Sins Of The Father + Common Diseases in Women | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 17 October 2007

Sins Of The Father + Common Diseases in Women

I have this neighbour, he's 43, no job, no wife, no kids, lives with a younger friend and feeds from hand to mouth.

We spoke for the first time some days ago and during our talk he blamed his misfortune on his grandfather. He said his paternal grand dad committed so many atrocities when he was alive and had been cursed by several of the people he'd had dealings with.

But he died at the ripe age of 89...naturally! Now, he thinks all the curses are following the grand dad's children and children's children.

He said none of the man's children or grand children made anything of themselves. That no matter how much they try, how hard they work, how much they pray, nothing good ever happens to them. According to him, not one of the man's children or grandchildren was/is successful.

He said his own dad died a pauper and he's also convinced he will die unfulfilled and blames all his woes on a dead family member.

He's so convinced of this because he said that there's a portion in the bible where it's written that "The sins of the parents lie on the heads of their children". I don't know where it is in the bible...

Anybody who knows where this is written in the bible should pls give me the verse.

Is there anyone who believes that a parents' sins can be passed on to their children?

Let me know your thoughts.

Meanwhile, here are common diseases found in women. Read this if you have the time, it could be useful to you.

Common Diseases In Women
It is a common inflammatory skin disease that mainly affects the face, neck, chest and upper back. it is caused by an interaction between hormones, bacteria and sebum produced by the comedones (pimples), pustiles (lesions filled with pus) and occasionally CYSTS. This is possibly caused by changing hormone levels.
Mild cases may be eased by washing the face with a gentle toilet soap or by drying agents such as benzoyl peroxide. Severe acne may need oral treatment with antibiotics such as tetracycline or hormone therapy such as Dianette, which also acts as a Contraceptive.
Very severe acne can be treated using a derivative of Vitamin A, called tretinoin or Retin A. This cream is applied in each night and takes about 3 weeks to be effective. An oral version called Ro- accutane is very good against severe acne but carries serious risks of foetal abnormality during pregnancy.

Amenorrhoea (Absence of periods)
It is a failure to have periods, which may be described as primary or secondary . Primary amenorrhoea is the failure to menstruate by age 16, and the main cause is the late onset of puberty. A girl may have the other signs of puberty but lack of periods. this may be a cause of a pituitary tumor, which can be found via a skull X -ray , or because of cryptomenorrohea, where menstrual bleedings does occur but it is held inside the vagina by an obstruction such as imperforate Hymen. The condition may arise because parts of the female reproductive system are missing. The most common reason for primary amenorrhoea is disruption of the relationship between the ovaries and the pituitary gland.
Secondary amenorrhoea occurs when a woman stops menstruating for 3 months or more after normal menstrual periods have been established but before the onset of the Menopause. It may arise as a result of stress, chronic diseases. Stopping the contraceptive pill, which affects hormone production in the brain , can cause amenorrhoea for up to a year, and it may arise after child birth and breast feeding. Failure of ovaries, prompting a premature menopause before the age of 40, is another cause. Amenorrhoea is permanent after the menopause or if the uterus is removed in a Hysterectomy

A discharge of white-yellow coloured mucus from the vagina. it may be normal condition, increasing before and after menstruation, but a copious vaginal discharge, especially if it has a strong smell, probably indicates an infection in the genital tract. A common cause is thrush, but it may also be because of Gonorrhoea or some other sexually transmitted disease.

A condition in which the amount of bone mass decreases to the point where the bones are fragile and easily fractured, affecting twice as many women as men. Women are particularly risk from the osteoporosis as they have a lower density of bone, because of smaller body size than men. The risk increases those who have a premature menopause, early hysterectomy, previous anorexia nervosa etc. Also women who smoke or drink excessively are at the greater risk. Weight-bearing exercise , a diet rich in calcium, Vitamin D and other minerals, and not smoking can help to prevent bone loss. Hormone replacement therapy is the most effective preventive treatment but is not suitable for all women. Physiotherapy and acupunture can help to relieve pain. Osteoporosis can be detected by doing Bone Density Test

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
It is an inflammation of the Fallopian Tubes, ovaries and Uterus. The disease can be acute or chronic. Acute PID causes severe abdominal pains, high fever , chills, foul-smelling vaginal discharge and abdominal tenderness. PID is a result of bacterial infection, but chlamydia and Gonorrhoea are responsible for mini cases. Treatment is by means of antibiotics and bed rest. The condition usually improve within two weeks. But if not, another antibiotics is given. If 3 courses of antibiotics do not clear the infection, then the disease is deemed to have become chronic, Chronic PID results in a low level of infection that can continue for weeks or months.
Symptoms are persistent abdominal pain or cramps, fatigue, weakness and very heavy menstrual periods. Some mild cases have few or no symptoms but can cause partial or total infertility.

It is an extremely common venereal or sexually transmitted disease, that is caused by the bacterium Neissera-gonorrhoeae. The bacteria are found in the Mucous Membrances of the Vagina, Urethra, throat and mouth. If gonorrhoea is not treated it can damage and inflame the Fallopian Tubes and other pelvic organs, and this can arise after only 8-10 weeks. Other possible damage includes eye infection that can cause blindness, septicaemia (blood poisoning), Gonococcal Arthritis, it may occur in conjunction with a painful skin rash and inflammation of heart valves. Symptoms of gonorrheoa include vaginal discharge (green or yellow in colour), Dysuria, possible inflammation of the rectum and a sore throat . To diagnose the disease, swabs of the discharge are obtained and organisms grown are identified in the laboratory. Treatment is by a single , very large dose of penicillin, or tetracycline if the organisms is resistant to penicillin.

Mastitis inflammation of the breast
It occurs usually because of bacterial infection during breast feeding. Symptoms include, pain in the affected breast, tenderness, swelling, fever and possibly a chill. Treatment with warm compress and antibiotics normally resolves the condition. If the inflammation does not subside then a breast abscess may form.

It is menstruation with abnormally heavy or prolonged blood flow. This may be frequent periods, one that continuous for 7 days or more, or one with exceptionally heavy flow over two to three days. Menorrhagia can occur because of fibroids, inflammation in the pelvic cavity, an Intrauterine device (IUD) or hormonal imbalance.
The bleeding can cause anaemia with pallor fatigue, which can be treated with iron supplements. Treatment depends on the cause and may include a D and C, the combined contraceptive pill, removal of an IUD, or danazol, a drug that inhibits the hormones produced by the pituitary gland.
Here's wishing my younger sis, Benita, a happy birthday.
Cheers everyone!


  1. LOL Linda I commented in the wrong box.

  2. I am not one who believes that the sin of the fathers shall be on the kids,having said that i will contradict myself to say if your father was a bad man you have the chances to have gained from this bad examples and of it will reflect in the decisions you make as an mum is a business woman after unconsciously watched her for many years,I have been doing business since i was 18years old,made mistakes many times and hit rock bottom but when i want to quit i think to myself if mumi can do it then i got the been my fuel,likewise my step dad very honest man,while i donot mind telling small lies i could never tell a lie to harm my fellow man..from all this they have managed to fashion the seeds i sow and ofcourse will reap when the circle closes,
    After all the bible says birds of same feathers flock together.but if you are from bad family and you managed to do good since the convenant is in our hearts,only good will follow you.
    If this man has bad thoughts e.g like thinking he is a failure or wishing someone bad due to jealousy (like we all do sometimes) he must consciously stop them and begin to believe in himself..numerous self talk tapes.he must believe he can make it only then can there be small improvements and big ones later.
    OUR THOUGHTS ARE SO POWERFUL,THEY CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS.ATLEAST MINE WILL.....yeside.something big is about to happen.

  3. Linda am not a pastor but,
    About the sins of the father been visited upon the children,yes it was said in several verses in the Bible.Read Exodus 20:5, and 34:7. Also read Deuteronomy 5:9 and Numbers 14:8. In Exodus 34:7,God said and i quote 'Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear [the guilty]; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth [generation].But tell your neighbor that all hope is not lost and he shouldn't claim negativity. since Jesus Christ has come and died for us and we are born again,old things(including the sins of our fore fathers)have passed away and everything is now new. Let him go for restitution in a bible believing church and infact let him hold on strongly to 2Chronicles 25:4,Ezekiel 18:4 and verse 20 that states clearly that everyone whether son or father will be judged by God on account of their own sin differently.

  4. the bible, truly, in certain portion of the old testament promises such vengeful acclamation that the sins of the father will surely be visited on the son especially that the Israelites are stubborn and full of disobedience.Don't also forget that Adam's sin brought death and pain into the world till today.I wasn't there when Adam ate the apple yet we partake of his punishment in one form or another.But think of it, God cannot be wicked and unjust yet claimed to be merciful,that is a total contrast. the decree was meant to illustrate the extent to which sin can damage a long-chain relationship.The verdict, if i am right,was later reviewed and made known that each person is an individual in the presence of God and will be hold responsible for his/her own sin.
    Jesus was held punishable for the sins and curses he knew nothing about and that makes a lot difference as the fulfillment of the decree, especially that the case was settled on the cross.It is left for various individual to claim his or her victory, depending on how you choose to see calvary - as a curse or as a victory.
    i am definitely sure that every posted comment may agree is same thought pattern.

    *This is my first time am making a comment on this blog, hope it is published for everyone to enjoy it. i gotta go now!
    (writer & producer)

  5. Linda and all,
    Please the verse in the book of Numbers is 14:18 and not 14:8
    The typographical error is regretted.

  6. We are a total sum of different people who have moulded us. Our first model is our parents. They consciously and unconsciously model our life, our belief system, our thinking and vision.

    This is a very interesting topic that I would advise you pick your bible for reference.

    Adam: When Adam sin it affected all generation. Because he was the proginitor. Cain kill Abel and bla bla. It took the second man (Jesus Christ) to reverse the wheel of curse God place on man.

    Abraham: He is known as father of faith. However, he did something that has affected our world. He slept with his maid and she gave birth to a child that wasn't in the wheel of God - Ishmael. He was Abraham first son but he didn't inherit God promise. That child is the father of the world most deadly terrorist nation.

    Isaac: He had 2 children, Esau and Jacob. Esau was supposed to inherit the promise, Jacob eventually did.

    Jacob: Jacob story is most interesting because of all his children. Judah, Reuben etc. All committed sin that made to be completely wipe out of the promise of God and his blessing rested on Joseph who ordinarily won't have been privilege to partake in the blessing

    The story are so numerous that I can go on and on. also remember David and Absolom.

    When a man sins. It may not affect him but his genration get to feel the pain of the unknown. It also work the way round. Sow good today reap harvest tomorow


  7. Tell him to get a copy of the "secret" you are what you dream, feel, think, God is a God of chances,choices and redemption, he holds no one to ransom. Change your thought process and watch your life blossom. By the same token, dont let us kid ourselves, if you are sent to college and you blow your chances, please dont blame it on anybody or fate, you made that choice. Read the story in the bible about the master who went on a journey giving talents to his servants, what each servant decided to do with the talent is down to them, folks, same with God, this is not rocket science. The Father bestowed upon us talents which unfortunately some do not even attempt to discover, then they go round blaming everybody else but themselves.
    It is like this, their are two roads, one leads to a fulfilled life, the other to doom, you choose doom and then you blame fate, please, you eFF'ed up, dont hang the albatross on fate, it had nothing to do with it, you chose that path. We are not all going to be Bill Gates (another thing most Nigerians can seem to grasp), but we can be diligent and comfortable with hardwork and making the right choices, get with God and he will not lead you astray. Sorry it is long, I am just passionate about this stuff.


  8. when someone gives their life to God...öld things are passed away(INCLUDING CURSES/SINS),.behold ALL things shall become new....
    it either your neighbor is lazy or lack the drive/motivation to excel,to keep 'pushing",allowing his environment to dictate to him....who/what is he listening to & what is he telling himself daily?

  9. Happy Birthday Benita!

    I believe in generational curses, but I also know and believe that they can be broken if you ask God. If he can overcome his self-defeatist attitude he can possibly make something of himself.

    Also October is Breast Cancer awareness month... a disease that affects women too

  10. I think its all supersition, generational curses do not exist. everyone's future whether good or bad is determined by fate. That's just the way it was planned to be but you can't keep blaming God or your father for your situation, as harsh as it might sound it's bad luck and one would just have to deal with does say in the Bible in Exodus 20:5 "You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me" but then again there's a contradiction of this in 2Kings 14:6 "Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their fathers; each is to die for his own sins."

  11. Nice piece on the medical information. That's precisely why I love ur blog.U touch on everything of importance.
    As a person with a medical background, I just wanted to add that gonorrhoea often does not give symptoms in women (unlike in men where the burning sensation on urinating alerts them to get help earlier).
    So, ladies be careful.
    And Chlamydia is probably more common and more easily missed than gonorrhea.
    Both are notorious for causing chronic pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility.
    I am just stressing this because when I worked in Nigeria as a doctor, I couldn't believe the numbers of nice girls we treated for this.Even,well-educated, posh chics u wouldn't think would be so careless.
    My point? protect yourself and pray if u have a straying husband.

  12. am not 1 to rule to anything out.may be possible that a curse has befallen the family. there was a similar case with a friends family no body in that family lived well. my advise is for ya neigbour to pray and pray hard.there is nothing God can not do

  13. well said cunnin 4 real

  14. The Bible tells us that we have been redeemed by the Blood of Jesus!

    Generational curses are real, but they can be broken! Ur neighbour is the way he is because he CHOSE to be that way. He has accepted the fact that he is cursed and has chosen defeat. Have you ever heard of the 'prayer of Jabez'?

    We live life once and it our personal choice on whether to go with defeat or success!

  15. Tell your friend that his destiny is not tied around anyone. He should not allow these challenges to becloud his vision.

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