Quote of the day | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 23 February 2010

Quote of the day

"KC and I just dated, we never said we would get married"

Actress Ebube Nwagbo tells Encomium when asked about her break up with her ex who is getting married to Ijeoma Oduah soon.

*Sigh* I remember what I went through when something similar happened to me. All the calls from the press...lol. You will be alright babe, just hold your head up high and love who you are no matter what anyone says. You are probably better off. *wink*


  1. Nawa for us women. We never accept the fact that maybe we were just not the one for the the guy. Linda dear, I have to ask you...why the little bit at the end(unless you know something about their history)?, Ms Ebube did say they just dated. Be happy for KC that he has found his missing rib(hopefully). Ebube will find hers too, your response would have been different if Ms. Ebube was the one that got married first.
    Yes Ebube is better off, but so is KC...they were not meant for each other, obviously.

  2. why beat around the bush?? just go through the bush! hahahaha but seriously though, it's their own life and all, but i totally agree with Linda that the babe is 1000000 better off!!!! Assuming she don learn her lesson from dating KC and she's not with another fool like him...

  3. Ebube Nwagbo is so much better off without the guy, he's the only guy who has the world record of proposing to a girl in a parachute,NA WAAA OO, isnt a parachute meant for one person, how isit possible to do that?from all indications Kingsley is a braggard and not matured. my dear bone am and continue your life, no man is worth stressing for Chikena.

  4. Ebube Nwagbo is so much better off without the guy, he's the only guy who has the world record of proposing to a girl in a parachute,NA WAAA OO, isnt a parachute meant for one person, how isit possible to do that?from all indications Kingsley is a braggard and not matured. my dear bone am and continue your life, no man is worth stressing for Chikena.

  5. Na waooo,must you tell us all you have done for the Babe.Guy don't show yourself as a kid to the world,be responsible and behave.


  7. even the pic shows that she is too much for him


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