RELATIONSHIP QUESTION! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Friday 17 August 2007


Is it possible to fall in love with someone you've only spoken to on phone and never met before?


  1. People say its possible but that hasn't happened to me yet.I guess if you find out you have many things in common and you can discuss any thing comfortably with the person you might start developing strong feelings.But the feelings may be tested when you finally meet and he/she is not what you envisioned.will compatibility win over physical attributes?!

  2. Yes its is very possible, Though it doesnt work 4 everyone but am a good example of it and we are still waxing strong ...

  3. very possible...


  5. i know its possible,i know someone that is based in the us,his parent introduced a girl based in naija to him over the phone and within 3 months,they got married and they are very happy together

  6. Linda! Linda!! Who did you fall in love with?

  7. Linda have you fallen in love with someone you have been speaking to on the phone?

    Come out with it and let us know how it happened

  8. Linda, this has got to a trick question right?

    A lot of us have serious misunderstanding about the use of the word "LOVE" and as a result confuse or should i say abuse the word itself. No matter what you may think, it is completely impossible to fall in love with someone you have only spoken to over the phone, irrespective of how many times you may have conversed. I will certainly agree that we may be infactuated or stubbornly attracted to attributes about someone, maybe the way that person speaks or inference from their tone suggests that they may be sweet, kind and gentle, but trust me, all that is simply superficial. Love is all conquering, with many distinctions, for example:

    A motherly, conjugal and puppy love might have similar ingredients but strictly speaking there are subtle differences, for instance a mother of an armed robber would go and retrieve his dead body 'from location of shame' after his luck runs out, but tell that to the wife of the armed robber and watch her depart quickly out of sight. To be candid what one may feel for someone you converse with over the phone can only be described as puppy love, temporal that could eventually go either way.

    My true definition of love is as follows; and if anyone can pass this questions with a yes, then they are truly in love-

    Would you still love me when I am down and out, lost my job, feel sick and look terrible, not scented and without the usual razmatazz about my person.

    Would you still love me if I strayed once, I had the affair, I apologised, can you forgive or are you out the door doing your own thing or are you gone for good.

    Would you still love me if I put on weight, I try, but its difficult to shed, would you hold my hands and help me out of the situation or is this going to be your excuse.

    Would you still love me, if i fall short of your expectation, maybe I am not the good cook you expected, maybe i am not that into sex anymore, would you still be there?

    As you can see Love is complex, and it is the most important thing in life, far more important than wealth and social connections, infact (my subjective) I think that our reward (if you believe in God) in paradise might be directly proportional to the love we show and share on earth, granted that you are a christian and you have accepted Jesus (no offence to people of other faith, this is my believe).

    Sorry to digress off point a little bit, but to answer the question raised, NO- not possible to fall in love in the true sense, puppy love maybe.


  9. yes it is totaly possible. there are two gals rite now who r in luv wit me and i have not seen them b4.

  10. I believe it's easy to fall in love with a sexy voice sha o. It's happened to me severally. Hmmm....sis, dis one wey u dey go, as it happened to u recently?

  11. My answer is No.It is possible to fall in love with the characterictics of that person( the IDEAL man\woman),but I dont think is possible to fall in love with that person.Until you meet that person..they are nothing more than a fantasy.You can develop feelings for somebody..but keep in takes a physical connection before you know for sure its true love.

  12. Wienna darling...wink!
    Mrs somebody...hmmm!

  13. Nop.Its not possible to fall in love with someone you've never met in person.You can accumulate strong feelings for them.You may confuse those strong feelings as love but you wont know if you truly love them until you meet them and find out who they really are and how they really act.The thing is,no matter how wonderful you think the person is,when and if you meet the person,the chances are he\she wont be exactly be how you imagined them. There are a lot of things you will never know about a person until you meet them.

  14. I don't think it is possible at all.
    what do you know about a person you speak to only on the phone? All you know is what they are presenting to you. Everyone when speaking puts their best foot forwad. What can happen is that you can fall in love with 'the idea of who they are caliming to be'. It's only after meating them and interacting with them to confirm that they are who they claim to be that any sort of tru relationship can form.
    Over the phone love - Impossible. Infatuation...maybe.

  15. P.S. Refer to your own post 'Fake' partners for what could potentially go wrong if you discover that personality presented over the phone is not the person.

  16. Only IN NIJJAR!!!! I dont believe in love on the wire i guess it could have occured out of desperation, there is a possibility the person in question could have been vunerable, lonely,
    or seeking attention, In some cases some people lack the confidence or may appear to be shy and therefore find it easier to communicate on line.

  17. infatuation/lust yes,love ultimate no no

  18. It possible, it depends what attracted u to the person at the first instance. Different person get attracted by different things. If the phone gist is real (not lies) then a seed could have been sown in the garden of love.

    But should people prefer armed robber to nija police? Still imagining

  19. if the person you think you are in love with suddenly tell you they have been calling you from jail, guess you still think you are in love.

  20. softly softly o linda, before the guy shows up and he looks like Aki and Paw Paw cousins...after her must have sent you some goggle 'hoyt' bodi picture to blow ya mind. lawl

  21. Fall in love over the phone? That sounds a bit creepy o Linda! If you believe in that, then it must be the voice not really the person.

  22. I think so, anything is possible. The plus side to it is, you know its not all physical and this person actually enjoys your personality. At one point I was thinking it was better because you are forced to talk to each other, get to know more versus physical where you probably dont talk as much but act more.. Its relative and also depends on the person..

  23. @ littlegirlhost.. err pls, people can pretend in person too

  24. No, it's not possible to fall in love with someone you've never met and have only spoken to over the phone. When you have never met someone,your imagination begins to form an illusion about this person.You begin to form your own conclusions on how you hope this person is.The only way to find out if you really love someone is to spend time with them.Then you'll get to know the real person behinde the voice and not just your precipitation of that person.

  25. Do not dare fall in love with any man over the phone especially a Nigerian man. Naija men get serious sweet mouth, dem fit talk oh sotey ya body go dey sweet you
    "hi baby"
    "my linda"
    "mother of my children"
    "my wife"
    etc. When you meet him, na so, complain go start. Forget it.

  26. Linda, why! why!! do you want 2 turn our relationship into public affair.

  27. Of couse it is possibe...I wooed my woman over the phone and when she eventually saw me she was so impressed because I gave her a different physical description, a real contradction to the real me. Thats the way to go about it fellas.If you know you are charming and handsome present an opposite description and when she eventually gets the package you'll be glad she accepted you in a worse state.

  28. its possible to fall in love without meeting each other. one's voice can say a lot about d person.there is a strong correllation btw a person's voice, his character and personality.U may not believe it but its true. it depends on d parties involved and their psychological ability. But dat is not to say it can work for everybody.

  29. It's quite possible. It all has to do with fantasy. This person symbolizes what you'd like as opposed to who they really are. Same thing with falling in love with someone via email. Since you don't put a face to the voice, you can imagine this person to be whoever you want them to be.

  30. I'm becoming a fan of your blog. There's nothing sugary about it. You/It has substance. Keep up the good job.

  31. Different strokes for different folks


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