Just to say hi + Relation Question! | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Wednesday 22 August 2007

Just to say hi + Relation Question!

I can't believe I haven't blogged since Saturday...for those wondering what's up with me, I'm still alive, I'm well, I'm doing great! Just damn busy! I've been coming home from work too late at night and too tired to sit in front of a computer and blog.

TV production isn't the easiest job to do...what! I've been jumping from one meeting to the other, trying to get everything set right for Sunday. 'Catwalk wit Linda' shoot has been postponed to Sunday August 26th @ Philip Trimnell Studio, 2, Owolewa street. off Randle Avenue, Surulere, time: 9am. We had to postphone because some of the judges were not available for Friday, our set wasn't ready, but mostly because I forgot to write a script for the programme. Who forgets they need a script for the shoot of any programme? Linda needs to get laid slapped! lol

I'll get pictures of everything you need to see about our production and the Magazine TV advert, which will be shot on Friday with the girls...thanks to all those who gave us creative ideas.

Just wanted to say hi to everyone, will get back to regular blogging after sunday.

Relationship question: If you break up with a fiancee, should you return the engagement ring? especially if the ring is very expensive?

Someone wants to know...do share your thoughts!

Kisses and take care!


  1. If he hurt me and the ring is expensive, i'd keep the rock. if is is a good break-up, i'd offer to give him back the ring. lol

  2. ideally you should return the ring. as for me i wont oh...cos i know his pride won't let him ask for it hehehehehehe

  3. Linda, weldone. You are putting a lot of work for the success of Ur TV program. Weldone girl! The sky will be Ur limit. No limit sef. U have no limits. You will soar to greater heights. Amen!
    To the relationship question. Me? I ain't returning shit! If he asks for it, maybe i will return it so he doesn't think i want to keep a reminder of him. But to be honest, if it's expensive.....? I ain't returning shit! Nada! I won't keep it either. I will sell it. It's mine. It's a gift he gave to me
    and he's not getting it back. Q.E.D.
    P.S.: Wienna is looking for u O! Lol.

  4. the decent thing to do is to return the ring. If he says you keep it then its your call to keep it or insist on returning it but I wldnt want to hold on to sentimentals from a failed engagement.

  5. of course you should return the ring!!! Its the right thing to do.

  6. Return the ring???thats not possible!

  7. Well, by law in some parts of the US, you should return the ring. And I also think it says a lot about your character. If you keep it, we can deduce something. If you don't, we can also deduce something. We may be wrong but actions speak louder than words...

  8. I think the rule is whomever broke up the engagement loses the ring (maybe that's just my rule). But I say sell it if the guy had it coming.

  9. hey, was hopin to make it to the shoot on saturday...now that its a sunday, thats definitely a no show!
    about the ring...puhleeese!!! i say sell it and buy urself sumthn nice 2 make up for the heartache!!

  10. no it is part of the fringe benefits:)

  11. me first?
    i think she should return the ring
    EVEN if it is expensive
    except if he says u can keep it
    moreover for naija ,no be engagement day ie traditional wedding day you go collect ring?
    abi no be so?

  12. I would, there's no point in holding onto it. It'll just be a sad/bad memory of what could be and is'nt.

  13. I think the ring should be returned. A ring is bought for the purpose of matriony. In the event that the matrimony does not take place, the ring then has no use and is void.Engagement rings represnt, love,committment and respect,if you are not sharing your life with the person who offered the ring, why would you keep it? Otherwise then the ring becomes a fashion statement,becomes just another piece of expensive jewlery and means nothing.


  14. i did return my rock with the promise of getting the money back, never did get it though, but i would advise any gal to keep it, she worked for it(anyway u think of it. DON'T return it!

  15. I'd say 'return the ring'.

  16. I would return the ring,there's really no need for me keeping it.Almost like a negative keepsake

  17. NO, especially if its an expensive one.

  18. ...when the bond (convenant) is broken, the seal shouldn't remain but returned. Even when the he hasn't requested for it or rejects it, the she shouldn't keep it.


Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in comments are those of the comment writers alone and does not reflect or represent the views of Linda Ikeji.

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