Silly Statement? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 11 November 2007

Silly Statement?

A female told me some days ago that if you're over 25 years old, and you're sexually active and never been pregnant...then you should be scared. 'Cos it's not normal...

Is that an extremely stupid thing to say or do some of you agree with her?

What do you ladies think? Please be honest in answering.


  1. No it just means you are sensible and careful. My cousin who aborted 4 times believes this also to be true and has told me tht I should try and get pregnant to make sure I'm not barren. I just look at her and think...if it makes you feel better.
    I wouldn't worry about such comments they are usually tinged with bitterness.

  2. I'm first here. But that's not the point.
    I'm speaking from my knowledge as a pharmacist here :-))) (what nigerian journalists would call "expert knowledge" :-)))) )

    The Almighty "belle" Formula

    >25years + female + Sexual activity = Pregnancy

    >25years + female + Sexual activity - condoms = Pregnancy + HIV/AIDS

    >25 years + female + Sexual activity + Pills + CDs = Nothing

    where pills/CDs are certified by NAFDAC

    *CD = Gold Circle

  3. Ok Linda; Most importantly anybody that is having sex without protection needs to reevaluate their health and priorities regardless of the "exclusivity" of the relationship.Back to the basics - Does this involve having sex with protection or without protection? I believe most people know what Billing Method is? If you use it efficiently U will not get prego unless U do not have a regular period. So I am kinda confused on the generalization of ur friend's comment. People can have sex during their safe days if done correctly without getting prego. Let me give ur friend the lowdown -- u can have sex from the 1st day of ur period thru the the 10 or 11th but I prefer the 10th b/c sperm live in the body 4 aproximately 72hr then comes ur ovulation which can occur from the 13th to 15th day counting from the first day of ur period then you can safely have sex from the 20th day until ur next period or u can give urself 3 or 4 days after the ovulation to have sex again --BAM--there goes ur period again -- U aint Prego. That does not mean u've got probs. :))

  4. Hummn children are very important in africa but we must remember even virgins gan wait a long to conceive.its God who gives.
    As for that me i will say i donot think so:one must wait for God's time.

    Linda,please visit my blog for fashion news

  5. Could be true. I have being active since I can remmenber but I have never been pregnant

  6. it should be if ur over 25 and been having UNPROTECTED sex and never been pregnant then there's something def wrong. So we need to ask what form of contraception shes using. It looks like she isnt using none or perhaps withdrawal mth(which is not 100% safe)..we need more info from the chic?

  7. duh!whatever happened to safe sex?i think thats a really shallow statement.

  8. Extremely stupid. I have seen this same premise put forward on another blog, and all I could do was shake my head at the stupidity and ignorance.
    There is a reason why some girls are proactive when it comes to birth control, so they do not get pregnant AND contract STDs/STIs.

  9. oh well.? is has d babe been having unprotected sex.nyways in dis days where even young things are been handed morning after pills 2 prevent preggers,its not relative though personally i believe babies come wen dey want 2 if ur not avoiding them.unless dere is a medical situation involved

  10. that is a weird statement. But there is some truth to it. In youth, teenagers to adult up to age 23; you can only expect so much responsiblity. Younger girls and guys typically make a lot of mistakes, hence it is not abnormal for the girl to get pregnant, maybe have an abortion or have the baby. But there are some people are sexually responsiblel, i.e. use protection every sinigle time.

    Here is one statistic you will like, if a woman does not use protection, there is an 87% chance that she will be pregnant by the end of the year

  11. One of the most asanine comments I've ever heard. Talk about ignorance. So she's in essense saying, ok, have unprotected sex till you get pregnant, then when you get pregnant, get an abortion so that you'll know you're able to conceive. Stupidity at it's highest. Poor child. God have mercy on her.

  12. IGNORANCE WILL KILL MY PEOPLE OOO!!!.... or should i say STUPIDITY!!!!!!!

    @yankeenaija.. well said.. thank u

    @omo alagbede..thank u ..thank u

    let me add... if u want to know about ur reproductive organs... ovaries, uterus ..etc.. please go and do an ULTRASOUND... TRANSVAGINAL AND ABDOMINAL ULTRASOUND OOOOOO...ABEG...
    u dont have to be sexually active ...or get pregnant to prove that u are a woman...
    na wa oooooooo

    nb: transvaginal ultrasound is difficult if u are not sexually active... please dont do it if u are a virgin... abeg

    my 0.1 cent ...

  13. It is extremely ignorant...has she not heard of condoms backed up by the pill or the patch? Or practicing safe period?

  14. apparently shes flushed out a few kids...i have been active for yrs and i dont belive in unprotected sex...there are pills,injections,cd's... y in heaven's name would i wanna make a baby then return it to God...some people pray daily for them...if u have had a few d&c's and it makes u feel better to say i have issues just cos i have never been stupid...ur choice...*wink*

  15. Abeg its all okpata! Then what about the women that get preggerz later?

    You get preggerz when God says you get preggerz.

    Abeg women shouldnt go testing ooo!

    Meet the one you love and then get preggerz...

    And i support Omo Alagbede's response!

  16. Extremely stupid!

  17. Its a silly comment...It means you have been extremely careful and lucky...

  18. The female might not be the brightest one in the world sha. Though I have to say it is possible to get pregnant while on using oral contraceptives and condoms, as nothing in this world will prevent you from getting pregnant except no sex.

  19. just a backward african type of myth....... who uses abortion as birth control in this day and age? it is indeed a stupid extremely ignorant statement.

  20. thats a pretty stupid comment... not based in any facts... there is such a thing as safe sex..

  21. actualy there is no such thing as safe sex, its safer sex. as kpakpando said you can get preggers even while on condoms and oral contraceptives. lets not talk about ppl who dont use both properly and their chances of getting pregnant increase significantly. for both to work you have to use them the right way consistently lol. the only safe sex is no sex. don't think that condoms catch everything lol.

    that being said i sort of agree wit the girl but not on the age, it depends on the length of the period in which one is sexually active and how meticulous the person is about safe sex. if you are always forgetting pills and not using condoms and u havent gotten preggers in like 10 years, hmm... but that one na my own unscientific opinion which applies to like almost nobody and is never given in public lol. the girl jsut wanted to make u feel bad, odogo lolz.

  22. hi Linda:
    being a born again Christian, i believe that no woman was created barren by the Almighty. Mentioned in Bible of Hannah, Rebecca,Sarah it is by the will of God for a woman to bear children as she prays.
    God has time for all and his time is small compare to man's time.
    Remain blessed..


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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