Ignorance is bliss...or is it? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 6 March 2008

Ignorance is bliss...or is it?

I came home a bit late yesterday. I usually don't shower at night (always too tired or lazy), but I did it last night 'cos I was feeling a little sticky.

Ok, I think you guys need to know that from 6 pm till about 12 midnight, there's never power in my part of Surulere. We all rely on generator.

The generator in my house isn't powerful enough to carry all the electrical appliances in it. So usually when I take my bath at night, I don't turn on the light in the bathroom. I (think) know where everything is...

So I got into the shower, turned on the water and started scrubbing off. In darkness! (Don't imitate...lol)

When I first turned on the water, it had a funny smell and was more warm than usual but I thought nothing of it and went straight to business. I was showering leisurely, singing, playing music from my phone and just enjoying the feel of warm water on my body...

This water touched every part of my body. My eyes, my mouth, my...you know...everything. I even swallowed some of it...then....

...They restored power...

And Linda literarily ran out of the bathroom, screaming, when she saw the water running from the shower...

My dad came out to check what was going on and I told him...he laughed for a few seconds and said the water had been brownish and dirty all day and he had advised everyone not to use it...

Yeah well, no one told me.

The first few minutes wasn't funny as I went around looking for clean water to wash away the stink, the colouring, the dirt! I couldn't believe I'd swallowed that water and I'd used it so leisurely not knowing what I know now...

Lying in my bed later, I started laughing. Isn't life funny? The things we do when we lack knowledge...when we don't really know...how free, happy and content we are in our own ignorance. They say what you don't know won't kill you!

You're dating a guy and everytime you call him, his phone is switched off. When he calls you back he gives one story or the other and you totally believe him. Not knowing! Or your husband tells you a certain someone is just a colleague and you embrace her thinking thats the truth. Not knowing! Or someone claims to have your back while plotting your downfall and you open up yourself to them. Not knowing!.

But then one day you KNOW and you can't believe how ignorant (foolish) you've been. How blissful it is to be ignorant...how dangerously we live in it. Walking leisurely into a lions den not knowing what it really is until you're rescued out of there and you can't believe how close you came...

But when we really think about it, it's not that hard to know the truth if we really want to know. When I first got into the shower and perceived the smell, I could have gone looking for some light to check the water out...but I didn't! I'm used to the water clean, so what could go wrong on this particular night? I figured!

You know what they say about disillusion? It comes only to the illusioned. You cannot be disillusioned about something if you didn't put faith in it in the first place. If I'd had a previous experience with the water, maybe I wouldn't have been so quick to jump to the conclusion that there was nothing wrong with it on this particular night.

A few minutes of deep thinking is enough to find out the truth, but for some of us, thinking is tedious and a few minutes is a long time...so we are content with our knowledge, which is usually what we think we know, but really don't know.

When you also think of your own ignorant act, what's your excuse? Do we deliberately choose NOT to know! Do we always admire what we really don't understand? Is it that we don't know because we don't want to know? Or do we really know and pretend not to know? Or maybe we choose not to acknowledge the truth? Or is it that we are just sometimes stupid?

Do we delirately embrace ignorance? When we are not sure, it makes life easier for us? Is ignorance really innocence?

Someone said "Ignorance is the necessary condition of life itself. If we knew everything, we could not endure existence for a single hour."

So ignorance is bliss...but wouldn't you rather know?


  1. LMAO...................sorry dear,i can imagine how it felt.we all have lapses every now and then and trust me it pays to be ignorant once in a while!!
    how do u keep up with bloggin dis gal???am more than thrilled.kai......

  2. The ignorance that is bliss is also the ignorance I know often kills.

    Even if the water was not brown, you should not have let the water enter your mouth.

    No water from any public water supply is safe in Lagos for bathing or drinking.

    What a disgrace!

    May God help you.

  3. I'm first...yeah...Linda u summed it up real good...and yes Ignorance is bliss...

  4. You're such a good write. Have you ever thought about writing a book, or compiling your some your inspirational blog post into a book. That will be so hot. Good luck!

  5. Private message:
    25 Moneymakers in Hollywood.

    Linda, read and send a letter of introduction with two copies of your FM&B Magazine to the contact.

  6. @orikinla sharrap there!!! what do u mean what a disgrace? explain yaself!!!your remark shows how ignorant you are. ignoramus!!!

  7. Miss Linda I would rather know because knowledge is power!!!

  8. you are really the most open minded person I know on bloggersville. I will see you soon.

    BTW, ignorance is bliss. SIMPLE.

  9. Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

  10. The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance -- it is the illusion of knowledge.

  11. Nothing in education is so astonishing as the amount of ignorance it accumulates in the form of inert facts.

  12. I believe that ignorance is the root of all evil. And that no one knows the truth

  13. Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance

  14. sometimes we deliberately embrace ignorance like you rightly said. I knew my husband was cheating on me for years but i chose to turn a blind eye to it forever pretending it was not happening when it was clearly happening right under my nose. I love coming to this blog. you're always on point Linda Ikeji. God bless you

  15. @orikinla sharrap there!!! what do u mean what a disgrace? explain yaself!!!your remark shows how ignorant you are. ignoramus!!!

  16. Just become a motivational speaker and call it a day.

  17. lmao linda, you don't usually shower at night? kai you should shower at least twice a day in a hot country like naija o. at least make you wash ya punani twice na...efen if you no wan baf lol.

    your loving and naughty friend in london (i know you'd kill me for this lol)

  18. LOL...funny post.

    Seriously, can someone pls explain 2 me y pple deliberately want 2 hurt pple?? i mean i am still trying my hardest 2 comprehend it. its just not sitting well with me. i mean even a post as harmless & innocent as this one still brings out the evil in some people.

    na wa o! linda i see u have a psychotic stalker.

  19. LOL...funny post.

    Seriously, can someone pls explain 2 me y pple deliberately want 2 hurt pple?? i mean i am still trying my hardest 2 comprehend it. its just not sitting well with me. i mean even a post as harmless & innocent as this one still brings out the evil in some people.

    na wa o! linda i see u have a psychotic stalker.

  20. hi Linda,after i first finished wth the first part of ur story(after discovering ...),I cudnt help but laugh but not laughing bcos it's funny but laugh at our ignorance.lots of things we do in ignorance and laugh it off when we finally realise wat we shd have done to prevent fallin into such ignorance acts but we wont,instead we look the other way and when we now finally see wat we have done we find it funny.but the thing is no matter how intelligent we choose to be we will still find ourself in ignorance.just dat we pray not to fall into an ignorance dat will leave a bad impression on us for life,thanks

  21. I like ur thought about Ignorance being bliss.

  22. @whatever!!!said
    what's with the name calling? must it always come to this?
    cant people be civil about blogging?

    read orikinla's post correctly....and pls read in between the lines..
    it is indeed a disgrace that no water from any public water supply in Lagos is safe for drinking...
    or do you have a different opinion???

  23. its really a shame that the water in lagos is not clean enough to shower with let alone drink.

  24. its really a shame that the water in lagos is not clean enough to shower with let alone drink.

  25. Embracing ignorance deliberately will not erase the problem. I say that ignorance is not bliss, it is better to know and be given all the information you need to make a decision, than to make a decision blindly.

  26. Linda, ur blog on ignorance bliss took me back to memories lane. I once had a boyfriend (b4 i got married)who was dating a girl older than he is. He introduce this girl as his first cousin. I liked the girl and called her auntie. I do everything she asked me to do and even wash her cloths (for her to like me more)
    When ever i visit this guy and the girl happens to be around, I will cook for them, clean the house and leave for the day.
    one day i went to his house announce. i let myself in and beyond i saw him f......... his so called first cousin.
    I hated him, her and myself 4 believing them.
    My dear, since dat day, i find it hard 2 believe guys if they introduce any babe as cousin,just friends and the list goes on.
    So i know how u feel after the water thing.
    Thanks for blogging.

  27. lolllll.. sowwie oh.. u must have been so peed off!
    I really enjoyed reading this cuz i cn relate to sum of those things.. ignorance is bliss!

  28. My sister ignorance is bliss. Most times, what u dont know doesnt bother u, sometimes, it' better to leave it that way.

  29. Power outage is not a good excuse to bathe in darkness.
    Besides, a normal woman should bathe more than once daily.

    In that part of Lagos, even a snake could crawl out of the hole in the bathroom.

    I still repeat what a disgrace that in the 21st century, backwardness of such gravity is still common in a city.

    That was not ignorance, but foolishness.

    Cheers and God bless.

    I only visit and comment on this blog in appreciation of the author and she invited me to do so.
    I only visit and read blogs on INVITATION, from Ann Coulter to Arianna Huffington.

    As those who know me can testify, I can ignore this blog forever.
    So, I advise the ignorant to keep their rancour in their loins.

    How many Nigerians are blogging anyway, when most of them are intellectual illiterates.

  30. One of the nicest blogs I've ever read.
    "It is no good to try to stop knowledge from going forward. Ignorance is never better than knowledge."

    -Enrico Fermi

  31. Why didnt u send my comment. Not nice at all.

  32. Why Why Why..........

  33. @orikinla!!!YOU just confirmed my suspicions!!! YOU really are an IGNORAMOUS!!! Your statement sounds so ignorant!!! BIG of you to talk!!! Sorry Miss Ikeji for my words, he need to hear it!!!

  34. Linda,
    Please is it POSSIBLE to BAN ORIKINLA OSINACHI from participating in this blog?he/She needs a life.Read his/her closing statements that '''How many Nigerians are blogging anyway, when most of them are intellectual illiterates.'''Can you imagine.Pleas e Linda,DO SOMETHING.

  35. Sometimes what you don't know won't hurt you. Just found my ex on facebook, happily engaged with a kid. It's hurts...


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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