Our president is back! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 24 February 2010

Our president is back!

I'm sure you all have heard. Our sick president is back in the country and has asked the acting President to stay in charge while he recuperates.

What's going to happen now?


  1. Well, i guess the doctors have said there's no more they can do to help him. He'll die, there'll be a state funeral & the struggle continues!!!!!!

  2. tis is what we call power mongers.he is holding tight to it as if the defintion of his life depends on it.why not step down so that u can fully recover.african leaders and their similarities.any way wish u a speedy recovery

  3. what is with the matching outfits, are they married to each other? nonsense!

  4. Its unfortunate he has a power drunk woman for a wife. i am sure she quickly packages him for home delivery after she realised nigerians mean business and jonathan is doing better.

  5. weirdos. since when did being sick become something u should be so secretive about? let him address the country and if he's too sick to do so, let him tell us. i tire for this backward moving country o ah ah. millions are living below the poverty line and others are starving to death and yar'adua and his people are playing international hide-and-seek. rubbish people. God will allocate each of them a holy slap so that they can wake up!

  6. Whats going to happen? The president hangs on to life support while TURAI continues to enjoy life as First Lady....Thats what this is all about anyway because the guy is not well and may not even be able to say anything and as far as he's still alive, She remains fist lady.......

    Power sweet-o my sista....

  7. This is a grand decoy to hoodwink Nigeria and Nigerians. The sick man is thousands of miles away from the shores of Nigeria. They are just taking us for a ride. I think we need to redefine the existence of this nation. Development will continue to elude us when the only contribution from a section of the nation is confusion, ethno- tribal and religious crisis, socio-political problems et al. These people are dragging us back and we need to take our destiny in our hands.

  8. HUNNNNNN LET ME PUT ON MY THINKING CAP...........................KK

  9. I am very happy for him,And for God to put those who think he will die to shame.I pray that God should give him good health to fulfill his good intentions for NIGERIA.

  10. Seriously, who cares? it is not like things are going to change anyway.

  11. why is the woman power hungry because she is protecting her husband's interest? eleanor roosevelt was known to have run the united states by proxy when her husband was ill and no one gave her hell for it. look as long as the woman ain't no major f--k up, she might actually have more sense than all those things call men whose collective penises do the thinking more than the good brains got gave them. liberia saw fit to elect a woman as it's president, and nigeria and it's citizens are having a hissy fit because a woman dares to grab the steering wheel and stir. if she was sitting there doing nothing, the same people would say see this mugu hausa uneducated woman, should behind a successful man be a successful woman blah blah blah BUT now that she's stepped from behind her man and stood by his side, na wahala. which wan is it going to be?

  12. Na Ma Tok.. Please shut the hell up!! it is about respect for the constitution of the land. Laws are made to create peace and order. What husband's interest ke?? What about the country's interest??? Which is more important? We elected the husand. They should respect the electorates. It is Nigerians like you that screw up our country. She has total disregard for the constitution. Please get your facts straight about Eleanor! She went through the proper channels, the house of senate and representatives, to implement her agenda. Turai has not done that!

  13. @ Nancy & Na Me Tok Am, You both are fools, Living in fools paradise. For all I know Ya'radua or whatever he called himself is a death man, take it or live it.

    As for TURAI, she has been weight and found wanting. Mene Mene ....

    Let watch out....

  14. who has seen him since his purported return? how is he?

  15. who cares it's not like he was doing anything before

  16. @ IB and Anonymous, I think we can all state our opinions, agree or disagree and even agree to disagree without being insulting to one another or did I presume wrong that we are all adults here? I don't think it was absolutely necessary for IB to tell me to shut the hell up, or anonymous to call both of us fools... who in the hell died and made any of you boss?

    I am going to take the higher road on this one because I doubt I am talking to people who can hold an intelligent, fair debate without resorting to juvenile tricks.

  17. Na Ma Tok...You just wrote an unintelligent statement! Husband's interest ke?? So I responded to you approppriately. Did you read your comment?? Does it make sense to you?? Na wah oh!

  18. @IB, i wrote the comment therefore I read it and it may not have made sense to you BUT it make sense to me. You can disagree with me and that's perfectly fine but to tell me to shut the hell up was inappropriate. You don't hold all the answers and neither do I, I don't see neither one of us on CNN or BBC opining on the state of affairs in NIgeria...this is a forum to discuss whether we agree with one another or not.

    Abeg, let me go before this raises my blood pressure. Be well and blessed.

  19. @ Nancy, are u kidding me? I hope he gets well soon too. But you must be out of your mind for saying, to fulfil the good intentions he has for Nigeria. Are you still part of this world? This dude has no good intentions for Nigeria. Even, before he became sick, he did nothing for the country, he's a confused dude, and doesn't know what he's doing. His hausa buddies are the ones ruling, and having their way as usual, don't care at all, for the people, and the country.

    @ Na me tok am, I will try not to insult you, but please next time, don't make such stupid statement.
    First, don't compare Eleanor Roosevelt to the first lady of Nigeria. Eleanor was a respectable woman, who cared, and had good agenda for this country. The president of Liberia, and the first lady of Nigeria are on two different levels. I don't dispute the fact that women can be more capable of doing certain things than men, but it will go a long way, to have a respectable, classy, intelligent, knows what she's doing, as opposed to a tyrant, who's just power hungry.

    It's obvious, what this lady is trying to do. If she actually has good agenda, people won't have any problem. She's just trying to hold on to power, doesn't care about the country, and watch the country go downhill, while they enjoy the country's money. What's the big deal, let the vice president take over, and let's see what he's capable of doing, if not bcos the hausas want to continue to rule Nigeria, to destruction.

  20. He later died in May.. RIP


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