Hilary Clinton's statement | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 27 January 2010

Hilary Clinton's statement

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has blamed failings by Nigerian leaders for increasing "radicalisation" among young Nigerians. She pointed to poor living standards and "unbelievable" corruption. She said she believed that bombing suspect Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was "disturbed by his father's wealth".

Here's what she said "The information we have on the Christmas Day bomber so far seems to suggest that he was disturbed by his father's wealth and the kind of living conditions that he viewed as being not Islamic enough."

Disturbed by his father's wealth? What's wealth got to do with anything? He targeted America, not his father's mansion. There are plenty other rich Muslim men with sons who wouldn't do what Umar did, so I don't understand what she means by this statement. What do you think?


  1. just another way to insult nigeria. this chick needs a chill pill but come to think of it.......we put ourselves in this mess so we should deal with it.

  2. I love how all of a sudden America is not considered corrupted. Even Americans try to attack their own citizens. The truth is there is corruption everwhere. I live in America and go to a private univerity, now that is where you see corruption.

  3. She is just saying the truth. The question is whether they're listening.

  4. sit down ho!!!Hilary sit down!!!So that one individual decided to bomb a plane is the government's fault...When the British shoes bomber was caught with a bomb.. how did his developed, good governed Nation on England stop him from being a terrorist!!Sit down HO!

  5. So now we shouldn't be rich anymore abi? Americans and their lame ass excuses. Gimme a break.

  6. When someone regardless of his nationality or religion attempts such an evil act people try to understand where he is coming from. Hilarys statement is from psychologic profiling and no group of people should take unnecessary offence.

  7. typical thing for america. they are trying to put the blame on someone.

  8. I actually pointed out this issue as some of the contributors to Farouk's messed up mind. That is, he had a lot of personal conflict with his dad's ill gotten wealth and consumerism/capitalist living a la American style as opposed to his understanding of what the prophet would want....I wish bobo bombed the national assembly or Aso rock...that would have put his point across better....lol
    Anjyways, I don apply for Ghanaian citizenship...wetin concern me with green passport?....lol

  9. stupid ass old woman
    dat her mouth looks like a red pencil
    disturbed by wealth???

  10. Hilary Clinton is wrong.
    The boy is disturbed quite alright, nut not by his father's wealth. Lets just say he is a religious fanatic that has been brainwashed.

  11. NAIJA PEOPLE CAN'T STAND THE TRUTH. Why is mekunu people all defensive of the stupid boy

  12. really Nigerians? i can't believe you guys are insulting Hilary Clinton...unfortunately i think most of you are trying to run away from the truth....obviously the boys father's wealth was probably ill gotten...money stolen from struggling nigerians....I live in America and the truth is there is corruption in America....however i have never seen were people do not even have basic human rights like electricity, water and right to good education because the leaders don't care.....instead of abusing Hilary why don't you abuse the Nigerian Government that has bred terrorists within and outside the country because of their lack of care

  13. She is right. I'm sorry but rich kids acting stupid is in no way a specifity of nigeria.
    So when she says he was disturbed by his father's wealth, ask yourself: If that kid had to work while going to school, or to worry about if he was going to be able to find a good job upon graduation, would he have time to join such groups?
    What kind of social life could he have? How many children his age would hang in such luxury without getting the vertigo? How many african parents would be careless enough as to spoil their children like such so that the Mutalab would find in that kid someone like him he could hang with?
    That Boy was bored and likely because of his upbringing he turned to religion instead of drugs and party like other rich kids do: Hillary is just saying the truth...
    Too Much money too young is dangerous and mixed with religion, this is what it gets us...

  14. I realy do respect your blog. But you seem to have missed the real point in the whole issue.Its not about about the Muttallab boy being only disgusted with his fathers' wealth. He perhaps had seen the chronic poverty and deprivation by his door step in the North.

  15. so it's by bombing a plane that he shows the disturbance by wealth..
    if he was disturbed, y not bomb aso rock,or one of his dads houses???
    y take it outside nija...

    abeegi, d boi is just a fanatic like his fellow brethren

  16. she was on point wi some statements, but i do not agree with the disturbance by wealth..
    if he was disturbed by wealth, he should have denounced the money and gone for missionary imam work elsewhere..
    d boi is a brainwashed person hu was lookin to be famous, simple

    meanwhile madam clinton had better go and chek if her hubby is busy recievin bj's b4 diagnosing wat she dosnt know

  17. How is she right? @ Myne whitman & co what truth is she saying?Can she prove that his Father's wealth was disturbing him and pushed him to almost kill himself and other people.Did she psychoanalyze him?did she have a personal conversation with him and he told her that.Nobody is avoiding the truth or anything but until she knows the fact this babe should shut up.Anybody that is EVIL and has been brainwashed can do this shit

  18. Oh Nigerians - how often we miss the point. Unfortunately, we do not have any access to the boy - the Americans do. They, probably have done a thorough job of assessing his mental state,convictions and motivations. Yes, he was misguided, but do you ever consider that disillusionment especially in the young can make them very confused and vulnerable to people who prey on these kind of people and radicalise them? Yes, it is probable that he was confused and conflicted by the excess wealth and found it hard to come to terms with it. It is this conflict within himself that may have made him more susceptible to radicalisation. We have to stop responding with these knee jerk reactions and sometimes look beyond these things. Throughout the world, one of the greatest tools in counter insurgency is trying to understand better the psychlogy and the motivations of suicide bombers and fundamentalists. The Americans have been doing this for a long time now, so it does not surprise me that they will apply same to our dear boy. I don't know what the problem is about. All she has done is voice out a concern that most rational and thinking Nigerians have. Why do we always fall into this trap? The international community critizes our leaders and the mess they have created and we Nigerians shout down these criticisms. One can only infer then that we are happy with our lot and oblivious to these so called trumped up "problems" with our country. Please get real Nigerians, and smell the roses. Things are definitely off kilter, and patricejk, it seems that you have forgotten just how CORRUPT the Universities are at home??? Dismissing everything as just fanatism will never help. Yes, America is corrupt, every country in this world has some element of corruption but it is plain STUPID to bring it up within this context. Nobody says that US is not corrupt, but in Nigeria, the level of corruption is UNBELIEVABLE. And I think that that was what she said. The level of corruption and not the fact that it existed. Corruption in Nigeria:-) It is crippling, it has stifled growth, enterprise, every aspect of out lives has been stultified by corruption. Yes, maybe this time we should listen to the Americans. Forget the messengers and their motivations but listen to the message. What would scare me the most, is the day no-one bothers to talk about Nigeria at all on the international stage - when they give up on us as the proverbial basket case. Our goose will be cooked then, because who will talk then?? You? Me?

  19. She spoke d truth.D TRUTH IS ALWAYS BITTER

  20. Some of you guys are missing the point here. That's the problem with Africans, Nigerians,they don't want to hear the truth. Africans have too much pride, and it's not getting them nowhere, look at the continent! Let it go for goodness sake, and learn from other people. People calling Hilary names, it goes to show how ignorant they are.

    Every country is corrupt, but let's not even compare the corruption that goes on in a place like Nigeria to the States. Talk about the difference btw a developed country to an underdeveloped country. There's corruption everywhere, but that's not the point. Of course, the father's wealth is obviously from embezzling the country's money. How can someone be living a NY or LA lifestyle when majority of the country is suffering and extremely poor, and that's where Hilary is coming from. It makes no sense for Nigerians to attack Hilary for saying what she said, if they want to be sensible. Nigerians attack people especially when they are telling the truth, for no reason, and they keep making fools of themselves.

    If Nigerians want to defend the foolishness that is going on in their country so bad, if you are abroad, do Europeans and Americans a favor by going back to ur country, and the ones over there, stop trying to come.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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