9/11 + VMA Award winners + Perez to Britney + Naija News... | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Tuesday 11 September 2007

9/11 + VMA Award winners + Perez to Britney + Naija News...

It was exactly six years ago today that America was attacked by coordinated terrorist/suicide Islamic extremists.
Over 3, 000 Americans lost their lives.
Six years on, we still remember the tragedy that befell a nation. This is something the world will never forget and we say long live America and every place else!

VMA 2007 Award Winners
Monster single of the year: "Umbrella," Rihanna featuring Jay-Z
Quadruple Threat award: Justin Timberlake
Earth-shattering collaboration: "Beautiful Liar," Beyonce featuring Shakira
Male artist of the year: Justin Timberlake
Female artist of the year: Fergie
Best group: Fall Out Boy
Best new artist: Gym Class Heroes
Video of the year: "Umbrella," Rihanna featuring Jay-Z
Best editing: Ken Mowe for Gnarls Barkley's "Smiley Faces"
Best director: Samuel Bayer for Justin Timberlake's "What Goes Around ... Comes Around"
Best choreography: Marty Kudelka for Justin Timberlake's "Let Me Talk to You/My Love"

“That’s two years in a row, man … give a black man a chance. I’m trying hard man, I have the … number one record, man.”
- Kanye West to the Associated Press on losing at the VMAs again

Perez Hilton's open letter to Britney
I read this on my favourite gossip blog, Perezhilton.com, and thought some of you might enjoy reading this. It's a letter to Britney for messing up big time at the VMA's that took place this past weekend. Hilarious...

Dear Britney,
Fuck you!

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!
We are insulted, offended and disgusted by your “performance” at the VMAs.

Are you fucking serious???

What you did was disrespectful to your few remaining fans. And it was disrespectful to MTV!

You didn’t even try!!!!!

You should have just cancelled, bitch.

Your performance was beyond pathetic. The old Britney Spears, who was at one point (a long time ago) truly great, would be embarrassed by your lack of professionalism and utterly shiteous appearance at the VMAs.

Where was Criss Angel? Where was the magic? And by ‘magic’ we don’t mean any tricks or illusions.

You seemed dead onstage. You have lost that spark and shine that used to ooze out of you!
We all know you lipsynch, but you couldn’t even do that well at the VMAs!

And you barely danced!

You couldn’t even get good hair extensions??????

You have no one to blame for your failure but YOU!

There was no way you were going to be good. You were out partying every night before the VMAs for three days in a row until almost sunrise! You were probably still drunk or high during your performance!!! You almost tripped a few times, you fucking mess!!!!!!!

No bullshit excuse that you or your camp will come up with can make up for how pathetic your performance was.

You heard Sarah Silverman was going to make fun of your kids and it upset you? Deal with it! Rise above it! Or don’t go on!

A true professional will DELIVER - no matter what!!!!

Let’s repeat that. It’s worth repeating.

A true professional will deliver - NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

What you did was inexcusable!

Your new manager, Jeff Kwatinez, should be ashamed of himself! You have tainted his reputation and everyone at his company, The Firm, should run and hide.

Your record label, Jive, must be thrilled.

You should apologize to everyone, Britney!!!!

You are pathetic!

P.S. Your beer belly looked hot!

We hope you are getting help, Britney. Seriously. Sincerely. You need help! We hope you have a good psychiatrist!

Y'all should see the comment...over 5, 000. I feel sorry for Britney. I hope she gets her life back on track and surprise the people who think it's over for her.

Naija News
Buhari accuses Obasanjo
The presidential candidate of the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP), General Muhammadu Buhari, on Monday told the presidential election petition tribunal that former President Olusegun Obasanjo imported 80,000 rifles to rig the April 21 elections in favour of President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua.

ANPP withdraws petition
In line with its earlier resolve, the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) yesterday formally withdrew its petition challenging the election of President Umaru Musa Yar'Adua and Vice president Goodluck Jonathan.

PDP Chieftains Kidnapped!
Suspected militants who seized eleven Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) chieftains at Arogbo in Ese-Odo Local Government of Ondo State on Saturday have insisted that the state government must pay a N500million ransom they earlier demanded before all the hostages could be released.But the militants who claimed to be members of the Movement for the Emancipation of Niger Delta (MEND) freed two of the kidnapped PDP chiefs yesterday.The 11 men were kidnapped over the alleged refusal of the Ondo State Governor, Dr. Olusegun Agagu, to honour the agreement allegedly reached with the group in the build-up to the April 14 governorship election.Those released are Chief Aroju Eregha and Hon Sunday Tindighima while those still in the custody of the militants include the Caretaker Chairman of Ese-Odo Local Government, T.A.Akah; a member of Local Government Service Commi-ssion, Corporal Nanaopiri; and state Financial Secretary of PDP, Ken Semudara.Others are the Special Assistant to the SSG, Barrister Monday Perebo; B.O. Ominidigha, Chief Oyeme Abise, Hon Peter Jeremiah, Hon Sufi Ugoji and James Legbe.
Terror Threat
The Acting Inspector-General of Police, Mr. Mike Okiro, on Monday met with the chief security officers of all the embassies in the country.The meeting came barely four days after the United States warned that Nigeria risked being attacked by terrorists.
A standing committee and a joint operational room were set up after the meeting in Abuja to check any form of threat to security in the country by terrorists.

Ladoja detained
The immediate past Governor of Oyo State, Alhaji Rashidi Ladoja, and some of his aides on Monday reported at the Special Fraud Unit of the Force Headquarters Annex, Alagbon, Lagos. Ladoja and others were invited by the police in connection with a petition by the Secretary to the Oyo State Government, Chief Olayiwola Olakojo, alleging that the former governor cornered about N2bn from the sale of the state’s shares.

Under 17 Golden Eaglets
The victorious Nigerian Under 17 team, the Golden Eaglets players and officials are due in Lagos on Tuesday (today).The Chief Media Officer of the Nigeria Football Association told our correspondent from Korea that the team which left Seoul on Monday night for Dubai aboard a Korean Airline flight will arrive Lagos in the afternoon.
The Eaglets will connect an Emirate Airline EK 783 flight by 9.15am on Tuesday and arrive Murtala Muhammed Airport in Ikeja by 1pm. They beat Spain 3-0 in a penalty shoot-out to win the U-17 world championship. So mightily proud of them.

All news courtesy, Sun, Punch and Thisday Newspapers...for more news check out their websites. See y'all tomorrow. Cheers!


  1. Hi Linda. Please where are you based? Is it Nigeria? If so, i must commend you for being so well informed. I live in London and only watched the Award show last night and it's already on your blog. I'm also addicted to E! (Entertainment) channel and so far, all the celebrity news you've reported on here are very accurate.
    Girl, i really like you; you are intelligent and beautiful. You won't believe that i just discovered you by chance. I shall be digging into your archives like a crazed stalker...LOL.

  2. 9/11 really was a sad event.

    About the Awards, i'm not happy about what's happening to Kanye west.

    He's dropping his album today, alongside fifty cent.

    I don't think there's anything anybody can do about Yar'adua's victory

    The under 17 boyz created history, i hope the consolidate their leadership status.

  3. I forgot to add: I don't like Perez Hilton. He's worse than Joan Rivers. Most celebs turn their noses up at them, so they get even more vile in their classless put downs.
    Perez hates Britney cos she once laid into him for writing crap about her in his blog. He used to be like that with Paris Hilton until she extended the hand of friendship. He later claimed that if all celebs were as nice as Paris was to him despite him writing demeaning stuff about them, that he'd also be nicer in his dissing. To me, that screams hypocrisy!!!
    Anyone that makes a living by taking the mickey out of people more successful than themselves have a serious case of inferiority complex and needs to see a regular shrink.
    The worse thing you can do to someone is to kick them when they are already down- and this is exactly what Perez has just done to Britney by writing this post. The poor girl has been through a lot already and it's not easy living your life in the public eye. Even Miss What's her face that made fun of Britney's two innocent kids...it's all a bit too much. Afterall, noone is perfect.

    My two cents...

  4. P.S.
    Sorry forgot again: Did you see the fight between Pamela Anderson's two exes, Tommy Lee and Kid Rock? LOL. Men, it was hilarious. Kid ended up getting charged. Google up the story if you missed that. Still LOL.

  5. Thats the irony of life....When you are up and doing stuff, people praise you and call you queen and king of heaven..but wait till we break down, you become a BITCH (*excuse my French*)...We all have to be more accommodating and realize that celebrities despite all the money and fame go through problems and breakdowns like everyone...they have bad days, good days...the make mistakes in life, wrong decisions...they r humans! With the same mouth we use to bless them and talk good about them, we curse them. Everyone deserves a chance to life! God help us all.

  6. Poor Britney... I really feel sorry for her - she's trying to come back after a long hiatus and she totally flopped on her big night... I hope she can find the strength to carry on and make it happen. Like annengineer says, people are fickle....

  7. well done linda, keeping us up to date as usual! As for calabar girl, linda is proudly resident in naija and we DO get MTV too!!!

  8. Calabar gal's pal, im based in 'boring' Lagos. Thanks for the compliment girl, you must be beautiful and intelligent too...oh yes I saw the 'girl fight', wasn't that funny? Good to have on my blog.

  9. @calabar gal pal, i really dont know if that story is true, dont have her contact either...but I hope Vicky is alright. Pls do advertise my blog, will appreciate it.u can reach me on lindaikeji@gmail.com.ciao babes.

  10. @ Safari chic: Silly me (not to have known about MTV)...Duh!!!
    FYI as well, it's obvious that i asked Linda where she lived because i only just discovered her; if i'd known her as well as you do, then i wouldn't have asked such a "dumb ass" question.
    Moreover, i don't recall asking you anything- unless your name is also Linda?
    @ Linda: I'm sorry about this. When i asked the question, i'd forgotten initially about DSTV; in fact i wasn't thinking at the time. I was just in awe at your vast knowledge of most events that were happening here, especially as you always reported them so accurately, even before they became widely known.
    I am a very proud Nigerian and really love and support my country. I am only British by birth. I left Nigeria in 1993, so majority of the Nigerian celebs i've seen on your blog are new to me. This is the reason why i love your blog and that of another lovely intelligent lady, Funmi Iyanda, whom incidentally, i discovered via your blog roll.
    Through your blogs, i now know of celebs like Soul E, Dan Foster, Timi, some new actors/actresses et al. Your blogs make me feel closer to home.
    I discovered you/your blog also, when i was doing a Google search on a Nigerian story. So if i ask some "duh like" questions, i beg not to be misconstrued cos they are just innocent questions.
    Keep up your good work. I would keep on promotong your blog cos what you're doing is really commendable and i'm proud of you.

    Please pardon my "mini moans"/l'il ramblings/naughty rantings. Safari chic really got on my tits and i had to heave her off!!! Phew my chest feels lighter now she's off!!! LOL...

  11. Britney is so full of shit!The golden Eaglets are just too much,those guys are now millionaires.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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