THIS STORY ABOUT ME | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Thursday 30 November 2006


On monday 27 November, a friend called me on the phone to congratulate me on my up-coming wedding. My up-coming wedding? That was news to me. I asked where he had heard the story and he said one of our gossip magazines carried my impending nuptial with an ex on its front cover. I went and got the magazine and low and behold the screaming headline read...ex (name withheld) and Linda Ikeji back in love, plan secret wedding. The first thought that came to mind was, I'm getting married and nobody told me? I was not invited to my own wedding? I dont even know the date, time, venue etc and I'm supposed to be the bride? That's so unfair.

But seriously speaking, I was shocked to read the content of that story. It sounded so real, like they got all their facts from the parties involved. Infact, nobody will read that story and doubt its authenticity. It got to a point where I started asking myself if I was really getting married and didn't know it. I remember another friend called me to congratulate me and when I told him it was just a rumour with no atom of truth in it, he thought I was lying and didn't want him to know I was planning a secret wedding.

For days I didn't know what to do about the story. I personally had a mind of calling the magazine and refuting the story, but some family members and friends said to ignore it. Is it best to ignore a story like that? Everybody who has read that article believes you're getting married, do you let them go on believing it or set the record straight? Because God knows I'm not back in the relationship or planning a wedding. A secret wedding for that matter. I will never in my lifetime have a secret/quiet wedding. when the right man comes, I am having me an elaborate/fairytale wedding. Weddings are a once in a lifetime experience (at least in this part of the world, for most people) and I dont think it should be taken lightly. So why do it in secret when the world should know about it. I'm having me a big wedding, with cameras, press etc. God knows I deserve it. We all deserve it. Except you personally don't desire all the funfare.

Anyway, for those people who have read the story and wondered if its's not true. You're hearing from the horse's mouth. When I do finally want to wed, you'll all hear about it, whether you give a rats ass or


  1. Oh oh!! Well, at least it was a mild story about getting married. Think how you would have felt if you had read about ur own death and funeral like Zik did twice in his lifetime? Dont mind those magazines - they're trying to sell their paper to the likes of us who love gossip. There's only one alternative - SUE them!! LOL!!!

  2. I'm sure it's that rubbish City People!!! Yours is even understandable cos you're a celebrity. They once featured my hubby in it also and fabricated elaborate lies of our "very rich" life styles and talked about me in London. Can you imagine? Dem no even sabi whether i dey do cleaning job here for London (NOT!!!) LOL. And all those rich stories were soooo fabricated. We are not poor, but we are not classified as rich, at least not by naija "big boi" standards. We don't even drive flashy cars. The only thing flashy about me is my dressing, as i'm extremely fashionable. In fact, my hubby was so mad he almost sued them. We don't even know what made them notice us. Whether na because i dey wear designers...make dem come check all my credit card bills for here...LOL.
    One disadvantage of being a celebrity is living your life in the public eye, so i can imagine how frustrated you must feel not being able to have any privacy and having your every move being watched. There'd also be many haters. Well, the more haters you get, the more you'd prosper. God would also give you that big wedding you crave in Jesus' name- AMEN & AMEN!!!

  3. And a fairy tale wedding u shall have by God's grace. U still looking for that guy? Mail me Linda, my bro is available. Handsome bobo, hehehehehehehe

  4. lol 8years ago wowthings don change sha

  5. Surely you will have that fairy tale wedding soon, please invite me.

  6. hahahahaha..... cant stop laughing. eyah. no date, no time, no place. Wedding in the air.


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