Nike Oshinowo speaks | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 24 February 2010

Nike Oshinowo speaks

"I have always told you for a long time that all they write about me in the newspapers is fiction. They are not true. People just sit down and concoct all sorts of stories. What led to all these reports is because of my new business. They are jealous of the success we are recording and they think the way to embarrass me is to publish all sorts. The whole rumour is meant to soil my business so that people won't buy into it, but that is not working our because the acceptance is overwhelming. I can tell you that my marriage is intact. My husband and I are very happy together. My husband is also not sick. He is in good health. Because of my business, I'll be shuttling between Lagos and London a lot this year. 2010 is my year. My fitness DVD hit the market last month. Then comes my perfumes which I will soon launch, then my hair range of products will come out in Easter. So you can see that I am going to be very busy. So the negative stories are meant to attack my person"

Nike Oshinowo, when asked if there was a problem in her marriage and if her husband was ill.

Source: City People Magazine.


  1. Nike Oshinowo is living a cover up life. She is the most miserable woman on earth.

    Years back, she granted an interview that she do not need to marriage or have children but later on we all came to the knowledge that she is suffering from "issue of Blood".

    Please Linda, tell her that is only Jesus that can save and give her new hope.

    Let her admit that she is suffering and then she will receive help. Jesus loves you Nike Oshinowo

  2. Nike Oshinowo is living a cover up life. She is the most miserable woman on earth.

    Years back, she granted an interview that she do not need to marriage or have children but later on we all came to the knowledge that she is suffering from "issue of Blood".

    Please Linda, tell her that is only Jesus that can save and give her new hope.

    Let her admit that she is suffering and then she will receive help. Jesus loves you Nike Oshinowo

  3. "Of course there'll always be problems in that marriage. He's not divorced from his previous wives. If she doesn't have a babay for him, i wish her luck if anything happens to him!"

    I quote a close friend whose mum is nee Soleye.

  4. Please, the press should stop interviewing this woman and making her seem important. She has long outlived her usefulness,and has just woken up to the fact that she had no visible source of income. Let's discuss important things abeg.

  5. AH!!!!!i wonder o,i dont know why she s been given any attention,she does nt deserve it!i remember a magazine i used to respect so much put her on their cover and i wrote them and also lost all the respect i had for the magazine,the only thing she has achieved is the beauty crown,she s all beauty and no brains i m so sorry to say i cant stand her,i m praying to God to help me when it comes to this lady something in me snaps,to crown it all she broke a home,wot does she ve to say,there s no way the marriage will not break,it s a matter of time,be cos she has another person s property,pseeeeewwwwwww little mrs Potiphar!!!!!!!!!!!!




    NIKE SHA...

  7. @the first anon, she does not have 'issue of blood' she has Endo which may cause infertility issues.

  8. Nike Oshinowo, The Patron saint of all Gold diggers.

  9. and the best place to validate herself was on CITY PEOPLE MAGAZINE? oh please!

  10. Whatever....who cares. Weird photo by the way.

  11. @chinuachinda , What is Issue of Blood and what is Endo?

    Can a woman who has her menses no stop bear children?

    Where Endo or Issue of Blood. All I know is that she uses her menses pad 24/365 days no stop.

    May God have mercy on her. She had cause Children and Wives fatherless when their father is still alive.

  12. it so funny how we judge people.We dont know who she is apart from the press stories about her.Walk a mile in her shoes before you start judging her.She broke a marriage this, broke a family we know wat was going on in that marriage before, do we know if the marriage was already over in the hearts of those in it.Did she force the man to leave his wife?it was the man that had a commitment with his wife, it was the man that made a vow with his wife, so if at all fingers should be pointed at him..this is so typical of our society..where the woman is called the "ho" and the man just a "man"

  13. I wonder the hat about Nike We all are victims of our circumstances and we should gloat not. Nike, i am happy because no one knows more sins that you have committed than God almighty. Let it be said that these people cannot die for you, as such is life. I love you.

  14. I wonder the hate about Nike We all are victims of our circumstances and we should gloat not. Nike, i am happy because no one knows more sins that you have committed than God almighty. Let it be said that these people cannot die for you, as such is life. I love you.

  15. Really, I see no reason why a woman should be brought to total disrepute because she got married to a married man.Afterall, it takes two to tango. Marriage is an agreement between a man and a woman; meaning the man also left his wife.So what is all the noise about Nike. Why is the name of the man not mentioned. NIGERIANSS! Only God can changed our mentality.

  16. What else do you expect from her whoring and cheating ways?She is a bossy money monger and nemesis will catch up with her for all her evils especially that fraudulent miss nigeria contest that she is using to damage young girls.Everybody here in UK knows that she is a fraud.I pity anyone who has dealings with her


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