Which is Worse? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Sunday 12 August 2007

Which is Worse?

A man who cheats or a man who hits?

A woman who sleeps around or a woman who steals?

Smoking or drinking?

Cancer or Aids?

An illiterate rich man or an educated poor man?

Armed robbers or Naija police men?...just kidding! Just kidding!

So which do you think is worse? Share your thoughts!


  1. These your questions, na wa ohh

    A man who cheats preferred (we may be able to do something about it e.g. castrate!)

    A woman who steals preferred, again kiri kiri might be able to impact some sense into her

    Smoking/Drinking - please none they both kill(at least there's rehab for drinking)

    Aids/Cancer - Damn, only cancer because there's chemo!

    Rich man / Poor man - rich man abeg, he must be at least be a bit knowledgeable to accumulate all that wealth abi (i would hope)

  2. Dang!!! None of it! I tried to answer...but dang,none!!! Lol,hope you are okay?

  3. lol @ armed robbers and naija police men. how r u babe?

  4. Sorry Linda.

    None of the above LOL!!! Can't choose.

  5. Most of your questions require choosing the lesser of two evils, but evil nevertheless, here is what i think

    A man who cheats or a man who hits? a man who cheats is better, I dont want my teeth knocked out or any broken bones, I may even forgive a cheat, but dont know if i can forgive a man who has beaten me senseless

    A woman who sleeps around or a woman who steals? A woman who
    sleeps around is better than a thief, at least the loose woman just is horny or likes sex; that may just be her personality, but the woman who steals is a criminal

    Smoking or drinking? Drinking is socially acceptable. smoking is not. Smoking causes cancer, smokers have chronic cough, smokers smell badly, smokers have stained teeth and bad breath. But i know that there are some people that have taken driking to another level that is very bad. But i dont want a smoker, its a big NO NO

    Cancer or Aids? Well there are many different kinds of cancer and two types of aids, this is a difficult question as some cancers can be cured, some cannot, and aids never can be cured, and has a huge stigma to it. For that reason alone, i might think cancer might be better, but only certain kinds of cancer.

    An illiterate rich man or an educated poor man? Me i cannot suffer with anyone, i would like an educated man, but english sure doesnt pay the rent. So i will take the illiterate rich man and try to help him work on his education

    Armed robbers or Naija police men?...just kidding! Just kidding! are you sure that is a joke, lol, i will take my chances with the corrupt naija police

    So which do you think is worse? Share your thoughts!

  6. Omo babe, no kiddin o. Armed robbers or Naija police men?...dat na real question; they are appropriately matched...lawl!
    But seriously, I dont have a response to any of your questions...it's like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.
    nada, none, zilch. Funny sturves!

  7. Hi Linda, If I must choose, then

    sleeps, steals
    cancer, aids
    illiterate, educated
    robbers, police


    Lin, u did not respond to senator's question? Pls try. Senator

  8. Which is Worse?

    A man who cheats or a man who hits? I don’t wanna be hypocrite here but to say the least 80% of men do CHEAT!… I sympathize with women whose men seek sexual thrills outside. You’re always wondering why he is doing this. Am I not enough, you ask yourself? What is wrong with him, you wonder? Or even worse, you wonder what’s wrong with you. Some women would forgive their mate for a sexual dalliance with someone else, some won’t. (If he’s serial cheater with a terrible reputation of being a total dog and you caught HIM in the cat don’t make a scene just go home wait at d door step and tell him to remove his zipper then grab his restless Johnny excoriate and slam it in btw d door. If he’s a woman basher- BASH ALI/ MIKE TYSON type f a man, just keep an IRON ROD nearby the next time he hits u just give it to him Gbosa!!! He will hang his GLOVES.

    A woman who sleeps around or a woman who steals? (The most intriguing report I have heard so far is that many women feel justified in their cheating. They feel it’s okay to cheat because their husbands have already cheated on them and it becomes a vicious cycle that’s doomed to fail. Some just sleep around or have affairs cos they think the person they cheat with has a sexier body than their partner’s. In other words what men can do women can do better???? A woman who steals is a disgrace to her loved ones and herself. Such woman ought to be sentenced to 12months of confinement in a community corrections center. And if she got some cosmetic surgery with the dough it should get reposessed. Lol

    Smoking or drinking? Oh My Gosh! I fall into this category despite the fact that Physicians are continually warning the public of the risks involved in smoking and drinking. I am still actively involved in it..What a fucking badddddd habit, I hope I will quit when I clock 99. What mo can I say?

    Cancer or Aids? These are ORIGINAL KILLER DISEASES. Anybody out there got d cure?

    An illiterate rich man or an educated poor man? In this context, I think a caring, loving, humble, responsible hard working an illiterate rich man is cool cos he might poses the extraordinary visions and experiences of the spiritual realm that’s to say he’s much more better than the educated stark illiterate arrogant egocentric bastards.

    Armed robbers or Naija police men?...just kidding! Just kidding! …..Linda wetin be just kidding! Just kidding!??? Armed robbers and Naija cops are Siamese twins, no doubt about it..

  9. dunno.Questions' too difficult.
    In summarry none of the above!!!!lol

  10. i think the following are worse....
    a man who hits...he probably cheats anyway

    a woman who steals...?

    drinking...at least u cant make a fool of urself from smokin too many cugarrettes

    cancer...no preventive measures

    poor uneducated man...thats just too damn bad...

    armed robbers...i think

  11. this is like making a choice btw the devil and the deep blue sea.
    a cheating man perhaps cos he might be discrete and u may never know.

    a woman who sleeps around also cos u may never know also. and if the man is also sleeping around then they are a perfect match.

    smoking maybe cos then u can vomit an ur inlaws or say the wrong things in a druken state.

    cancer cos when detected early u can actually survive it. no curse for AIDS men and the stigma?!

    educated poor man just needs to channel is energy in the right direction. a rich illierate no way

  12. A man who hits is worse,if he cheats...they all do..it's only whe he get caught that it is an issue..but when he hits?hell no.

    A woman who steals is worse,sleeping around is her perogative,but if she steals she probably shames all those who know her

    Smoking is worse...drinking is the lesser of the two evils in my opinion..though i prefer men who dont have either vice

    Aids is worse,cancer in most cases you get not by choice,for some getting aids was by their own doing

    will choose neither.illiterate rich nor educated poor..i dont think either is a problem since i plan to marry neither,hence it aiint my problem

    Naiaj police dem worse at least we know robbers are robbers,naija police are robbers in uniform

  13. Both are abusers... so neither is better than the other

    the thief is better, kai

    Smoking is worse than drinking jare, at least with drinking you're only screwing up your own liver... 2nd hand smoke you want to take everyone down your own path of destruction.

    Cancer and AIDs are both devastating.

    hmmm both are bad luck.

    What's the difference between armed robbers and naija police

  14. Cancer is worse than Aids: you have sometimes no clue where you get it from and deterioration can be much faster than with aids.

  15. Which is worse? Hmmmm!!!
    These are serious issues and really, it depends on ones individual circumstance.

    Cheat or Hits

    I know hotties who would rather prefer their men cheat, as long as "what goes on in Vegas stays in vegas", on the other hand i was once dating a girl who would deliberately provoke me so i would hit her. She got so frustrated at my lack of action that she eventually directly voiced her desire.

    Again in a situation where it is my blood sister in a relationship, I would rather he cheats than hit her, and preferably I would want her to vamos.

    Woman sleeps around or steals?

    If it was my wife, i would rather she steals- thank you.

    Smoking/Drinking- My subjective opinion is that smokers dont do it for me, the odour would seriously kill any intended romantic schmooze. Drinking (in moderation of course) can metamorphose a good night into spectacular.

    Death is the key to the next stage,
    we've all got to end this journey somehow, so the question is which will lead to the quicker death?

    (illiterate) Rich man/(Educated)Poor man

    Education can be obtained at any age and of course it's pretty expensive, so the rich man please.
    And if the brain is proving stubborn at old age, just buy the gaddem degree, a few websites come to mind.

    Armed Robbers/ Nija Police men

    Why compare apples with apples?

    (Cheaters/hitters/thieves/robbers/ drunkards/ inhale abusers)None of these people should be condoned in any society, but then this is Nija, the hodge-podge of all demeanors, and funny enough you will find every "character" mentioned here find cogent reasons to validate and support their actions. None is preferred in an ideal world.

  16. @naijavixen ans mimi...im doing great. what's up babes?

  17. a man who cheats & a man who hits. I think they are both the same thing. The cheating man is hitting you internally & the hitter is doing it physically.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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