
Wednesday 31 January 2007


"I had always dreamed but I never ever dreamed this big. This goes far beyond anything I could have ever imagined," Jennifer Hudson

Who would have Thunk it? Like a friend will say. Jennifer Hudson...from nobody to world class celebrity. I remember her at the 2004 edition of American Idols and I also remember feeling really sad when she was voted off. She was the sixth contestant to leave. And I'm sure she must have thought it was over for her, not knowing that God had a bigger plan for her. In 2005, our lucky girl was cast in the role of Effie white in the film adaptation of DREAMGIRLS beating out hundreds of professional actresses and singers including Fantasia Barrino who beat her in American Idol.
Since the release of the film, Hudson has won several awards, among which is the highly prized GOLDEN GLOBES for BEST SUPPORT ACTRESS and the SAG AWARDS(Screen Actors Guild) for BEST SUPORT ACTRESS. She has also been nominated for THE OSCARS and I'll bet my every cent that she'll also win this.

I have seen this movie and I must say she deserves all the fuss, attention and awards she's getting. Her on-screen performance of 'AND I'M TELLING YOU I'M NOT GOING' was sensational. It brought tears to my eyes. She was astounding in the movie.

Now she's a superstar. Everybody wants a piece of her and many papers want to interview her. Even Oprah called her on her talk show to congratulate her on her performance and awards. Jennifer...who would have thunk it? Congratulations girl

This is a typical example that God has a plan for everyone one of us...if you don't succeed now, relax! God knows your heart and when its time, He will bless you beyond your wildest dreams.


  1. Amen oo. That's why i always wish people good luck. I've always believed that when you truly wish people well and God sees your heart, He'd reward you. I've no time for haters; if i don't like someone, it'd be for an entirely different reason like maybe their attitudes, but not because of their success.
    I read in OK! magazine that the judges from American Idol were upset that Jennifer didn't acknowledge them in her acceptance speech when she was receiving her oscar. However, it was the way Ok! reported it that was so funny. They wrote, "she probably figures they can kiss her oscar"! LOL.
    This is a true example of God's blessings. Jennifer has risen from a virtual unknown straight to being an A lister. Right now, she is even going to be in the new Sex and City movie. The sky is her limit. I wish her even more luck. God bless her.

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