

  22. May they all R.I.P

  23. This is an xtreme case of human wickedness..those robbers must b punished by law nd by nature 4 commiting such an evil..RIP 2 all dead souls....

  24. May the spirits and souls of these dead ones haunt the robbers till their dying days.

    May the robbers never know peace again.May ALL the elements speak against them....EVERYTHING they touch will crumble....EVERYTHING they lay their wretched hands on,they will never prosper.

    May they be killed in the most violent manner and their corpse will be left untended to in public places and may vultures feast on their carcass.

    May the gates of hell be open and may the their father the devil be waiting to accept them into eternal damnation.





    These robbers ought to have been possessed or high on something to have carried out this act.

    May the perpetrators of this act NEVER KNOW PEACE. AMEN! May the soul of the departed find peace above AMEN!

  26. May the Lord give us the strength to have integrity even in the face of death- I wonder, the driver that ran them over, what quality of life will he live after this?

  27. some curses don't need proclamation. Shebi there is God? He will repay the perpetrators of this act accordingly. i trust.

    ...u see o, they wld now say why dont we want to relocate to nigeria, on pe.

    May we always be under the shadow of the Almighty. Amen.

  28. My heart goes out to the lost souls who were victims to these act against humans. This act is so horrific and I can't believe that human being can commit such an act to their fellow beings..What have the world become that we can take people's lives without any fear of God. This is why I get so scared when I think about visiting home because I know that back here in the US, I can call the cops and they will show up, and they will make sure the people responsible for this act will be brought to justice by all means necessary. My heart goes out to their families and may their souls rest in peace...

  29. God have mercy...truely the heart of a man is desperately wicked!!!!

  30. Linda be careful what you post on this blog of your that attracts a sizable viewership. There is another version of this story whereby a witness gave an account of what happened. "The captives were in that state-still lying down, when a trailer in top speed and in desperate effort to avoid obstacles mounted on the road by the armed robbers ran over the passengers and mauled them instantly, spattering human flesh on the road."

    Either way its an unfortunate loss of innocent lives and may their souls rest in peace.

  31. how do we know it's nigeria? Could be any African country

  32. Can u pls take this down. Those are somebody family member and I don't think they will like to remember them this way.


  33. truly wonders what drives humans to act like dogs.what kind of satisfaction do they get from such acts...i think there is a sect of criminals the law should start addressing...the insane criminals.RIP to the victims...hmmm!

  34. truly wonders what drives humans to act like dogs.what kind of satisfaction do they get from such acts...i think there is a sect of criminals the law should start addressing...the insane criminals.RIP to the victims...hmmm!

  35. I could not even look at the pictures, but from all these comments, i an imagine what the pictures are like.
    Oh God of vengeance, arise in your power n take vengeance.

  36. The world is literally coming to an end.

    Proverbs 11:21 says Be sure of this: The wicked will not go unpunished.

  37. There seems to be no confirmation of this story in any of the dailies or news outlets back home.

    I have seen the same picture reposted on different blogs with varying headlines and captions but all attempt for us to confirm the story has proved abortive.

    None of our contacts in Lagos/Abuja could confirm this, not even as a rumour. A closer look at the images does suggest to me that some sort of alterations has taken place. I also realise that the luxurious bus parked beside belongs to 'De Young Shall grow' motors ( and i did put several calls accross to their Abuja head office where no one could confirm the story either.

    Who originated this story?
    When did this said incident happened?
    Why is it not reported anywhere else (other than internet blogs)?


  38. Please, take down the pictures, there are so many sad things going on life, that these pics are not quite adequate. I am not in anyway trying to belittle thier death, but i am pretty sure their loved ones would not want their dismembered bodies splashed across the internet. It is too gruesome.

  39. I agree with everyone that asked for the picture to be taken down. I'm sure you wouldn't want any of your family members bodies, should this have happened to them to be splashed around the internet. So sad though and I think you should also verify this story since several comments are aluding to the fact that the pictures and story might be exaggerated

  40. wow..why should we be hurting one another and we need to do something fast before it is to late...

  41. This is really very terrifying! How can we Nigerians allow this shit to happen? Where are the so-called “policemen”? Jesus Christ! Our country is in a mess and I am so sorry for those who are still in that shit country. No security, No nothing but robbers. I feel so sorry for the families- may their souls rest in peace

  42. Was this story truly confirmed? People! It gets scary for most people like us to come back to Nigeria after reading news like this shit!

  43. OH
    Nigeria!!!! I wonder what next u can offer to your citizens. Where is our leaders and our police. May God help us.

  44. OH Nigeria!!!!! I wonder what next u have to offer the citizen of Nigeria. Where is our so called Goverment. wow!!!!!!!
    May God help us all.(Amen)

  45. Lucky are us who live to never witness these things, see and feel what others go through, pics like these keep peoples hearts strong,on a religiouse note, eivel exists, and so does god, but you must never question the one who created us, such things must happen.

  46. Seriously, i think u should take the picture down.

  47. Hi Linda, this is a recycled picture and story. It happened around August last year. Yes, there was a robbery on the Benin-Ore highway. But contrary to the story making the rounds, it wasn't the bus driver that was made to drive over his passengers. It was a truck that was trying to avoid the obstacles put on the road by the robbers that crushed them because they were made to lie on the road by the robbers. Check this link:

    It is indeed a horrible way to go...

  48. My heart bleeds, regardless of when or how this happened, those were innocent victims. Sad, real sad.

  49. First of all, my condolences goes out to their families and loved ones. Second of all, I'am apalled about what these armed robbers has done. So this is what I always here about Nigeria, the country that their people praise about. That the country is in a mess. Lacking in government, corruption in the law enforcement, no control of the country. Where in the world is your fucking President or Vice President, (Whose supposed to be taking care of Nigeria)? But then what do I know about Nigeria? I was not born in that country only parents. All I know about Nigeria is that people do all kinds of crazy things to get rich quick which is kidnapping for ransom, doing armed robbery to make money. I hope that these killers will get the same treatment that they did those innocent souls in the bus. Well the law enforcement cannot do much because they themselves probably behind these armed robbery business. So for those who are fed up (I'm refering to the Vigilantes), put the law into your hands and say enough is enough. Thank you!

  50. There is wickedness in high places.
    I saw this pictures on Sunday and i've been in SHOCK and ILL since then.



  52. Thank God cos you are not the criminal and neither are you the victim but let all know this that Jesus is coming soon and the world is nearly coming to an end...

  53. Since I heard the story of this ugly carnage last week, my heart has been heavy. How on earth can this happen. Nigeria, may God save us. Poor passengers. What a miserable way to die. They were obviously terrified upon seeing the armed robbers and then been run down. God pls come and save our country Nigeria from the likes of evil, blood thirsty and wicked men. We have 2 be very prayerful and ask for God's protection. God help us all.

  54. Since I heard the story of this ugly carnage last week, my heart has been heavy. How on earth can this happen. Nigeria, may God save us. Poor passengers. What a miserable way to die. They were obviously terrified upon seeing the armed robbers and then been run down. God pls come and save our country Nigeria from the likes of evil, blood thirsty and wicked men. We have 2 be very prayerful and ask for God's protection. God help us all.

  55. Linda, I beg you in the name of everything decent and sacred to kindly remove this images, the memories of this people must be allowed to rest, please Linda, in God's good name.Paul


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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