Darey releases new video + Pictures of the making of the video | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 2 June 2009

Darey releases new video + Pictures of the making of the video

Dare Art Alade, now known as Darey, has just released a beautiful video for his new single 'No stars'...check out the press release below.

Darey has been working the mic for a while now that one can’t stop wondering if he ever takes a vacation. This is so evident that every time you turn around, there is something new from the gifted musician.

And this is perhaps why he has won the hearts of fans and critics inside and outside the country, as he never falls below expectations.

His latest video ‘No stars’ from his current wave making album ‘un.DAREY.ted’ was premiered on Thursday May 28, 2009. The video which is a sequel to his hit single ‘Not the girl’ features South African model Carla as she and Darey takes us on a journey through the good, the bad and the inevitable ugly aftermath of a soiled relationship.

The new video was directed by Mark and Gwydion, the same hands responsible for his previous videos ‘Not the girl’ and ‘More’. The duo team up once again to show creativity at its peak as they bring undiluted originality to our table.

No stars tell the story of the trauma of breakup effortlessly. With rich skills and a delicately- shot storyline, Darey is portrayed as a lonely man whose girl has left him, every step he takes and every move he makes, reminds him of his estranged ‘lover’.

Would she return for good? All that is what is embedded in the new video ‘No Stars’.

Darey first got our full attention in 2005 as a contestant in Project fame Africa where he emerged second position. He further continued his music career as a signee under Storm records where he released his debut solo album ‘Me to u’.

In 2008, he co hosted the first edition of Project Fame West Africa. His debut album ‘Un.DAREY.ted was released on Tuesday March 31, 2009.

This is the fifth video from his critically- acclaimed second album ‘Un.DAREY.ted’, and for the first time in contemporary Nigerian music, he has shown to fans, skeptics and critics that good vocal talent can still flourish in Nigeria.

The video is available for viewing at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItwEqMw4MAg.

The making of Darey's No Stars

I've seen the video...loooooooves it!!!
Y'all need to check it out...

On another note, yesterday I got a call from a rep of a really big brand in Nigeria. They wanted to use my blog to publicise some event they are planning and the guy asked me how much it will cost them to put all that info on my blog. I told them to just send the stuff to my email with no cost whatsoever to them.

There were people in my office when I received this call and they were so annoyed that I didn't charge, since these guys were prepared to pay me. I tried to explain my decision to them but they refused to understand...lol

You see, the day I start charging people to put their stuff on my blog, is the day I'll loose interest in this blog. I do this for fun 'cos I enjoy it so much. The pleasure I derive from doing this is enough for me, I don't need the money.
So if there's anyone out there who wants to put anything out via my blog, just send me an email. You don't even need to introduce yourself to me, just send the info...it's 100% free ;)
Cheers everyone!


  1. good for you...

  2. sorry linda ..pls can i just say i offer interior design services just like the interior in this video at very minimal prices but with good results...

    really loving the dressing room ..swoon....


  3. Linda,

    I agree with your employees in this instance only if the Naija brand you speak of is asking to advertise on your site. If they are advertising,they take away from the fun, down to earth feel your site has and essentially are thrusting their commercials at your readers.

    Therefore, to do so, they should pay much the same way as they would in your magazine or in Google Ad Sense. If it is maybe to just talk about their event like you usually put some events out, then I agree your position is fine.

    Also, think of it as saving what you receive from there for the operational cost of printing your magazines and so forth.


  4. SO
    WHY do you feel the need to tell us that you refused to be paid by this big brand people?
    You made your choice so deal with it.
    It seems you are always looking for a form of congratulation and validation from the public,like a need to be seen as this pure and righteous woman.
    Are you so insecure?
    Are you?

    If you were born with one hand,im sure you would have killed yourself a long time ago as you would not be able to clap for yourself in that self-congratulatory space you habit 24/7.

    Nobody cares what decision you made about getting paid or not.
    It still doesn't make you less of an insecure person.

  5. I like the song a lot and the video...so mellow. But you just gotta love Darey...such a
    'foine' man *no crushes here o*lol

  6. and God will definitely reward you....

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Am impressed with your attitude....you dont allow monetary gain to be a motivation.......that is what we nigerians need to learn before we can see any meaningful change in our economic state.
    ...mwl Darey's video is cool,he seems to have a phobia for dark colored girls in his videos......

  9. Well,why not do it this way??put it on your blog for free then have them out it in your mag for a fee since u don't exactly have enough sponsors yet or maybe the style night thingy.......just my 2cents!!

  10. Darlin linda, how sweet 2 no dt u do ds for fun & not 4 d moni. I can fill d pain of ur staff, gurl, if i were d 1, i will b tempted, u beta give ur staff a treat so dt dere 'disappointment' wil faze out, luv u 2 bits, u r indeed a shining star, keep on being urself & d Lord will reward u always

  11. Wow... why are the people who leave comments on naija blogs so bitter sometimes (note I said SOMETIMES)??? This is referring to Anonymous 6.45 by the way...

    In my opinion, this blog contains some fun entertainment stuff with some topics for debate at times but what gives it the down to earth quality mentioned by Ladybrille is the fact that she includes personal experiences- like how her day went or the perv who was trying to get at her sister, for example. Mentioning something she encountered with her staff is not a cry for praise: it's just something that happened which she wished to share.

    I'm all for free speech but criticising something that isn't a big deal is a bit much...


  12. Linda, you know i wont sugarcoat it, I'm going to tell it like it is and I always love your open mindedness.

    4 next time, I would suggest you encourage such brands to donate to a charity of your choice, its no good you saying you do this for fun when there are many of our children growing up unfulfilled, some of them you have personally taken the time to highlight their plight on this blog.
    The video is good, just would have preferred a brown sister.


  13. Wow, Linda. U're an inspiration! Lol, i think i would have taken the money o! but when i saw your reason, i was like "Omo, this lady has values o!" I applaud you, that's definitely the way to success. Your profit isn't necessarily measured by money or fame but by fulfilling your purpose. Bravo!

  14. While I commend your forthrightness and admire the work you're doing; big brands should pay to get the word out there, then like the last person said, donate it to charity or use it to promote your charity work.

    If you can't or don't want to discuss figures, refer them to Emem's ONE Management, they do a helluva job. I can testify.

  15. okay on that note..Lina abeg come and publicize my new company..it is called...lol..just kidding!
    Good for you...do waht you think is right,,,maybe you can get that barnd to advertise in your Magazine insteaf

  16. Good for you Linda!
    but i somehow see what anonymous 6:45 is talking about...Linda i got love for you...but it seems like you always trying to tell us of how nice your are and all your good deeds...
    well its your blog sa!!

  17. @anon 5;03 thanks for the love babe..but come o, if i dont say good things about moi, who else will? ; ) beside I havent done anything 'bad' in a long time...wink! lol

    But seriously i can't make this blog about money, i know me mehn...i'll stop being so dedicated. some of u like the guys at work dont understand...but for those who understand, thanks

    and the anon calling me insecure...if u say so sweetie, if u say so!

  18. @ annon June 2, 2009 6:45PM your small minded foolishness shows in your going anony. i dont know why people like you never see anything good to say about people better than you 100 miles. you ought to be ashamed of yourself.

    @ funmi, thanks you speak for me and the silent majority raeding this blog on a regular basis. thank you.

    @ linda, i want to support what another name sake wale -June 3, 2009 3:49 PM said. i know you are massive on charity particularly the younger generations it would be nice to ask them to donate to a foundation you support. i hope you consider this seriously. it is not coming to you as a person but doing good in your name and grace. i know you are shy about things like this but i am going to assure you there is going to be a linda ikeji foundation soon. we may have to twist your hands into it. there must be a vehicle for you to channel your charitable activities it is only fair you do it directly cos i like others would be more comfortable seeing you do this directly than through a proxy charity we cannot vouch for its intergrity. you may get some clothes, stationaries, busaries, scholarships and things like that on our behalf to the people we cannot reach. do i know you are a busy young lady of course you know i do. God bless and continue to ignore the ignorant haters. WALE

  19. I think the follosh twit 6:45 has gotten enuf yabs. So i will let go.

    Linda sweetie!
    well done!

    Truth, if its for money, you will become a hustler and start thinking of where the next 50 dollars or 100 will come from as internet ads aint that expensive.

    So do for fun as you have always!

    keep up the good work!

  20. Linda

    The blessings that are coming for you, you have yet to understand. I perceive a very genuine heart behind this blog and you really deserve all the success that there is to achieve.

    I would suggest though that; so it does not take away from your blog, that you maybe create a frame on your blog where you can post advertisements without having to make them the mainstay of your postings.

    You are a business woman, and in times like this business savy'ness' is an important skill, we all have to be creative in how we propel our goals. I believe you can get a little creative with your blog and allow it to serve multiple purposes without you having to take away from the intended concept.

    A prime example is miss 'Bella Naija'. See where her blog has taken her - you're in the media business, you ought to utilize all tools you have at reach and get creative girl, and go go go for gold!! I wish you all the best in your endeavours. God Bless.

  21. Linda
    very goodday to you i v been visiting ur blog for a year now every single day cause i think theres alot your blog offers both entertainment and otherwise,and am so impressed for the fact that you do this for fun says so much of your kind of person and as a Nigeria well done oo

  22. hello Linda been visiting your blog for a year this my first time posting a comment, a impressed keep it up.

  23. helo linda, my first time posting a comment, i like your blog and i understand what you mean by dedication its all good i believe what ever makes us happy as individuals we should go for it. well done

  24. I totally supports and agree with your position.I will advise that you keep it up.Know why? Money is not everything! Being happy doing just what you are doing matters most.Stay sweet...always

  25. Linda...
    You are one helluva lady...and I love you and got ur back always!

    I am an ardent fan gbabe!...all d way from Canada...and I know Ill meet you one day...

    Keep up d good work jare....Life without haters mean U aint doing something right!! and since u do have 'alot' of it...then u are certainly doing d right thing!!!

    Love u girl!...xx

  26. Hi Linda, the Reuben's story got me into your blog and when i went thru, i found you account facinating. How can we partner in our project - WELCOME2NIGERIA?

    We are corrently working on our website and producing TV programmes. But you can stil visit it and check for yourself; www.welcometonigeria.org.

    How can we work together or enjoy your contribution in our International Magazine -WELCOME2NIGERIA.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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