Azam + Bobby = How do I look? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 24 April 2009

Azam + Bobby = How do I look?

Finally I bring you the I said earlier, this week has been crazy for me...but we thank God.

Yesterday I was at the African Inauguration of the Striding Man Society hosted by Johnnie Walker at the Civic Centre, Victoria Island. It was a really cool and classy event. The keynote address was delivered by one of the most charismatic men around, ex-governor Donald Duke, and boy, did he keep us riveted for at least one hour as he told personal stories and encouraged everyone to go after their dreams.

As usual, I didn't go to the event alone...I never go to any event alone...I find that a little awkward. Most of the time I go with my sis, my long time friend, Andy and my right hand man, Oteri. But this time Sandra wasn't available, so Oteri, Andy and I went together.
Once I get married, the dynamics will change of course

Check out the pictures

My hair is by Bobby's Signature
My dress is by Azam Couture, owned by a very talented young lady
You like? ;)
See, I decided not to show off my nice legs this

We actually stopped by somewhere on the Island to get food before heading to the venue of the event. That's where these pictures were taken...

Walking up the stairs to the venue

Andy and I
With Oteri, Muyiwa Oshindero of Clothesense (who made Andy's outfit) and Andy

My younger sis doesn't like my you? This is the most glam I've gone. I usually go for simple styles but Oteri took me to the salon yesterday and gave them strict instructions...and I'm supposed to be his

So what do you guys think of my dress? Please speak your're free to abuse me, but don't be too nasty I'm a little new to dressing up and going to events so don't be too hard on me ;), but if you think I rock, please say it loud and clear...that's what a girl wants to hear jo...*wink*


  1. lol...u do look nice...depends on the event, but I'd probably have gone with some snazzier jewelry; pearls/beads, etc...ur hair is fine...d dress 2; simple but chic...

  2. d dress is very hooooot..... u need 2 give d contact details of d designer.. and yes ur hair rocks. but it could have been better in loose curls

  3. You look very nice, and the hair is the business. Upgrade!

  4. Linda, your hair was on point, very very classy.

    The dress was really nice too, I just wish you wore more colors, black is just too safe, try wearing bold colors like emerald green, yellow, navy blue etc. You are too young to be wearing only black...

    I still love your style though...

  5. I really enjoy your blog, and plesae do not be offended by my comment. If I have nothing nice to say I usually move on but since you wanted "our" opinion on the dress:) the dress needed did not enhance your fab body, maybe accessories would have done the trick. A fitted or detailed dress would have been better:) but you still look good all the stay, I work out 6 days a week to look like you. you look good.

  6. linda, u look so much like the andy too much resemblance!

    I like ur hair...the dress is so-so....but most of all, u're glowing.


  7. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that you play it too safe or you go the african girl uniform route: Pointy shoes, short skirt, short dress etc. You get the picture.

    You've got the body to try just about anything. I would have liked see some really bold accesories since the dress was plain. Maybe like one nice big signature accessory like a brightly colored color necklace. Short ending just by the breast bone. Something like this

    I've seen some of the work done by Nigerian Jewelers and they can perfect a similar look for much less.

    with Jewelry that old i would have loved ur hair off your face with really dark smoky eyes and a light lip with some bronze and blush.

    LMAOO Aseju ni oloun o fe.

    Anyways this doesn't mean i think less of you as a person or a blogger. I guess i just see a lot of potential in what you could do. You're a fine babe nah.

  8. You look very elegant..definately thumbs up. You should go to these posh dos more often, certainly suits you!.. And the hair's nice, good to try something new...
    You rock - loud and clear! lol

  9. I think the dress is gorgeous and your figure carried it more. I agree that you could have accessorized more and more eye catching make up maybe but you still look fabulous x

  10. Sasco fron the US24 April 2009 at 19:40

    You look very pretty and classy. Love the hair and the hair

  11. Linda, black is your favorite color huh? Also try other colors, they will compliment your complexion very well. You glammed up better than last time, so you definitely did better this time around. I like the dress, hairstyle, and the look is simple, yet classy and beautiful. You didn't disappoint me this time around, so you got my approval.

  12. You look very nice...tres chic!

  13. Your hair looks lovely ojare. Don't mind that your sister wey no dey pass message. I like the lil' touch of white on the dress, makes it look classy.

  14. you look nice overall, but i don't like the white belt like thing round ur waist. the hair is nice, the dress is simple and classy, altho the skirt area is not too flattering... bt you look good overall, def an upgrade from previous outfits

  15. I think you are doing a good job so far but coming from a stylist's point of view, the only thing I would say about the dress is the silver/white? belt should have been black (or no belt depending on how the dress looks without a belt) then you could have included some silver drop accessories.

  16. Hey darling, I just wanted to add to what people already said. I think you should try wearing more things with color you way too much black for someone that has such a wonderful stature.

  17. DAMN STILL need to TRY HARDER?

    WHAT is spectacular about a long dress and a sash round the middle??
    too hih school prom'ish.

    abeg enuf with this ass licking and lets tell this girl the truth..

    she needs to step out of her boring dressin box....
    i just uncontrollably yawn anytime i see linda dressed..its sooooo boring...
    and the HAIR??

  18. hair ok.....but dress...da bomb!

  19. Linda, biko to sum it all. I maka. I mara nma. If u wish to play it safe, why not. And if u wish to experiment with colours, that is still fine. At the end of the day, please still do YOU...

  20. erm excuse me aosgrl, y wuld u b recommending something from saks fifth.... pls cut ur cloak according to ur size jor!!!

  21. you asked for the, you looked good, this is you, your style is not genevieve's or rita dominic's nor is it ur sister sandra's so just do your thing gurl, the haters will always hate

  22. So I'm assuming you did not read the part where i said i know Nigerian Jewelers can make things similar to this. I was obviously using it as an example of the style and color of necklace i would have loved to see her wear with the dress.

  23. I really like this look classy, hoyt and fresh!

    kissable too---you rock, babes!

  24. as usual elegant, unique & fabulous. you are one of a kind. there is no another Linda ikeji you represent her well. you make dressing look so simple and easy. you dont need colour because you are the colour yourself. God bless your mum for carrying you well. we are all richer knowing you. an original in a world of duplicates. continue being the gracious you we all know and admire. you are always a pleasure to read. have a good weekend ma'am.

  25. i love your blog. although this is the first time i'm commenting. i prefer your dress this time to the last one. the event seemed like a classy one and you were dressed perfectly well to suit the occasion. your hair was also nice and natural looking. naturally, a few people might not like what you wore but it's not much fun wearing clothes you are not comfortable with and double-checking the whole evening with friends that you made the right decision.

    personally, i don't think colour is such a big deal. as for the thing with colours, colours are nice but the thing with us girls is that we wear a colour till we get tired of it and then we move on to the next colour that catches our fancy.

    bottomline:sometimes simple is the nicest look of all and you achieved that look. well done.keep up the good work of blogging.

  26. You look very elegant,like one of those mega rich ladies(am not saying you are not mega rich hair goes very well with outfit,curls look good on you.
    You see sometimes it's good to leave something to the imagination,wear more long dresses,u r a woman with class.

  27. dress is ok. dont really dig the white/silvery waist thingie and the skirt area coulda been better. your hair looks good to me. accessories should have jazzed u up more.

  28. I think you looked nice, kinda more on the 'ok side'. So I'll rate you a 6/7 over 10 and that's just cos I really think you have soooo much untapped fabulousity in you girl. Yeah I'm not saying run off and buy stuffs you can't afford, but there are some inexpensive options for a FRUGAL FASHIONISTA.

    Wear more colors and the over short clingy dresses, a big NO-NO lady!!! When I see you in one, I don't even vent at you for wearing that, I'm just upset at the opportunity haters have to vent at

    Overall, you look much better!

  29. nothing spectacular about the dress..but you look nice sa

  30. Linda, you hear this "You see sometimes it's good to leave something to the imagination,wear more long dresses,u r a woman with class"?.

    always remember that word well spoken. you are a mentor to a lot of young black people carry that responsibility with grace and dignity. you may not like it but that is who you are and i tell it with love and respect. we are all praying and watching you to do the great things you were born to do so kindly do it the way you know is right. you have a class. you have a name. you dont sell linda ikeji cheap. the world is yet to hear of you fully so get ondo it nicely and do it right first time ALWAYS. you know we will always buy anything linda ikeji because it stands for quality. God bless and all that wish you well. wale

  31. now we are talking Linda..i like the simple understated look...right on target...we all know u have nice legs..the hair is very becoming ..this is refreshing for a change..and u will be taking seriously...that typical nija girl look pointy shoes and short skirt is so yesterday and frankly somewhat tacky and desperate... well put together...kudos!!!

  32. awwwwwww, u guys are too kind... im so flattered, so happy...fine Linda lol
    about colours, black is my all time favourite colour but I promise to do more colours, and i also promise to stay away from short dresses for a bit lol, im too used to it ;)
    as for jewelry, im not so big on it..but will experiment. im learning so much on this blog, thanks guys guardian angel.thanks

  33. i looooooooove ur looooook and dreeeessss....simple and chic......anyone that says otherwise has serious bad belles....WELDONE.....

  34. i looooooooove ur looooook and dreeeessss....simple and chic......anyone that says otherwise has serious bad belles....WELDONE.....


  36. you look good. simple but good.

  37. I think you looked FABULOUS!!!! u need to dress up more and curls suit u :) so every once in a while change up ur hair style..thumbs up in my book!!

  38. i think u looked fab!! curls suits u, rock it more often..thumbs up in my book!!:)

  39. I am sorry to say I hope you dont see it in a negative way. I think you are always wearing black dress and less accesories all the time.Try something diffrent especially colours and acccesorize a bit since you are dark. I know black is classy but not everytime on a dark complexion lady and I think the dress looks cheap as well.
    I really do hope you undertsand I'm just being honest and you will take it as a constructive statement not the other way round but anyway You rock though!!!

  40. I think this is the best constructive criticism I have never read on blogville and I applaud you to take it. You appear to be comfortable in your safe haven, it won't harm you to go out of it. Wear colors aside from black, accessories goes a long way, it sometime bring a glam look to a simple dress like you had on. Hair is everything, you need to pay more attention to your hair, I will have prefer loose curls or something away from your face. Overall, I think you took to heart what peeps stated on Bella Naija's blog and made an improvement which I strongly applaud you for because it shows you can deal with critics, even though I don't agree with most of the comments passed on you on that blog. Keep living you and attain the best you can be.
    One Love.

  41. Linda this is the best outfit u have eva is subtle and classy....guys dont be so hard on her...she looked perfect to me...pliz stop wearing short dresses and if u must, make sure they r knee lengths...overall nice hair and nice dress

  42. i definitley prefer this look to the short tight dresses...u looked simple and classy..

    however, i'm with the accesories thing...
    u know what? if u dont like necklaces and stuff, u could go for obvious earrings...there are so many to choose from.....

    me thinks a necklace might have been too much with the belt thing u had going on...but maybe drop/chandelier earrings would have been nice.

    and dont be afraid to wear some make-up gal!

  43. The dress feels very old pinache or style to it

  44. I have to say the words Elegantly restrained, Classy and stylish came to my mind Linda. I totally agree with Leuvbug (April 25 1.28pm) . You should wear the dress and not vice versa.

  45. Hey Linda! I really love reading ur blog. I read it almost everyday. U usually look fab and have got a nice body and great legs. However, I was not impressed with this look. I found it quite boring. A little splash of colour here and there can make a lot of difference. The sash around the waist is not flattering and a different purse and jewelry perhaps? Anyway its just my opinion.

  46. Opinions are like a%%holes everybody has one.Do you babes.... as long as you like it thats all that matters.

  47. Please try and dress like this more often and stop trying to impress with those skimpy the one u wore 4 mode men or worrever,u look awesome in this.keep it up!!

  48. You nail gilfriend.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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