NIgeria's top 10 richest people + Naija Entertainment News | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 16 October 2008

NIgeria's top 10 richest people + Naija Entertainment News

Hi people, still can't upload pictures...seriously don't know what's wrong with my blog do I give entertainment news without pictures?

Anyway, while I'm trying to sort that are the names of Naija's top 10 richest people according to Encomium Magazine.

1. Mike Adenuga - $6billion (Globacom)
2. Aliko Dangote - $4billion (Business man)
3. Femi Otedola - $3.5billion (Business man)
4. Jim Ovia - $2.3billion(CEO Zenith Bank)
5. Cecilia Ibru - $1.2billion (CEO Oceanic Bank)
6. Oba Otudeko - $1billion
7. Rasak Okoya - $300million (Business man - Shade's other half)
8. Sonny Odogwu - $260millin
9. Bode Akindele - $230million (Business man - Tiffany Amber's father)
10. Emmanuel Ojei - $165million

What do you guys think of this list?

Meanwhile there's something I read in one of our softsell mags today that really saddened me. Nothing pains me more than seeing people making fun or trying to run someone down because they tried something and failed.
Here's what I read...

Urgent memo to singing duo, Peter and Paul.
Ref: Flopped concert
"I am sympathizing with them on their flopped show (yes, flopped is a better word than cancelled) concert which was billed to hold on Tuesday September 30 2008 at Asaba, but developed k-legs due to reasons best known to them. Can I preach to them? In this life, every man must have a focus. The forefathers say that 'If you're a manager, manage well, If you're cook, cook well, if you're a magician, magic well. If you're a singer, face your day job. No one can be a jack of all trades successfully. They should concentrate on their singing career or resign and become show organisers. Please, help me pass on this piece of advise to Peter and Paul...count your tonque with your teeth"

I felt really sad after reading this because I know the kind of damage words like this can do. It's words like this that discourage people from pursuing their dreams and passion. The ridicule from other people when we fail just stop us from trying. When you try something and fail and people tell you to 'count your tongue with your teeth', you're pretty much done for if you don't believe in yourself, your talent and in your ability.
I keep saying people, pls don't let anyone tell you what you can do and can't do. And it's better to try and fail than not try at all because with every time you fail, you learn what not to do and become one step closer to understanding what you need to do to succeed in life.

Peter and Paul...better luck next time.
And there's nothing wrong with being musicians and business men

From that to something really...crazy. Someone filed a court case against God.
Read the ridiculous story here
See y'all later.

Earlier post...
I'm trying to give you entertainment news but I can't upload pictures. Don't know what's wrong. The link on top of my 'create post' has disappeared...since yesterday.
what can I do?

Meanwhile, I think y'all need to know that our very own Naija talent, 9ice, was crowned MOBO Awards best African act of 2008, last night at the awards. Will get details and pix and more news when I sort this nonsense out...

Stay with me guys

By the way, Didn't Obama trash McCain at yesterdays final presidential debate? GO OBAMA! Hopefully, he's going to be America's next president...


  1. well i dont think Obama trashed Mccain..i live in los angeles and i have been an ardent follower of this campaign ..and i dint like the way he was referring to him as"John"..utterly disrespectful...Obama has gotten too much of a free pass by the American media and it has gotten to his head..Mccain is an American hero..and he did the best he could under the circumstances...i am still seething from the way Hilary was treated by the American media...bcos I know what she promised to do for young mothers like my self in the USA

  2. Hi Linda, did you hear that Colin Powell was dancing the yahoozee dance and singing the song at the Royal Albert Hall's This Days Concert 2 days ago....

  3. 9ice for real!

    Gongo ti so!

    He is bringing home Grammy!

    Just can't wait to see him grab the Grammy. Surely, he deserves all the honours. He's got talent, good look and everything.
    CONGRATS 9ice!

  4. Hi Linda
    I don't know why it can't show in your own,it is showing perfectly in mine,Maybe you have to contact blogger for futher asistance or better still you have to checke another theme,it seems as if you have wrongly edited the template code and it is no longer showing there.Let me know if I can be of help futher.
    As of Obama,he is the next U.S president.

  5. Don't worry Linda, I'll be waiting for you cos I'm addicted

  6. Shut your trap Elsie. What do you mean by referring to Mccain as John. Is his name not John?. Do you want Obama to call him Sir John or Oga John or Vet John since he is your American hero. What best did he do under the circumstances?. That he fought for our country?. Is he the only one that has been to the war front?. I don't get your point. If you think Mccain did better than Obama, then give valid reasons and not lame excuses. Utterly direspectful my arse....Mccain was the one acting like he was spoiling for a fight which Obama found quite amusing, to my delight. Obama was cool, calm and collected.


  8. You are right about comments like that discouraging people from pursuing their dreams. Hopefully they learn from whatever went wrong and use that as a stepping stone to organize a bigger and even better event.

  9. elsie paleez! just paleez! while i commend mccain for his patriotism or whatever, there is no doubt that he has sold his soul in this election. he has lost d respect he had from most folks!

    there is absolutely NOTHING I agree with when it comes 2 Mccain

    doesnt support equal pay for women.

    calls pro-choice, pro-abortion...WTF!

    lies and whines like a little kid.

    puts d health of a mother in quotations. dont blame him..he did graduate bottom of his class so what d heck does he know abt that?

    wants 2 cut taxes on the stinkingly rich folks..SOUNDS ALOT LIKE BUSH 2 ME!

    oh lets not forget his IDIOTIC CHOICE(Yes i said it) of a Vice president.

    this may sound harsh but fightin in a war DOES NOT make u qualified to be president! Mccain needs 2 live, eat and breathe those words!
    "i have d scars 2 prove it" blah blah blah! um sorry sir some pple r in d grave 2 prove it...which is more reason y we need 2 get d hell out of Iraq. it is a stupid and baseless war. he talks abt victory...when the US is damn near collapsing. He needs a reality check but its hard 2 see that when u own 13 cars and 7 houses..isn't it Mccain?
    besides he lies 2 damn much..all politicians lie but Mccain has definitely gone beyond the threshold!

    well i hate 2 get n2 this political arguments bcos i can get heated over it! Obama is definitely d man 4 d job and i hope pple r smart enough 2 see that and not blind by racism.

  10. lol and u talk abt disrespect? I suppose Mccain addressing Obama as "that one" is sooo respectful! Pls just stop it with that mess and quit watching FOX NEWS!

  11. umm maybe since Peter's son was born sum days earlier he was with his baby mama. Anywho.I dont believe the list coz according to the world ranking, Adenuga was not on the rankingwhereas dangote was there.. in the top 50 if i might add. my 2 kobos...:)

  12. Every celebrity has to develop a thick skin to survive in the crazy showbiz world...there will always be negativity coming from haters. Even 4 commoners like me...haters still h8! God is wonderful, he makes me stronger!

    Peter and Paul don't let them pull you down...who says you can't be jack of all trade...Multi-task if you want. There is no limit to the talents God giveth human! Reach 4 the stars!! Climb every mountain higher!!

    Thanx, Aunty Linda 4 another wonderful piece! Dnt worry ur browser will decide to show ur "create post" link soon! =) xx

  13. that TOP 10 list, automatically remove all the ones that have had Govt posts/ jobs, and the ones the pretty much are too close to govt.
    Then we do the rest.
    Nigerians need to stop glorifying ill gotten wealth. When we stop doing that, maybe our leaders will feel accountable to us.
    STOP the glorification of pilferers.

    Congrats to 9ice, one of the new success stories in naija.

    Obama will win this election, Republicans made a mistake they will pay for. They put 2 weaklings as candidates, i mean seriously. You put 2 olodos up against One genius and a motor mouth. lol.

    And Linda, please keep the posts coming. Your frequency is great these days.
    KEEP up the good work.

  14. About P-Square, here is my own bit:
    "I can accept failure, but I can't accept not trying".
    Better luck next time! And people should not use others misfortune to get cheap publicity.

  15. In actual fact Akilo Dangote claims to be the richest Nigerian over and above Adenuga. And some publication list his as such.

    There is no doubt that all the people on the list are vastly rich, their connection to government having given them access to unprecedented wealth and favours.

    However, I do not believe that this list is accurate in that it does not contain any of Nigeria's past presidents and any of Nigeria's vastly rich Generals.

    Could Babangida have created an Adenuga without being richer than him? Could Obasanjo have aided the richness of Dangote without being
    massively richer himself? Obasanjo was Petroleum minister for 8 years!!

    And what about the generals who have been in power for so many years and despite civilian rule are still Oil well owners,contract winners and bank owners.

    What about Saraki, Elumelu, Danjuma, Ibrus, Okoya, etc etc.

    Let us bear in mind that Nigerian ex-rulers do not want to declare their wealth, even though their opulent life style gives them way, because 99.9% of it is stolen, thus, I am certain that there are many who should be on the list that are not.

  16. In actual fact Akilo Dangote claims to be the richest Nigerian over and above Adenuga. And some publication list his as such.

    There is no doubt that all the people on the list are vastly rich, their connection to government having given them access to unprecedented wealth and favours.

    However, I do not believe that this list is accurate in that it does not contain any of Nigeria's past presidents and any of Nigeria's vastly rich Generals.

    Could Babangida have created an Adenuga without being richer than him? Could Obasanjo have aided the richness of Dangote without being
    massively richer himself? Obasanjo was Petroleum minister for 8 years!!

    And what about the generals who have been in power for so many years and despite civilian rule are still Oil well owners,contract winners and bank owners.

    What about Saraki, Elumelu, Danjuma, Ibrus, Okoya, etc etc.

    Let us bear in mind that Nigerian ex-rulers do not want to declare their wealth, even though their opulent life style gives them way, because 99.9% of it is stolen, thus, I am certain that there are many who should be on the list that are not.

  17. Well said Paris. Elsie needs to quit watching Fox News and get with the program. Obama is the next president. I guarantee that.

  18. Did anyone notice that most of he ppl on that list are yoruba?

  19. so wat does thier ethnicity have to do with anything now ehn?...
    e de o!!!

  20. I don't want to sound harsh; I prefer the Republicans withdrawing the presidential 'fight' to presenting McCain against Obama.

    Sincerely, its like fielding a rat to fight a cat!

  21. the letter to P-square was a bit harsh. I dont know y pple hate on them so much. U have to bebusiness minded to survive in the entertainment industry. ur talent only will not do it.

  22. elsie dear so hillary promised young mothers like u something lol. am sure if she had won u could have walked up tp her to fulfill her promises if she didnt do anything.
    As for Mccain being a war hero, so bladddddddddddy wat. d guy was doing his job full stop. Na war hero we go chop.
    obama hopefully will win.

  23. Why isn't Adenuga on Forbes then? But Dangote is? maybe next year.

    Rumour is most of his networth is Babangida in disguise. Globacom for example.....

    Tiffany Amber is Folake Folarin Coker ain't it?

  24. @ the Psquare news-
    I think it is just pure ignorance. I do not understand that at this time and age people at home still take musicians unseriously. You have to be a doctor, accountant, businessman.. whatever. People tend to forget that musicans are equally business people because they put out their music for people to buy and enjoy. How does Dbanj make his money? Have these dream killers thought about that?
    I really do not feel bad when people say that they have to leave home to pursue other dreams. My friend told me that he told his boss in Nigeria that he wanted to be a film director and the boss asked, "what is that?".
    How can we move forward if we keep condemning people from doing what they love? I hate backward thinking.I admire people like Denrele, Linda, Genevieve and co that are not doing the expected. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A DOCTOR. And I would like to know what happened to that Dele Momodu when he started his career as the founder of his magazine.
    One more thing I hate hearing from some Nigerians at home is, "that is how we do it". These people say this rubbish when things are not done the right way. If I hear that shit from someone again...... Lord save that person.Lol.

  25. the rich list is inaccurate and contains unsubstantiated information. Could the publisher indicate a source pls?

  26. hey linda, what they wrote about peter and paul was bad!!but when u cme here and reference the article word for word you are further perpetuating this gist!!

  27. that is fake list please tell those thieves to declare their money complete

  28. I think peple like ex-president Olusegun Obasanjo should be part of the top ten richest people in Nigeria today.As at from that,I think all other things I agree with.

  29. Wizkid topped the List of Richest naija Musicians 2017 He is gonning for the top


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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