German goalkeeper, Robert Enke, commits suicide | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 12 November 2009

German goalkeeper, Robert Enke, commits suicide

German international goalkeeper Robert Enke has committed suicide. He threw himself in front of a busy commuter train. Enke was hit by the train which was travelling at 100mph as it passed through a crossing near Hanover on Tuesday Nov 10th.

He had been suffering from depression. Enke first sought treatment in 2003, when he lost his starting place at Barcelona and developed anxieties and fear of failure.

"He called off all therapy appointments for the next few weeks, until further notice, because he said he was feeling better," said the doctor treating his depression.

Candles lit for Enke

He lived in the shadow of Oliver Kahn and Jens Lehmann for almost a decade and it was only after the latter's international retirement last year that Enke emerged as a leading contender for the position.

Enke, 32, was set to travel with the Germany squad to next June's 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

Enke played his last match for Hannover 96 in Sunday's 2-2 draw with Hamburg.

He leaves behind his wife Teresa (pictured above) and 18-month-old daughter Leila, whom the couple adopted in May, three years after their two-year-old daughter Lara died from a heart infection.

Dressed in black, his wife Teresa said: "I tried to be there for him. When he was acutely depressive it was a very difficult time because he lacked motivation and any hope of improvement."*
A really sad thing to happen.
Committing suicide because of fear of failure. Someone recently told me that if it was possible to kill himself, he would have done so...'cos he felt like a failure. How do you help people with such problems? What do you say to them to help them find their way back?


  1. This new story is all over the place here...So sad.

    I wish the family all the best

  2. A lot of people are depressed in Africa but still won't easily commit suicide because of our cultural and religious upbringing.

    In the UK, a few people on antidepressants finally commit suicide. Someone told me that it is like hearing a drum in your ears.

    The drugs sometimes over react... NHS cannot afford to send them to psychotherapists so the medical doctors give them anti-depression tablets.

    Once you keep telling your doctor that you are unhappy them he or she may prescribe the mad tablets. So it is up to you!

    I think it is better to go for therapy unless you are really depressed and cannot cope at all.

    Some people are depressed because of their bad childhood e.g. rape, parent abuse, family abuse, failure in love or work, bullying and poverty. They just cannot forget the past or move on.

  3. Sorry oh to all you feeling sorry for this guy. i really feel no remorse for his stupidity. You killed yourself because you were beached what a dumb ass. He has all the millions and a lovely wife yet still not satisfied. All this oyinbo way de commit suicide na because dem chop belleful that’s why they get time to dey get depress. I just feel bad for the wife having to go through this rough time (what a selfish guy).

  4. Oh dear - i really didnt want to leave a comment but something kept pulling me to do so. Hopefully this will help a friend/relative who knows someone who is going through manic depression.

    Sometime ago, I experienced horrible depression following the miscarriage of our first baby and as loving as my husband was, there really wasnt much he could do when i hit 'down'.

    How an individidual deals with depression depends on how much faith they have or not, their personality and the circumstance that got them depressed. There is no one size fits all.

    The important thing that i know as Nigerians we dont really consider is help - professional help is important! Pray but depression is a mental illness which needs to be treated too so whilst you pray for them, help them to seek professional help if they cant seem to get out of the damn depressive circle.

    If its a loved one, you cannot talk them out of it but you can be there. Dont act like you know what they're going through. Even if you've been there before, just listen and be there- its their problem now, not yours and we all deal with situations differently.

    Help them to be active, get out and do something different and time is great, it helps, it heals.

    Its always so sad when people end up committing suicide, 'cos one thing i realised going through all of this is; depression makes you not want to live but it doesnt mean one wants to die.
    So here's another lost hope, ambitions, dreams and life!
    May God be with his family.

    Hope this helps Linda...

    Take care and thank you for posting.

  5. How sad!!!!!!
    What could have made him so scared of failure to the extent of getting depressed and killing himself?
    May the Lord be with his family

    I think the world will be a better place if we can all stop being judgemental of others, stop looking down on others and make everyone we come across feel good about themselves. We should always watch our tongue because our words can have positive or negative impacts on others.

    Thanks Linda for your nice blog. Stay blessed

  6. Nnebuihe (Philly)13 November 2009 at 02:47

    My heart goes out to his family...what a tragedy, I think his doctor should have suspected that something was wrong when he called to cancel all his appointments stating that he was feeling better...As a nurse, if a patient has a history of depression and is also suicidal, the first sign that they have a suicidal plan is when they state that they are feeling better. It is unfortunate that his life had to end this way, but something could have been done to prevent this loss, how sad:(

  7. Unfortunate! Most Oyinbos are melancholics....they are prone to depression thats why they need drugs to give themselves artificial happiness. very sad indeed... never use a permanent solution to solve a temporary problem. My heart goes out to his wife... it really was a selfish act indeed.

  8. i can only steal a quote from a hollywood star to express my opinion on the IGNORANT and DUMB and DAFT statements some people here are making

    ' the ignorance of the educated irritate me, the ignorance of the uneducated saddens me'

    except you have directly dealt with depression in your family...keep your inexperience to yourself!
    they say the guy is clinically depressed and you are saying it is a selfish act. hisssssss
    or do you think he is sad because he was not picked, or not handsome enough or something stupid?

    nonsense and ignorance!

    No Kisses


  9. i`m your permanent reader now

  10. Why very sad. Its not suppose to end this way.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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