Canoe Quarterly Mag Launch in SA, Ghana and Nigeria | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 31 March 2009

Canoe Quarterly Mag Launch in SA, Ghana and Nigeria

In the history of Africa, the canoe is a highly symbolic means of transportation – representing the vehicle that ferried civilization to Africa; transporting European missionaries and traders alike, along with their cargoes to the hinterlands of various African dwellings.

The canoe was used to freight Bibles, books, mirrors, clothes, and even bicycles. The canoe made it possible for the West to introduce education, religion, and commerce to Africans. The canoe was largely responsible for the history of Africa as we now know it. But then, that ‘history’ was not written by Africans – giving room for the misconceptions that plague the world’s perception of the beautiful continent.

Enjoy pictures from their launch...

The South Africa Launch

The Ghana Launch

The Nigeria Launch
James Amuta

Olisa Adibua

Kelechi Amadi Obi

Denrele Edun

Sasha in the middle
Left, Ade Bantu

That's it!

News of the day
Migration group: 300 drown off Libyan coast

An international migration group says more than 300 people are believed to have drowned off the coast of Libya.
The International Organization for Migration says that Libyan officials reported between one and three ships sank in Libyan waters Monday.
Spokesman Jean-Philippe Chauzy says the group has confirmed the information with diplomatic sources.
He says strong winds could have caused the vessels to capsize. IOM says it believes the migrants were trying to cross from North Africa to Italy.

I'll get you entertainment news next.
Make sure you come back


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    (In memory of James inegbedion who died on April 5th 2008.)

    The campaign against cardiac arrest and relationship outburst would generate excitement on the war against these social vice and health related issues.
    This project was initiated by the son of the late businessman who died of cardiac arrest and a plus of heart break resulting from courtship, financial crisis and the home front.
    If you think the current economic crisis is hurting only your pocketbook, think again. Researchers say the decline of Wall Street, the mortgage crisis, and the looming threat of layoffs may take a heavy toll on your heart, especially if you are already at risk for cardiac problems.
    “Financial stress can cause your whole cardiovascular system to be off,” says Louise Hawkley, PhD, associate director of the Social Neuroscience Laboratory at the University of Chicago. “Elevated stress hormones constrict the blood vessels and create a vicious cycle where blood scrapes the cells and aggravates atherosclerotic plaque, which increases your risk for a cardiovascular event like a heart attack.”
    She adds that new research suggests the social isolation of being laid off from a job can compound the problem. One study found that older workers who lost their jobs had a two-fold increase in the risk for subsequent heart attack and stroke.
    Financial stress also contributes to behavior proven to increase heart disease risk. Smokers, for example, are 13% less likely to quit during economic hard times, and ex-smokers are more likely to relapse. Drinkers tend to drink more, which drives up blood pressure, and alcoholics who have quit drinking are more prone to relapse when exposed to chronic stress. “People also eat less heart-healthy foods during times of stress—more sweets and carbohydrates,” adds Redford Williams, MD, Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Duke University.
    So what can you do if the bad economy has you worried about your ticker? First, don’t catastrophize. Take stock of your own situation and make sure you are not panicked about something that hasn’t happened yet. But if your situation is dire, it’s crucial not to isolate yourself. “Sharing concerns with friends and getting some social support can make your stress hormones go down and improve your health,” says Dr. Williams, who also recommends exercise, yoga, and meditation.
    However, he adds, the situation is serious, and stress researchers don’t have all the answers. “You can run all you want and meditate all you want, but if you don’t have the money to pay the bills, you are really stuck.”
    By Amy O’Connor
    A broken heart (or heartbreak) is a common metaphor used to describe the intense emotional pain or suffering one feels after losing a loved one, through death, divorce, moving, being dumped, or other means. It is an extremely old and widespread metaphor, dating to at least the Indian Ramayana writings (400 BC - 200 AD).[1]
    Heartbreak is usually associated with losing a spouse or loved one, though losing a parent, child, pet, or close friend can also "break one's heart". The phrase refers to the physical pain one may feel in the chest as a result of the loss. Although "heartbreak" is usually a metaphor, there is a condition -- appropriately known as Broken Heart Syndrome -- where a traumatizing incident triggers the brain to distribute chemicals that weaken heart tissue.[2]


    • marathon
    • football match
    • BROWN BALL (Brown heart tie benefit event)
    • Fashion show (catwalk 4 heart relief)

    The event will consist of a light dinner and performances by talented artists. The High profile fashion show will showcase the collection of a diverse range of designers and auction will take place and proceeds would go to the "heart voluntourism project"

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Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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