Bode George sentenced to two years in jail | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 26 October 2009

Bode George sentenced to two years in jail

The former Nigeria Port Authority (NPA) board Chairman and a Chieftain of the ruling People's Democratic Party (PDP), Bode George, was on Monday convicted by Justice Olubunmi Oyewole of the Lagos High Court.

Mr. Oyewole sentenced Mr. George and five other former board members of the NPA to two years each on a seven-count charge and another six months each on a 28-count charge.

The seven-count charge included abuse of office, while the 28-count charge was on wilful disobedience to lawful authority.

Sentenced with Mr. George were former NPA Managing Director Aminu Dabo, Olusegun Abidoye, Abdullahi Aminu Tafida, Zanna Maidaribe and Sule Aliyu.




  2. heyaaa! but still on still... make him no say what goes around comes back around.

  3. Is the picture before or after? SMH

    I think the sentence was too lenient but it is still a landmark by any standard. One by one; turn by turn they will all go..

  4. I laugh in Chinese. The sentence will however RUN CONCURRENTLY. So how many years will he spend in jail? 2 years plus...for stealing that sum of money and abuse of office?

  5. Rubbish! 2 years only for stealing 84billion! pls what happends to the money once he is out?

    I can 100% place a bet that he will not sleep in jail for a day. He will appeal and before you know it, the case will be adjourned and by the time judgement is given, the two years is over!

    Though i must commend the judical for the decison but really the money should also be taken from him.....i rest my case


  6. Serves Ali Bode and the two thieves ryt. Their selfish decisions and stupidity is a big reason my dad, just like several thousands of family men, was retrenched bak in 2006 witout due compensation.

    Thank God for my dad's foresight, if not, na this time me and mumsi 4 dey return 4rm the day's bout of hawking of Gala. Well let's see if they wud actually serve their terms.

  7. wow! I'm totally impressed.....they need to keep the ball rolling

  8. This is more of politics than the acclaimed justice and rule of Law. Some people are not comfortable with Bode Georges'political presence and will do anything to shut him off in 2011. He was guity no doubt, but it wouldnt have been such a light sentence considering the amount of money involved. We are in Nigeria, anything can shele.

  9. I really need to steal N24bn. That'l keep me locked up for 1 year, after which i'll throw a big welcome christmas ges togerra parry, no matter what time of the year i'm released. So linda, hw do i get those nice machine guns dat dose niger delta people surrendered for the mega loot?
    Seriously, the sentence metted out is totally ridiculous. Everybody could as well take to the streets tomorrow morning and begin robbing every other person blind. Totally not fair.

  10. We are useless in that country is that what we should be concerning ourselves, with there are more things to worry about in that bloody country than arresting someone with minimal crime.

  11. Nigerians are a joke. Are you kidding me? If you want to do it the right way, while he will serve his time, the government should take the stolen money away form him, and he will never have any access to steal more.

    If all the crooks and thieves start to be put behind bars, I bet you all of these govenors, presidents, if not all the political leaders will be put behind bars.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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