Nigeria at 47! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Monday 1 October 2007

Nigeria at 47!

Let me start by saying happy new month to everyone. May all your dreams come true this month.

So Nigeria is 47 years old today. Wow! We are that young? Just 47 years old? And we are comparing ourselves to nations that have been in existence over 100 years before us? What most of us fail to realise is that most of the world's advanced nations were in worst situations than Nigeria is today, in their early stages of independence. We've had a shaky foundation but the beauty about it is...there's hope for a beautiful tomorrow.

I spoke to someone yesterday who told me he has no plans of ever relocating to Nigeria because of all it's negativity...what negativity? Which country doesn't have it's bad sides?

I've heard all kinds of things being said about our beloved country...I've been guilty of it too, all we do is bad mouth our country and state a million and one reasons why Nigeria is messed all those pessimists, Nigeria is great! Nigeria will be greater...changes will come to Nigeria.
But these changes cannot be done by government alone. We must all be part of it's progress. All hands must be on deck. From now on we shouldn't just ask ourselves what our country should/can do for us, instead let's think about what we can do to make Nigeria a better place to live in.

Today, let's look ahead in hope...let's stop condemning our country, let's stop projecting it in a negative light, let's shut the mouths of those who say our country will never amount to nothing.

Nigeria is more today than we were yesterday and we will be more tomorrow more than we are today.

Nigeria is a blessed and beautiful country and I'm going to state 10 reasons why I think Nigeria is beautiful.

1. The people: Despite the frustrations and difficulties, Nigerians are the happiest people in the world. The people are accommodating, peace loving and always find a reason to smile.

2. No natural disasters: We have no earthquakes, storms, floods etc. We see what this disasters do to some countries...and we don't have it, will probably never have it, isn't that a blessing in itself?

3. It's a peaceful country: When I think of the ethnic clashes, genocide, brutal killings and war that occur in other African countries...I thank God for being a Nigerian. I know some of you will wonder about the incessant kidnappings in the Niger Delta...what I'll say is this: They call themselves militants...I call them youths looking for money. How many cases of deaths have occurred? They always release these expatriates as soon as their demands are met...they call themselves militants? They should go see what militants in Iraq, Iran, Palestine, etc do and then shut up.

4. No bills, bills, bills and taxes: Sincerely how many Nigerians pay bills the way bills are paid in other developed countries? Do the Nigerian government take a certain percentage from our income like it's done in other countries? How many of us pay our taxes? Who has been locked up for tax evasion in Naija? Is their anything like Gas bill, water bill, phone bill etc at the end of the month? In Naija, we live on 'pay as you go'.

5. Abundant food and oil: A lot of people don't know this but other developed countries pay more for food and gas than we do here...I know we should be paying less because we produce this things in Naija...our bad leaders won't let that be...but it's not as bad as some countries have it.

6. No serial killers: In other countries, you get popped for nothing. Some crazy people put a bullet in your brain or strangle you because they just feel like killing someone. They pick you at random...imagine dying for nothing! Not nice! If you get killed in Naija, it's for a reason. It's either politically motivated, or it's for ritual or greed or maybe a stint with armed die for a!

7. No mental illnesses: People don't walk around carrying baggage's on their shoulders. Most Nigerian you see are sane...the ones not normal are the ones who have distinguished themselves by walking around half naked and in dirt. At least we know they are insane and we avoid them. In other countries, the insane ones are the ones who wear suits and go to work...they talk and act normal until they do kill their family. There are a few psychiatric homes and psychiatrist in Naija. If you go crazy, it's either because of drugs or someone did something to you (Black magic, for those who believe in that), not because of some twisted thing that happened to you in your childhood. We don't carry such around.

8. Nollywood/Sports: Our movie industry is the third largest in the world, next to Hollywood and Bollywood. There are over 150 nations, and ours is the 3rd in the whole world...what are we talking about? In terms of sports, Nigeria and Nigerians have broken world records. We have accomplished more than any other African country. Our nation have been put on the world map.

9. It's beauty and history: Nigeria has beautiful landscapes, sceneries, structures, monuments. Nigerians to me are one of the most beautiful people in the world. Our history is also something to be proud of...look at where we are coming from and where we are today...what do you see?

10. Nigeria is your home...what's more beautiful than that?

Meanwhile, here's a cartoon depicting the beauty of Nigeria and Nigerians.

I don't care what you say, we are a beautiful nation!!!


  1. linda, na u sabi o...... d only gud thing bout 9ja is dat its my home country. finish.

  2. Hi Linda

    I agree Nigeria is great. Isn't there a saying that you are only as good as your foundation. If you live abroad and have been able to stride to the top of the pyramid; it is only because you were born in Nigeria. Compare yourself to other Africans, we have pride, we work HARD, we have style and good taste; and we know we are the best in the world. Happy birthday Nigeria.

  3. Linda I'm all for being positive about Nigeria and saying positive things, but your top 10 list is idealistic and borders on flat out lies. Nigerians are billed, last I checked NEPA wasn't free, we are supposed to pay taxes, we don't know if they're serial killers in the country because we don't keep records or care to notice patterns, there is evidence of mental illness throughout the country, just because "its rejected in Jesus' name" doesn't make it non-existent; Nollywood might be the 3rd largest industry, but it quality still trumps quantity.
    Yes its independence day, we should use it to reflect on where Nigeria is, was, could be and should be.

  4. Those cartoons cracked me up 4real. Happy Independence. have a nice one :)

  5. I love Nigeria no doubt ( ...I just realized it was our independence a few minutes ago) but I don't agree with certain points you made.

    Not paying tax is not something to brag about. In a sane environment govt uses taxes to repair and implement improvements eg roads, bridges. Ok maybe we should be glad that we don't pay as much tax as the US and UK but I think it is essential.

    Who yold you there are not insane people around? Spare me sister; my memory of Niaja isn't that blurred. The reason why we hear of these sad random killings in western countries is because they place a higher value on human rights which is backed my well-applied laws that protect and prosecute people. That's why these stories always make the news. Because the lagbajas in VGC aren't getting randomly killed doesn't mean it's not happening.

    Take care

  6. Happy Birthday my fellow Nigerians!! If only we can all work together as a nation--Nigeria is a beautiful rich country. I pray that the leaders and the public in general will minimize their greed and Nigeria will definitely be better. Nevertheless the short comings of this country, I still got nothin' but love for my country. You can travel to east or west, home is always the best.

  7. Hapy Birthday Nigeria/Nigerians!!!! Nigeria is indeed a blessed and beautiful country except that we only have very greedy and inconsiderate leaders at all levels. Imagine how wonderful Nigeria can be if all the money Abacha stole was put to good use in Nigera, or all the money being laundered out is invested in building companies and stuff like that. We just have to do our little bits in any way we can to make Nigeria a safer and more productive place. I still got luv for this country bc home is always the best. 47 kisses to Nigerians all over the world.

  8. Kpakpando took the words out of my mouth. I know for a fact Nigerian pay taxes because my mom as a working woman for one of the biggest Naija companies for over a decade paid taxes. As to the mental health issues, all I can say is they definitely exist, I have met some naija ppl dressed in suits with mental health issues, you'd never know if u saw them. Naija is great. I am in love with it but like any other country it has its issues and we can improve.

  9. Hey people...I didn't say we don't pay taxes...I said how many of us do? And I didn't include nepa...I said gas, phone, water bill...we have it better here than some countries do. Fullstop! lol

  10. How patriotic?! You ascribed so much positives to Naija in this post...if it is that accurate, we will all be home in a heartbeat!
    Anywayz, thanks for standing up for Nigeria...I wish I can do the same!!!

  11. *warning, long post*

    Am sorry, Nigeria at 47 has depreciated more than Nigeria at 10? 30?...look at how the educational system, the health system, the roads and infrastructures are deteriorating exponentially with days…our parents in the early independence days enjoyed better services, the education was high class, health systems were available…the political system has gotten rotten to the state were elections are a laughing stock to the rest of the world…now, survival in Nigeria is more for the fittest!

    The mental (overall health) state of people in Nigeria is nothing to write home about, people kicking the bucket like its a competition – Stroke, heart disease, tumor….with very low life expectancy.

    Landscapes, sceneries, monuments?? Which country doesn’t have such be it man-made or artificial….but the big question is how much torism has that attracted for Nigeria.

    Nollywood 3rd in the world…Quality or Quantity?

    No serial killers? What of the armed robbers that kill people, the police, MASSOB?, Bakassi? the army that fire bullets like its PS-2?

    Absolute food & Oil? I think there are a lot of starving people in Nigeria, leaving on the 0-1-0 principle…and the oil? I reserve my comment because its done us more harm than good.

    Lets not keep excusing Nigeria with "Rome wasn’t bluit in a day" because we might continue to give justification for Nigerian’s retarded growth and not look for rooms for improvement…after all Dubai is dessert dream (bluit out of nothing)

    Nigeria to me is sweet because blood is thicker than water. Do I have hopes for Nigeria? Ofcourse…but I wouldn’t kid myself...I look at things the way they are and would only continuously pray for improvement.

    All we need is a revival….Nigeria is good home for the rich and famous only.

  12. *warning, long post*

    Am sorry, Nigeria at 47 has depreciated more than Nigeria at 10? 30?...look at how the educational system, the health system, the roads and infrastructures are deteriorating exponentially with days…our parents in the early independence days enjoyed better services, the education was high class, health systems were available…the political system has gotten rotten to the state were elections are a laughing stock to the rest of the world…now, survival in Nigeria is more for the fittest!

    The mental (overall health) state of people in Nigeria is nothing to write home about, people kicking the bucket like its a competition – Stroke, heart disease, tumor….with very low life expectancy.

    Landscapes, sceneries, monuments?? Which country doesn’t have such be it man-made or artificial….but the big question is how much torism has that attracted for Nigeria.

    Nollywood 3rd in the world…Quality or Quantity?

    No serial killers? What of the armed robbers that kill people, the police, MASSOB?, Bakassi? the army that fire bullets like its PS-2?

    Absolute food & Oil? I think there are a lot of starving people in Nigeria, leaving on the 0-1-0 principle…and the oil? I reserve my comment because its done us more harm than good.

    Lets not keep excusing Nigeria with "Rome wasn’t bluit in a day" because we might continue to give justification for Nigerian’s retarded growth and not look for rooms for improvement…after all Dubai is dessert dream (bluit out of nothing)

    Nigeria to me is sweet because blood is thicker than water. Do I have hopes for Nigeria? Ofcourse…but I wouldn’t kid myself...I look at things the way they are and would only continuously pray for improvement.

    All we need is a revival….Nigeria is good home for the rich and famous only.

  13. lol, the cartoons were amazing
    I always have and always will love my country... its home

  14. Linda i agree with u. am an undergraduate studying in England and i no go lie i cant wait to come back home. D weather in this place na wahala. Cold will almost kill person. As for bills that one is another thing. Water, electricity.gas,phone,council tax,congestion tax,sewage tax, infact i believe they will soon start taxing u to trek with ur leggediz benz soon lol. Even self there is Tv tax. Why should i buy a tv and then have to pay again to watch it. Abeg i prefer Naija anyday to this place. d houses are like shoeboxes. i beg Naija is d best land gbao.

  15. Am sure that some folks will damn love to stone me if i should pour out all my mind on how nauseating i feel each time naija is mentioned/praised.

    What the heck should i be proud of about a country where nothing is working perfectly or normally like it's ought to be. A country where millions don't have access to basics things of life...Should i be jumping and clapping on top of Zuma or Olumo Rock that our road network (obviously death traps) is d best in Africa? The erratic power supply is indeed something to brag about of! The stinking rat/mousquitoes infested environment is indeed smth to rejoiced about...The incessant killings, armed robbery,mobbing of both innocent and suspected pickpockets, broad day light lynchings are very normal? A beautiful country blessed by the Almighty Fada with so many natural resources but millons of d civil- populace live in abject poverty is smth to write home about? A country where educational and healthcare systems have paralyzed beyond any revampation..a country where only d poor pay taxes but the rich don't.. a country where d fat fucks bunch of imbeciles treasury looters flaunt their ill gotten wealth without pint of dignity..a lawless nation where only d poor go to prison but the rich junketing around d globe with peoples money..what d fuck is it there to be proud about Nigeria? Where was Ghana in the 80s where is Ghana now. Our leaders have killed the nation, wantonly looted and still looting the collective wealth of millions of ppl. What a debased nation. What's great about Nigeria? Why don't we face d reality on the ground and call a spade a spade.

    Everywhere u go with that green passport u are a potential con master or drug pusher.. A country where ppl die like fowls even from a minor headache..

    The Govt don't give a damn about the people. A country where soldiers/police will whipp ya yansh slap ur bloody civilian face around and go scot free..Nigeria is great indeed.

    A fool at 40 they say is a fool 4ever so what do we call a BIG FOOL at 47? Nigeria is really Great!

    A country where d real people (The Naija Deltans) that owns d land where oil is being pumped everyday are being turned to slaves , oppressed, marginalized, even killed etc..on their own land! What a great injustice!

    I could go on and on..Nigeria stinks to high heavens..It's dirty, lawless, hostile, yeah millions of nigerians are truly accommodative and kind hearted..but Naija leaders are bad news, wicked souls to d core..

    Nigeria will never be Great not until our leaders and some of us learn how to do things the right way..we should stop decieving ourselves about this so called Gtreatness..

    Why millions of Nigerians are leaving the country either by hook or crook? Why those fucking foreign Embassies treat visa appllicants with hostility and like leppers? If our country is so great we won't be begging for any country's visa.

    Many nigerians even travel to Liberia, Sierra Leone ,North African countries just any where just to get the hell out of Nigeria and we are shouting Nigeria is Great? Great my ass....

    many young nigerians have died trying to cross illegaly to europe..It's a shame that our leaders still don't get their acts together hence Nigeria is not well respected on d world stage..

    Great ko great ni:)))) A Fool at 47 is a Fool 4ever!


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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