Lucky Dube Shot Dead + World News | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 19 October 2007

Lucky Dube Shot Dead + World News

I just heard that African Raggae legend, Lucky Dube, was shot and killed last night Thursday Oct 18th 2007, in what is believed to be an attempted car jacking. Dube, 43, was dropping off his two children in the Rosettenville area of the city when he was shot three times.

Dube's children were out of the car, a Chrysler sedan, when the singer was approached by two men who opened his door and shot him twice. The shots were fired directly into the silver-grey Chrysler car window.

When police arrived they found that Dube was dead at the scene. Three people are suspected of carrying out the shooting.

South Africa has one of the highest crime rates in the world, recording an average of 50 murders each day. U.N. crime statistics say one in three Johannesburg residents has been robbed.

If they were armed robbers, why did they shoot him three times? Why didn't they just take the car? This is such an unfortunate thing...I'm so sad and's times like this you wonder why God allows some things to happen.

It's also at times like this, you thank God for your own life and be thankful for the little things you have. May his gentle soul rest in peace.

Julia soon to turn 40 years old. And she still looks dazzling.
"At least twice a week people come up to me and say something about Pretty Woman. I ask for something a little more current, but they cling to that and that suits me fine," says Julia Roberts

Blast Kills at Least 8 in Manila Mall
Eight people were killed and as many as 89 others injured today when a powerful explosion ripped through a shopping mall in Makati City, the Philippine capital’s financial district.

A famous scientist who won the Nobel Prize for Medicine has
apologized for racially insensitive comments about the intelligence of blacks. The Sunday Times of London printed an interview with Doctor James Watson in which he suggested blacks are not as intelligent as whites.
The prominent laboratory where he works in New York (The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory) suspended Watson over the comments Thursday. And London's Science Museum canceled a sold-out lecture Friday by the doctor.
A statement from Watson's publicist says he is mortified over the quotes. Watson said he cannot understand how he could have said what he is quoted as saying, but he understands the public reaction to the comments. Scientists around the world are denouncing the comments and say there is no scientific evidence that blacks are intellectually inferior. Watson won the Nobel Prize in 1962 for his discoveries of the structure of DNA. The 79-year-old scientist is known for making outspoken remarks about genes and intelligence.

Canadian pedophile suspect Christopher Neil was arrested on Friday in northeastern Thailand after a week-long, international manhunt following the release of his unscrambled Internet photos

Thai police issued a warrant for Neil's arrest on Thursday after two Thai teenagers accused him of paying for oral sex when they were 9 and 14, grounds for prosecution under Thai law.

A suicide bombing in a crowd welcoming former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto killed at least 126 people Thursday night, shattering her celebratory procession through Pakistan's biggest city after eight years in exile.
Two explosions went off near a truck carrying Bhutto, but police and officials of her party said she was not injured and was hurried to her house. An Associated Press photo showed a dazed-looking Bhutto being helped away.
Officials at six hospitals in Karachi reported 126 dead and 248 wounded. It was believed to be the deadliest bomb attack in Pakistan's history.

The death of Lucky Dube saddens me deeply...I don't have much words today. May God continue to protect us...Amen! Take care!


  1. Hi Linda, Lucky Dube's death is a loss not only to his family but to his fans.
    Strangely enough I was on the phone to my cousin who lives out in Jo-Berg a few days before this happened. She says in SA its normal for someone to get stabbed 20 times just for a Mobile phone. Before Criminals go out to commit a crime they get really high on a concotion of drugs to feel numb to what they are about to do. Consequently they then end up unable to reason and act disproportionately violent at the while commiting crimes.
    It's awful.
    Anyway, Lucky Dube RIP.

  2. Lucky Dube's death is a big blow and a rude awakening to all about the reality in SA. It's a big shame really. I hope he lived a fullfilled and happy life although he was only 43. May God accept his soul in perfect peace and console his kids family, friendsand fans all over the world. Whoever had a hand in this, shall know no peace here on earth--that's my prayer.

  3. Lucky Dube's death is a big blow and a rude awakening to all about the reality in SA. It's a big shame really. I hope he lived a fullfilled and happy life although he was only 43. May God accept his soul in perfect peace and console his kids family, friendsand fans all over the world. Whoever had a hand in this, shall know no peace here on earth--that's my prayer.

  4. Very sad. Now Linda, you know why i don't ever want to visit South Africa- amongst some other reasons???

  5. Whaaaaat!!! Lucky is dead!

    My HEART is filled with sorrow.

    Can't believe what I'm hearing.

    Linda is this right?

  6. May his soul rest in peace


  8. Linda,
    It's very sad to hear the demise of lucky dube. i am particularly interested in your commemts that you wonder why God allows such things. You see we need to look at situations from the perspective that God can only be involved in things that we invite Him into. Evil things happen in the world today cos God is not in control of the"world"but the god of this world is..... You might ask what is this dude talking about but the devil who is man's eternal adversery is controlling the actions of evildoers and until we all realise this and truly turn to God then things such as this will continue to happen.As a christian i regularly pray for God's protection upon my life and that of all around me. Society has become so violent and evil these days that we have only place to turn ...........God.


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