Active Man and Woman | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 6 October 2009

Active Man and Woman

I'm sure you all know I own a modeling agency? A striving one at that. In fact that's the only part of my business that's keeping me afloat in this harsh economic times...My clothing line hasn't picked up much, but I'm talking with experts in that field to help me with it (You will see my new collection in a few weeks), the mag is in hiatus because we are revamping...with new partners..., event management doesn't come that often, at least not the type I'm interested in..., but there's something else I do that keeps me very busy that I don't talk much about. It's not illegal or anything like that's just not supposed to be part of my job spec, but I've gathered experience over the years.

I have some clients who have more faith in me than just providing models to represent their products. What I do for them is provide the model, come up with a concept, shoot the job, direct and design it. Then give them the final product. If they like it...they pay me. If they don't like it...well they still pay But so far no complaint. :-)
I do mostly calendars and press ads.

My latest work is Active Man and Active Woman Moisturising cream with Vitamin E. It's a new product that hasn't been launched yet.

I did everything...concept, models, make-up, directing, design etc like?
Err, biko bia, if you don't have anything good to say, pls, ejo move to the next post...biko. Don't abuse my work o...or at least abuse

Anyway, the reason I'm promoting this particular product on my blog is because Active Man and Woman is one of the sponsors of Style Night 5, our annual fashion show. This product will be officially launched at our show. Style Night 5 will take place end of this month or early November, just waiting for my event managers to confirm a venue. This years event will definitely be bigger and better...and yes we are still looking for more sponsors (016635848). Will bring more details about Style Night5 in a few days.

To other things...You can see the changes to my blog...when the template was changed to a three column template, I lost all the widgets and info on the old please if you gave me an advert before, resend it. And despite the fact that I've monetised my blog (Had to succumb to pressure...besides a few extra dollars won't hurt...:-)), I'm still giving free ads...and there's plenty space for ads. So feel free to send your ads to my email.. I don't need much words, just an image, product description and contact. *

Ok, I'm out, catch you guys later...Mwah!!!


  1. linda, nice pix girl!u look sensational,keep doin ur thing and more grease 2 ur elbow!

  2. Welldone!

    Ps: the male model looks delish!

  3. the male model is really yummy!
    all in all....good job linda

  4. Very good photographs, the models show very lovely skin so kudos. Since the product is named active, would have tot to see the models in action. The second photo is on point, but maybe another of them working out or something. Good work still. All the best. I hope you'll plug my book when it's ready?

  5. well done good job. love this blog. check out ours when u can. xox

  6. Linda good job on the shots but get your graphic designer to take the chest hair out- very dated 70's thingie

  7. thats a good job ,keep doing it,and the monetization,ummmm got that

  8. Good job Linda. But honestly if i saw the advert poster an dthe name of the product and i was asked to guess what it was i would confidently say "condom"......not body moisturizer. Looks more like a condom advert to me!

  9. Good job Linda, you are not doing badly at all.

  10. Good Job!!!
    The first one does not really pass the message.

  11. I like the new apperance of your blog!! good work girl,can I be one of your models??

  12. Both pictures of the male model are good but why the hairy chest?

  13. I definately agree, with a name like "Active" i thot it had something to do with sex.

  14. You did it all yourself? Models, makeup, directing,and design. I know you're getting paid real well. Can't wait to see your clothing line. We want to see many many peices, ok.

  15. hairs! mba nu! aint needed..

    Sent on a phone using

  16. hairs! mba nu! aint needed..

    Sent on a phone using

  17. hairs! mba nu! aint needed..

    Sent on a phone using

  18. hairs! mba nu! aint needed..

    Sent on a phone using

  19. you try small!!!Lol
    i thot is was a lubrication of some


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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