Quote of the day | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 8 December 2009

Quote of the day

OK, I'm back!
Hope your worlds have been good to you?
Let's get back to the business of blogging.
Please just find a way to keep up with me :-)
Here we go...

''The notion that monogamy lasts forever is a wish!"

Hugh Hefner gave his opinion on the Tiger Woods serial cheating scandal.

So the notion that having a sexual relationship with only one partner forever and ever and ever ... is a wish?

This is actually a scary thing to hear...especially as a woman. What do you guys think of this statement?


  1. that statement is a lie and one is not suprise heff said it, with his shallow relationship and open debasement of womenfolk. my parents has been married for 38 years and i have who have been married for over 40 years. The most important ingredient in marriage for me is not necessarily love but tolerance and forgiveness. Love can get you to the altar and get you the ring, but only a forgiving heart can keep you in it.

  2. Yehhh shes back...missed u loads! Ermm truth is am yet to see a union dat never had fidelity issues... so can agree with heff!

  3. Yehhh shes back...missed u loads! Ermm truth is am yet to see a union dat never had fidelity issues... so can agree with heff!

  4. G is either a woman or a homosexual.

  5. it's true, the sooner we understand this, the better.

  6. I agree with Heff unfortunately.I'm married and i know that it's the unspoken truth coz so many p'ple r in constant denial.I've never gone looking 4 reasons of mistrust from my hubby coz of fear of what i might find and what it will do to me.G, i wonder,if it's not true then why did u have to be tolerant and 4giving in ur marriage?Does it make it ok 4 p'ple to cheat coz the above will prevail and then save a marriage,come on now.

  7. Too true and rilly scary!
    @ G, hw is it that ur marriage is longer than that of ur parents?? I really wish this was a lie but its not!

  8. Allow monsieur to believe his own lies...from the pit of hell might I add...
    Dude is speaking from where he's at...and seriously it is bleak!
    Oh by the way, there are still LOADS of good men out there...

  9. I'll try not to generalise as I believe there may still be some good folks out there. The truth is people cheat everyday (male and female). I'm married and my husband cheats on me. This is where G's tolerance and forgiveness comes in. I'm not stuck with him 'cos of anything wrong with me but I see it as his weakness which is one of the things I feel I promised to cope with on our wedding day (I personally regard the wedding vow as a strong thing!!!!!!!!!).
    I just feel they are so weak and allow their "thingy" to control them at times. U won't believe mine even tells me about girls who make advances at him and simply tell him they only nid sex and are not out to destroy his home. Meanwhile, he's so loving, caring, available, protective, and all those things one wants in a good man. So I sometimes wonder where he gets the time for those girls. He also let's me hear his conversation with them when am around and we discuss them freely without any ill feelings. U know anoda truth, he can't stand my own gist of admirers and I wonder what he'll do if I mistakenly cheat and he finds out. laughs!!!!!!!!!
    Trust me, am all his and I've always bin (u grab????????).


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