Homosexuality | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 6 November 2007


I was going to bring you Naija Entertainment gists today...but can't find neither City People nor Encomium magazines on the news stands. They usually come out on Mondays, don't know what's wrong this week. But hopefully they'll be available tomorrow. So expect that tomorrow...

While we are waiting for that, there's something else I'd like to talk about. HOMOSEXUALITY.

I met a proudly gay guy today...and it was a big eye opener. In this part of the world, it's extremely rare to find proudly gay guys. Guys who tell you I'm gay and very proud to be one. Infact wonders what heterosexual men see in women.

I remember a few years ago, a Unilag student came on Funmi Iyanda's show to proudly declare he was gay and was asking for gay rights in Naija.

After coming out openly.....he's now based in the UK.

Guess our people aren't ready for such!

In the business I'm in, some of the guys actively in it are either gay or have homosexual tendencies. The don't come out in the open about their sexual preference but you can tell with body movement, the way they talk and flock around themselves and especially the way they ignore and bitch at women that there's something off about them. Oh, I've met quite a few of them. They are quite creative, talented and fun to be with, more fun to look at them making passes at each other...

The one I met today tried for a while to educate me on thrills and frills of homosexuality...an hour later I was more confused than before.

I don't understand it one bit. It's still a big mystery to me.

Why would any man have strong physical and emotional attraction to men that they don't usually feel for women?

What is the real explanation of why some men are gay and some are not? In a family of four brothers, how do you get three straight ones and a gay one? What happened to the gay one? He was born on the wrong day?

Is homosexuality as a result of genetic influences? Is it hereditary? Biological? Social experiences? Peer pressure? Is it spiritual?

Does anyone know?


  1. linda in this part of the world we see gay guys kissing each other almost all the time,the first time i saw two guys kissing,i stood for a while staring,now to me its like just any normal couple kissing,sincerely although i know their practice is wrong biblically,these gay guys can dress they take extra care of their looks,and they can be very funny,like in the tv comedy will and grace dont we all just love will and jack their gay character is just so nice and one of my favourites as well alan carr.
    gay guys are nice to watch but i wouldnt want any of my bros to be gay ho!!!!!!!!!! but its still weird though the first time i held a gay guys hand i felt weird though anyways linda dont be baffled gay guys are here so all we need to do is stop wondering and let them live their lives ho. afterall here they even have gay rights and gay carnivals.gay MPS and all the rest.like my dad would say the sky is big enough ho.linda the question u should ask is wat would a woman do if her husband of over 20years decides to come out to his wife about being gay? this one ur man aint leaving u for a bitch its for a man,that one baffles me, real weird

  2. Why would any man have strong physical and emotional attraction to men that they don't usually feel for women?

    Dunno o.

    What is the real explanation of why some men are gay and some are not? Is it as a result of genetic influences? Is it hereditary? Social experiences? Peer pressure? Is it spiritual?

    Hereditary? nope
    spiritual? nope
    peer pressure, social experiences et all YES

    This topic is something i try to avoid as much as possible but it has to be addressed. NO ONE IS BORN GAY. I believe it is a matter of choice. It is not circumstance. It's not something u find yourself doing. You do it because you want to.

    Some have low self esteem and are intimidated by women. some feel it's being in vogue. uhmmm it's a confusing topic linda

    I'm as confused as u r about it.

  3. im loving this topic....I don't have any backup theory on this one..but Im gonna go with homosexuality being in ones genetic makeup. In todays world with the discrimination against gays I don't think anyone in thier right minds would voluntarily consider "becoming" gay. It's biological and its high time we(nigerians) start realizing this and work on embracing homosexuality instead of looking at it as a SIN or something overtly immoral.

  4. I know you know we know the black goats among the sheep.
    Pray for the sick.
    They need a shrink.

    Anyway, see this The Most Beautiful Bottom in the World Contest that you failed to attend in Munich, Germany. Even Beyonce was not there. No Naija "Ikebe super" was seen on the runway.

  5. Yay, am the first to write, soooooooooo excited!!! :) Okay, about the homosexuality thing, it beats me. I have come to realize that it is one of those things I would never get and I really dont even try to get it anymore. As a christian, I love gay people but I dont condone homosexuality. It seems too futile an effort to try to understand it. Let people be themselves, whatever works for them, I guess!! :)

  6. I don't understand how guys become gay either, may be if there are any gay men out there you could enlighten moi personally I abhor gay men.

  7. dont try to understand it, gay people dont even know they are gay

  8. dont try to understand it, gay people dont even know why they are gay

  9. Its a DEMON and its wrong wrong wrong!!! The western world has romanticized it sooo much we think it s normal when in reality, God abhors such. So lets call it like it is!!! Just cos we need to be politically correct we dont call it out! we i for one think they need to get with God an pray that DEMON out of their system! God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!!!!
    Born that way my foot!!! Chances are they were sexually abused as kids by men, so their first sexual experience is warped and that leads to the confusion on their sexuality.



  11. no 3 whose name i cant make out it s not nigerians dt condemned the actGod hates ithe destroyed sodom and gommorah 4 such a reasoni beg the wahala on our necks in naija is ok 4 us lesbianism homosexuality should not be embracedlinda no one was born that way may God help them

  12. The concept of homosexuality is a very controversial..personally I don't support the act but i don't hate the people who practice it.
    I feel they are 'lost'.Gay people really don't know why they are gay in my own opinion..
    I think this issue is a spiritual one
    I really don't think any psychological theory can even explain why..years from now..we will be trying to justify why humans are having sexual feelings toward animals and objects..
    The thing that surprises me though are homosexuals who say they are Christians fine.hmmm helloooo
    i think it is clearly written in the bible that God does not condone the act old testament or new..
    He made Adam and eve not Adam and Steve like some people would put it

    Ok am drifting from the point
    but really Linda..i think there are some issues that we will never be able to understand

  13. The issue isn't that complex, it's just because nigerians are sexually oppressed they feel that it's a condition which we wouldn't be able to understand except one is gay. We are brought up in such a way that we scorn acts like homosexuality more than drunkeness because of the sex aspect, I mean what the bible also says drunkeness is a sin...do we hear of people rallying around against drunks?

  14. there is no scientific evidence to supoort the genetic/gay theory!

    the world has turned upsidedown.... anything goes now ... even having sex with your dog or cat.... i don't think the rectum or anus was intended as a shag hole.
    Next thing you know, there will be people who want to shag the earhole, and they will be asking for rights!

  15. I dont think one can truly understand it - is it scientific or psychological or what? The big thing is to decide as an individual - to accept or not?

  16. People have all sorts of definitions for it. Mental disorder, hormonal imbalance and ll that. For me, the individual is sick and requires major spiritual and emotional rejuvination. God made Adam and Eve and not Adam and Steve. I rest my case.

  17. sigh

    i see our people remain as proudly ignorant as ever.

    all of these aggressively anti-gay people self... why does it bother you so? how does what two people do in private even affect you?

    live and let live, people.

  18. i think there is definitely a choice, these people chose to be that way because of vice and nothing more

  19. Yes ooh

    they have a choice definitely

    there are too many guys in my school who have come out, asked God for forgiveness and left the life

    so its a sin and a choice!

  20. Good topic Linda, I also never understood homosexuality until a gay person explained it to me. He said, "A man knows what a man likes." (meaning sexually) He went on to explain, "How many times have you heterosexuals been with your significant other and they just weren't doing it right". He went on to explain (without getting too graphic, THANK GOD) about how his significant other knows exactly how and where to touch, caress, kiss, and etc to bring out the most pleasure. He made some good points and I understood it after that. That doesn't mean that I agree with it though, because I don't. If God had wanted man to be with other men, he wouldn't have made women look so damn good. The thought of kissing another man makes me want to throw up. I'd rather kiss an ugly woman's arse than a pretty man any day of the week. And as far as it being hereditary, or are people "born gay", In my never to be humble opinion, the answer is a resounding HELL NO! I went to school with a guy who had 6 other brothers and he was the only gay one in the bunch. I also knew a guy who claimed to be gay for over 25 years until God told him to stop being gay and he did. THE PHANTOM

  21. this post comes off somewhat homophobic linda... i mean why does one have to have been born on the wrong day to be gay?!?! or that theres something slightly off about them?! theres a difference between not understanding someone and belittling them... i mean seriously... aint nobody trying to force nobody to be gay... everybody thats 'proudly straight'... i think its ok to let others be 'proudly gay'... understand it or no.

    if by some divine explanation.. one gets to understand if they were born with it or not... if its in their genes.. or an acquired lifestyle... after one gets the answer to that.. then what?!?! we innoculate? i mean SERIOUSLY

    whatever whoever chooses to do in the privacy of their bedroom should be their business... people spend so much time bashing other people for their sexual practices/ preferences while they hide their own... i dont think its anybodys place to judge other people... i mean if you're a female and strictly dickly... big ups to you... if you're a man and strictly dickly... big the fuck up to you... i couldnt care less and i think people should spend more time dealing with the real issues that prevail in their respective societies than trying to suss out 'moral' wrongs and rights... i mean at the end of the day its everybody and their God.
    my 2 cents

  22. We all have a right to our opinions, I personally believe that people are BORN GAY, and some are gay by society. Like you said Linda you see a lot of "gay" people or people with homosexual tendencies in the modelling industry, you've labelled them gay as far as you are concerned, because they do not fit into the "traditional" male role, they love their lip gloss, think like women but still love pussy, but no one sees that, people only see the girly guy. Now think of a million other women thinking the same of them, and well, their peers call them bashful names like "faggot" its only a matter of time before they fall into where society puts them.
    (thats an opinion)

    Now a boy is born into a family of 4 boys, raised by his macho overly manly dad, all his brothers ars are hockey playing, ball scratching men, he walks like a girl, runs like a girl loves to hang around girls and play with their hair like a girl would, and talks about boy crushes like a girl would, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that his homosexuality is innate. I know of people who have fought homosexuality all their lives "prayed" about it, "bashed" other gay men, tried to kill themselves just so that they will not be gay, how do you explain that it is their social surroundings that made them gay?

    Homosexuality is something that is as simple as being straight, you know what works for you, gay men know what works for them, and if we keep deluding ourselves that its a demon that can be casted out and we can truly "cure" homosexuality, then we can say to the AIDS patient RISE and the virus will disappear.

  23. linda,its so absurd at the rate at which gayism has increased .why would a man be arrracted to a fellow man it beats me .all i can do is pray for them & my unborn kids d funny thing about it isthat they are so proud to be gay GOD save our nation from all these evil.

  24. ONB is here as usual. With her pro gay statements. ALWAYS THERE. TO HONOUR AND DEFEND. Is there something we are missing?

  25. Homosexuality na today? Nigerians are so much in denial. But fortunately and unfortunately it is reality. I guess people should wake up, sit up and start noticing.

    No judgements though. 'Cause one can never tell, one person or persons that we know could or maybe gay. Life is funny ... lol!


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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