Photos: Ugandan pastor sets thousands of Holy Bibles ablaze, says the bible is misleading | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday, 22 April 2017

Photos: Ugandan pastor sets thousands of Holy Bibles ablaze, says the bible is misleading

Members of House of Prayer Ministries located in Makerere in Uganda, were left shocked when their pastor, Aloysius Bugingo on Easter Monday set thousands of Holy bibles, belonging to them ablaze saying it was misleading.
According to Zambezi Report, the pastor claims that the lines talking about the Fasting and Lent, in general, were erased and that the word 'Holy Ghost 'appears a whopping 99 times yet the word 'Holy Spirit' appears only seven times. 
He says that Bibles like The King Jame’s version, the New Testament, The Good News Bible have been tampered with and some verses were omitted.
Pastor Bugingo who has 3,000 to 6,000 members who attend prayers at his church daily requested for their Bibles which has the misleading lines and set them ablaze on Easter Monday.


  1. is he mad?
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  2. He is not a pastor, check well a Muslim

    1. FYI,muslims respect d bible. Deal wit it,he is a pastor n def a Christian

  3. E don dey happen.

  4. He is sick... He needs help

  5. End tym, d devil is really fytin d church. Everyone ought to pick a side, either wit God or d world.

  6. He can burn all bibles.
    He can't burn the WORD

  7. So reprinting companies are actually omitting some verses of the holy bible. It takes one who study the bible deeply to discover this...

  8. Those Christian are just worshipping human beings. All of them are Evil. The secret of that religion will soon review. Mumu people

    1. Really?Why not comment with your name?Try and see a psychiatrist with immediate effect abeg,oniranu!

    2. One mum just typed rubbish. A big mumu you are truly

    3. @Anonymous u re crazy... Idiot..u and the pastor needs help.. Go c a psychiatrist..crazy people

    4. Anonymous 08:39 U generation of Judas and already walking in the part. I only pity u bcos to be saved is my utmost heartfelt prayer for u so u don't realized the truth in where there is no return after death. Moreover those lies which u have continue to embrace are gradually leading u to the part of hell and until u will see for u self unless u repent that the saviour Jesus Christ which u were somewhat referring to that Christians worship human is the LORD OF THE PARADISE then i know this would forever shock you. So turn back from those lies u have been embracing.

    5. Anonymous 08:39 U generation of Judas and already walking in the part. I only pity u bcos to be saved is my utmost heartfelt prayer for u so u don't realized the truth in where there is no return after death. Moreover those lies which u have continue to embrace are gradually leading u to the part of hell and until u will see for u self unless u repent that the saviour Jesus Christ which u were somewhat referring to that Christians worship human is the LORD OF THE PARADISE then i know this would forever shock you. So turn back from those lies u have been embracing.

  9. I belong to Jesus.... They belong to the devil.

  10. my dear bible is confusing complicated..

  11. What happened to him though not common, but it's not unusual. For such are the lot of those without evidence of the salvation power of Jesus Christ (He is the Lord) Jesus Christ told us, "he that is not with me is against me, and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad" (Mat 12:30)
    Also in 1Timothy 1:19, is is written, "holding faith, and a good conscience, which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck.
    And finally this is what he failed to understand,---no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation (2Peter 1:20). Perhaps, he failed to ask the Holy Spirit to teach him that which was confusing for him to comprehend. If he had been studying (reading) the Bible with good conscience, he wouldn't have had a shipwreck of his faith. But this happened that his true self might be revealed, and for him to go where he truly belongs

  12. He would have been burnt alive if he were a Muslim

    1. Muslim would not need to burn anyone. If it is quran , the Quran would not even had burnt. Search net you would see a lot if testimony to that effects.

  13. The words still remains. It's not by burning it's by correcting the mistakes if he claims to know so much. Attention seeking pastor

  14. And more will still be omitted as time goes by. We should keep the correct ones like treasure, because a time is coming when we might even have no access to the correct Bible. Time is changing rapidly.

  15. Hmmm , God didn't write the Bible , so why are u guy mad, just print another one

  16. Christians should be truth to themselves,the bible contains thousand of errors,and contradictions and deliberate erasing of some verses in the bible.Be truthful.The bible by it nature is misleading.

    1. Bello, why do you comment on something you know nothing about?

  17. Well done pastors, welcome to omenaana or Judaism.

    Burn the entire bible it's falsehood. Please pure libation people.

    Its omenaana or nothing, I'm looking for soldier to join our war against Christian fraudster in Igbo land, we are pure omenaana adherents

  18. Gentlemen try n understand ds man, he only burnt d ones dat were altered not d correct ones. Dou he should av informed d company producing d bibles.

  19. is dat one a pastor? he is an imbecile

  20. The bible is just a fiction book written by elites to teach morals and some life lessons, I don't believe the events recorded happened on this earth except somewhere else. And not just the bible,it includes every other religious books. Everything is fiction and myth. Hate me if u like but wise ones will appreciate this eye opener. We are just being brainwashed, dem don put fear finish for una body and spirit if una get one be that. To even think of what I just wrote is even blasphemy abi no be so? I laff I yoruba.

  21. This is an eye opener to all of us.

  22. The Bible was not originally written in English. In the course of time some tranlations have mixed things up. He shouldn't have burnt any version. He could have told his members to get up to 5 versions for clearer understanding.

  23. Na now him wake up? Lol

  24. So which version did he choose??

  25. To the best of my knowledge any bible that has alot of omission should be done away with,COs its misleading

  26. Na waa ooh! Only God can save us. The wisdom of man is foolishness before God. I need no other augument, I need no other plea, it is enough that Jesus die and that He died for me.

  27. I'm so sorry for u @badboy wateva cos u do not know wat u speak of. Pls I beg of u, adhere to ur beleifs ND leave d rest of us brainwashed Christians to ours. The bible contains d word of God ND dat word is food for d soul. Kpomkwem

  28. I was shocked to discover that a lot of verses and chapters have been erased from international version of the translation I was given as aa gift. I researched and found out it was deliberately removed and in all most recent translations. I quickly disposed that gift. And I only read my old KJV.

  29. na today? , the muslims have been saying this for long. turn to Al Quran pls for salvation. the unchangeable Book.

  30. Setting ablaze books...The word of God can never be set ablaze...Cos he promised never to be broken.Shalom

  31. When a book I true, they start creating fake, nobody makes a fake of an already fake book....

  32. The Bible originally translated from d christian Greek scriptures and Hebrew's Torah, has as God name Jhvh or Yhwh. But through d proliferation of d Bible, this name, meaning Jehovah and Yahweh respectively, was replaced with LORD. God said in King James' version @ Psalm 83:18 "That men may know that Thou whose name art Jehovah; You alone are the Most High all over the world." Now, they have started again replacing Holy Spirit the Holy Ghost. May God help us!

  33. The truth in the Bible make devil scares so,he devise means to rubbish it.BIBLE is the true word of God.

  34. He is a representative of Satan. However, am assuring u that he will not live long. Everybody should keep his ears and eye on that satanic agent. God can not be mocked.

  35. Plx which one is he reading that is not misleading since him mention the misleading ones


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