100 lawyers give Yar'Adua January 31 ultimatum to resign | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 6 January 2010

100 lawyers give Yar'Adua January 31 ultimatum to resign

One hundred legal practitioners under the auspices of Lawyers of Consciences have given President Umaru Yar'Adua till January 31, 2010 to resign or be removed by the National Assembly, failing which the group will be left with no alternative than to mobilize their learned colleagues and the Nigerian electorate to “take their destiny into their hands by any legitimate means possible.”

The group stated that if by the expiration of its ultimatum of January 31, President Yar'Adua has not come back to actively assume and perform his functions as the president, and he neither resigns nor is removed by the National Assembly in the application of sections 144 and 146 of the 1999 Constitution to enable the vice president, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan be sworn-in, it should not be held responsible for whatever may result from such legitimate action(s).

What's your thoughts on this?


  1. amen!finally...

  2. Mr Yaradua is undergoing kidney and heart transplant, please give him time- no way are we going to allow you southerners get power again, Danboroba


  3. Nigeria is a very confused nation all the leaders are a bunch of weakling. We scream democracy now that democracy has been given to us what we are worse off than ever before. This is why i respected General Sani Abacha he made nigeria a very patriotic nation

  4. Linda, this is old news! Ok, for those who have not heard it.

  5. I fully support it. We can't keep runnign the country w/out a president. I still think Nigeria needs to cut off the north...they've been nothing but bad news to naija(Bad presidents, 'Putu' underwear bomber, etc)...they have no resources, yet they dominate politics and bring nothing but doom to naija..*hiss*

  6. @ January 6, 2010 4:20 PM

    I am sure u are igbo…… it is comments like that that makes your people incapable of getting to the top in Nigerian politics and the minorities of Nigeria I hope Nigeria would let you igbos go and form your own nation because you bastards complain a lot and non of your people is capable of doing anything right an example Jonathan Goodluck he is not bright enough to run a nation he is just a puppet in power. And as for your comments on Putu bomb in pants you are just a plain fool. ur people are the most corrupt and fraudulent people on this earth they behave like animals and they are far from civilization.

  7. I'm glad our civil society are getting a move on.

  8. Wow so now its about the Hausa/Yoruba/Igbo war. All you anonymous that are speaking negativity are rubbish.

    We should all be one people, from wherever he is from or not, we should all be able to let our nation rise. But we cannot do so.

    And the last anonymous(5:46) while you are ranting and raving about Igbo people, how about yours? Where are they at?

    No one has even one word to sputter unless they are in Nigerian politics and are making changes towards Nigerians economy and infrastructure.

    Yes, we are all entitled to our opinions, but spewing out prejudices about each others "tribe" is ridiculous. But then again, your coward enough to be under "Anonymous".

  9. I take an exception to you calling Igbos bastards. The problem we have is everybody for his own, somehow it always becomes a mater of what tribe you are from. Politics should be about what you can offer us and whether we believe u can deliver, it shouldnt matter as long as you can get the job done because at the end of the day we are all Nigerians and there is no runing away from that.

    And to start judging everybody from the North because of a kid who didnt know how good he had it and decides to blow himself and others up is really not fair as well.

  10. @January 6, 2010 5:46 PM

    I need to correct your ignorance. V.P Goodluck is not Igbo. He is Niger-Delta. You need learn about the history of Nigerian and its various tribes and stop classifying minorities as Igbo, Hausa, or Yoruba!!!

  11. since when did we start fighting ourselves, that not the important thing, whats important is to stick together to solve the issues we have whether , ibo yoruba or hausa, we are all nigerians whether we like it or not.

  12. @ Anonymous January 6, 2010 5:46 PM

    You are the purest definition of a moron.

    Igbos? Bastards? Well, just as you assumed that comment was made by an igbo person, I'll assume you are a northerner and point at the obvious. That you retarded lot in the north contribute nothing to the country but cows and institutionalized corruption.

    And what do you do with all that stolen money? Fund privileged terrorists like the scrotum bomber!

    I will have you know that the north is the cancer in our country. Pull your head out of your narrow ass and maybe that would cue your denial.

    Nkita lachi gi anya!

  13. @ January 7, 2010 2:54 PM

    You are an idiot and a fool for calling Northerners terrorist you easterners are t ill-bred fools on the face of the earth, i see why they call you fools (I before order) if Northerners are terrorist then your people are kidnappers who kidnap their family member for money. What normal people do that?

  14. Some idiots and fools are the main reason Nigeria can't move forward. I'm so tired of the lack of common sense that some Nigerians display. The truth is, Yar'Adua need to resign, this guy is sick, not doing much for the country. Every country should have a capable president that is ready to do his job, and take full responsibilities. I blame Obasanjo for not using his discretion in the first place. The politics in Nigeria is not for the people, it's for the fools in the government, because it's all about keeping certain people in power for their own gain. The presiding president chooses the next person that he wants to rule after him, what kind of nonsense is that.

    It's obvious, some of the worse leaders in nigeria are hausas. Babangida, Abacha, and now Yar'Adua. So, if anyone comes with the trash talk that, northerners need to continue to be in power, so southerners or easterners won't take over, the person is obviously a fool. Can we come together and just agree to support someone who's actually willing to do something for the country, instead of arguing over ibos, yorubas or hausas. When Obasanjo was in power, everyone always had something to say about him, oh, he's flashy, he looks like a monkey, he steals the money, but at least he looked like he had plans, whether people agreed with him or not. Nobody dare mention something about babangida or Abacha. I don't know why nigerians will rather have a hausa in power, doing nothing, but as long as he's not ibo or yoruba.i seriously don't get it. Are scared of the hausas or smth?
    Just the way nigerians focus on having high academic achievements, like getting 10 degrees, can we also focus on learning how to apply common sense, bcos that will go a long way. Greed, selfishness, power struggle, wickedness, is so much in Nigerians' blood, that I don't know if it will ever change, unless all the leaders in the government right now just go their way, and we have fresh, young, good leaders, that are not connected at all to the dirty politics, kind of like Barack Obama, that's when change will come.

    I'm looking forward to see not hausa in the office, but other ethnic group in office, that is willing to do their job. Someone with Donald Duke or Fashola's mindset who are actually doing something, and ready to help their people. I noticed an ibo person hasn't been power in a while, that will be good if an ibo person with good leadership, ready to do his job to be in office.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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