Any Fulani herdsman you see around me or the church premises, kill him, cut his head'- Apostle Suleiman instructs his security officers | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog


Saturday, 21 January 2017

Any Fulani herdsman you see around me or the church premises, kill him, cut his head'- Apostle Suleiman instructs his security officers

Senior pastor of the Omega Fire Ministries Worldwide, Apostle Johnson Suleiman, has instructed his security officers to kill any Fulani herdsman that they find around him or his church premises. 
Suleiman who had a running battle with Kaduna state governor, Nasir El Rufai, after the governor gave an order that churches in his state must obtain license from the state before they can preach (read here) told his congregation while preaching last Sunday January 15th, that someone called him to intimate him that there is an alleged plan to send some Fulani herdsmen to kill him. He says he has instructed his security officers to kill any herdsmen seen around him or around his church premises.

"Somebody called me and told me that there is a plan to send Fulani herdsmen after you and I said ok and the person said I should be careful and I said careful of what. He said the herdsmen are just going to run into the road like herdsmen and begin to cause confusion and while your security men clear them and you come out, they will open fire. I said okay. After about a week, he called me and said please, if you don't do that, they might bring them to come around church premises. I said its okay. And I told my people, any Fulani herdsman you see around you, kill him. I have told them in the church here, that any fulani herdsman that just entered by mistake, Kill him, Kill Him. Cut his head. If they are busy killing christians and nothing is happening, we will kill them and nothing will happen."he said


  1. This is definitely not the right way for a man of God to talk. Stop trying to incite people to make your prophecy come true cos when religious war starts you would have flown away in your private jet to safety. Where have the teachings of Christ gone, Jesus at the time he was about to be arrested never asked his disciples to bear arms. As for the Fulani herdsmen and their sponsors,God's wrath would soon be upon them.

    1. No fold ur hands n wait for God to come dwn we ar armies of christ but should not suffer a witch to live says d lord

    2. We don't have to wait for the wrath of God to fall upon them. Christians have to protect themselves. This senseless killings is getting out of hand and the Government has remained silent on it for too long. It's as if he's in support of what his Fulani brothers are doing

    3. shut up if u don't have what to say. Rubbish.

    4. A weak Yoruba muslim response,nobody cares any longer of you guys backward opinion.jesus fights Back.Thats our 21st centuy Beliefs

    5. Pls if u dnt knw wat to say just shut ur mouth nd think of ur life, so bcos we are Christians we should fold our hands and legs watch dis barbaric set of people kill us nd not do anything ..... The slap dat will land ur face will come from Redeem camp kmt

    6. Yes kill them. The kingdom of God suffers violent and only the voilent taketh it by force

    7. #killthefulaniherdsmen#

    8. That we r christians doens make us fools. Wen Jesus was abt to b arrested and peter defended him by çutting off d soldiers ear... Pls did u ask ursef wer d sword peter used came from? Hmmm remember Jesus did not tell Peter to throw away his sword he told him to sheat it. Which means the sqord is still very much ready to be used when need arises.
      It is clear ther is a conspiracy going on. Rivers rerun violence is being probed just bcos a hand full of induals had died. But over 200 ppl wer murdered in their sleep yet not even one arrest has been made. It took the FG weeks to condemn it after pressure from CAN n PFN...

  2. Very good... if i see any, i will slaughter him first..

  3. I have always say this,that all Christians should defend themselves since this govt can't.

  4. Yes, I can religious war brewing by instalment. The silence of the present day government on unexplained religious killing is truly noisy. This is the genesis of religious war that the government is fermenting. All will be affected,both the north and the south, the rich and the poor we regret it.

  5. Yes, I can religious war brewing by instalment. The silence of the present day government on unexplained religious killing is truly noisy. This is the genesis of religious war that the government is fermenting. All will be affected,both the north and the south, the rich and the poor we regret it.

  6. And they said he's a pastor???

    1. Because u were not among those DAT were killed in southern Kaduna. Be careful!!

    2. So because he is a pastor he should die first?

  7. Yes an eye for an eye if they won't stop killing and behave themselves then we should start defending ourselves since govt won't do anything

  8. Good. The fulanis have no monopoly of violence.

  9. That is my man of God. Mind you Christians are not cowards, they are as bold as king David. Mark you, I said, King David. Everything is at our advantage.

  10. Nigeria is spoilt beyond repair. All these tribal and religion differences, may take eternity for there to be unity and oness

  11. for crying out loud dude. U're a pator, u suppose to b preaching peace

    1. Elijah was a prophet when he killed d prophets of baal

    2. So he should wait to be killed abi ? Nah real peace.

    3. Pls u can go and let dem finish since u wnt to remain a coward

    4. I don't blame you, because the killings has not affected you directly, hypocrite

  12. A Hugr 'LOL'.
    M O G's ain't smilin no more.

  13. Well said... enough is enough
    We are not goats

  14. Good one!Around him or every where huh?kill them every where u see them.apc FOOLS AND USELESS BLINDED CHRISTIANS WILL SPEAK AGAINST THIS MAY THUNDER FIRE UNA. please no be only around him oooo any fulani u see any where kill him because all fulani's are wicked and terrorist. KILL ALL FULANI KILL THEM FOR UNA OWN GOOD OO.
    this is what terrorist buhari imported in Nigeria to deal with Christians and his haters so better kill them or they kill u an noting will happen.

    #sad indeed

  15. Shame on Nigeria. All the innocent blood of the Christian's killed . God will avenge. Amen

  16. I think we Nigerians need to stand and work hand in hand to kill all fulani herdmen. They are evil, we need to kill them all.....

  17. Pastor i support u kill d bastards dey are killers vampires boko haramites even buhari is fed up with dem.kill dem bfor dey kill u see wat dey are doing in Kaduna. We are almost curtailing boko now its fulani.let dem stay in their place with their poison cow we will eat fish

  18. Pastor i support u kill d bastards dey are killers vampires boko haramites even buhari is fed up with dem.kill dem bfor dey kill u see wat dey are doing in Kaduna. We are almost curtailing boko now its fulani.let dem stay in their place with their poison cow we will eat fish

  19. Donald trump pls come to our aid.

  20. All this boastful preaching is not of God sorry................

  21. your eyes are opening. Now, you are beginning to see clearly the hand writing on the wall. Now, you are speaking truth to power. Even more importantly, you are taking real ACTIONS to push back the enemy/satanic forces/Fulani/Boko Haram terrorists. Now, you are mapping out real ACTIONS on preserving the lives of the innocents. NMTA

  22. El-Ruffai is an anti Christ but he never have any issue with mosque disturbing people's sleep early in the morning. What a Country!

  23. I think Christians are waking up. Protect yourself.

  24. Courageous man, I like that

  25. hmmm... just wondering the kind of the so-called "men of God" we have in our midst these days. Are the really send by God? Were they actually called by God? Hnstly, Suleiman is high on drugs. Someone should please remind him that Elrufai is still alive and very very healthy and strong!

    1. What dirty point have you made.

    2. Ibrahim u must b insane, wen fulani herdsmen wia killing Christians did u utter a word? U beta shut up b4 God slaps ur dirty mouth dwn ur throat.

    3. U are the 1 who's high on cheap drug, have u seen u r blood for once? I bet u don't know how it feels to butchered with a machete like cow. When u lose a close friend or relative that's in the hands of this vampires , u will realise that u were really on a cheap drugs...

    4. you are the one that is high in some cheap drugs, mumu like you.

    SELL YOU COAT AND BUY A SWORD IF YOU HAVE NO SWORD. ISLAMIC demons have been mandated by northerners lying to you to kill any christians everywhere . The only thing that will stop them is fight back. Fools fight back. Wise fight back. That's the only way Christianity will be sustained. Don,t listen to any fake preacher telling you to run. David fought, Abraham fought, Jacob fought, Samson fought, Gideon fought. Since the days of John the baptist the kingdom of God suffers violence AND THE VIOLENT TSKE IT BY FORCE.
    You can speak peace with fellow christian but not with someone whose religion require that he kills you. Rise up everyone in the south, kill them. They are not herdsmen, they are hired killers.kill them first. IBOS , Yorubas , Niger delta rise up and kill them now.

    1. There is a better way to fight trust me. We christians do not need to lift a finger. I wish we will open our eyes and see it.

  27. He's just insighting violence...he shldnt say it out like this!

    1. Go back to school and learn how to spell... Then would you be allowed to comment on such sensitive issues.

    2. I can clearly see u are a hypocrite, Adaeze. How else do u want him to say it? To cover it with ur grandfather's best coat so dat it will look gud? On who's side are u? My dear pple are being slaughtered like animals get dat into ur empty haed

    3. I can clearly see u are a hypocrite, Adaeze. How else do u want him to say it? To cover it with ur grandfather's best coat so dat it will look gud? On who's side are u? My dear pple are being slaughtered like animals get dat into ur empty haed

  28. yes That's my pastor, kill them, set ablaze nothing will happen, after all when they kill Christian, terrorist buhari always set. them free

  29. You just said it all

  30. Slowing but surely it seems to be happening. If Buhari gave a nod to killings in the north, then Oyedepo,s curse will surely catch up with him. He wouldn't return back alive from his medical leave. Seems d north wants to occupy every position in the country. They will occupy their own country while d rest of naija rules themselves free from fulani/Islamic harassment. But truth is Nigeria might break into more than two nations & supremacy of one tribe over the other will never end - O.I.O.

  31. SO you instruct to kill when the person did nothing You are worse Than the Herdsmen

  32. FFK and Fayose will soon make this Man Their Personal Pastor..

  33. 😲😲😲😲

  34. Almighty God,will purnish all this Hausa n Fulani Men.I think is high time we (Christian) start thinking in the way, and declare operation revenge on our enemies.

  35. They will tell we christians to kill ,they will put it all over the media.yet no christian will kill anybody.They will put no moslem shud kill anyone all over the media,yet they are all blood thirsty.killing pple left ,right and centre.who truely are the vampires

  36. Linda, do you know how many of the imams tell their Muslim brothers in the mosque about attacking any one against them. But you don't get to hear anything or see. We Christians are very foolish. And Linda u are a bigger fool. We keep exposing our strategies. Am not a fan of this pastor but let's learn to keep some secret in the church. Except of course, where these people commit crime to members. But these here is a strategy on how to defend ourselves.
    One thing I noticed is that we Christians are educated but it's the Muslims that have the wisdom.

  37. to a larger extent....there is sense in what he said! if the christians dont start killing these stupid people back, they wont retreat!

  38. I love this man!!! I just love this man!!! And I wish ALL Christians up north take this approach.

  39. Suleman, Elrufai is still alive. Fake people without wisdom.

  40. God bless you pastor

  41. this man has spoken the absolute truth, he's not inciting violence, he's telling Christians to stop be bitch ass pussies and man up. Even Jesus said sell your cloak and buy a sword.... Kill any fucking infidel Fulani/Hausa/Northerner/Muslim religious fanatic....

  42. LOL
    -D great anonymous now as Vivian Reginalds

  43. All this people here saying his not a man of God,this and that is it when they kill the entire christian that that will call him man of God ,some of una dey stupid sha

  44. Please kill them but you'll all be shocked to see those that would be killed. You either find people from the south or your christian brothers in fulani attire. So sad some people aer born with blocked brains. I wonder why El-Rufa'i refused the media to show the world the suspects arrested.

  45. Beautiful. I love this . Even Jesus' disciples moved Around with sword. That was why Peter was fast enough to cut of d Ear of macus.
    Jesus was Radical man. Went into d Temple and chased sellers Away. He owed no man appology. Okay, if u doubt the radical nature of Jesus.....

    Read this Luke 19:27

    New International Version
    But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me.'"

    New Living Translation
    And as for these enemies of mine who didn't want me to be their king--bring them in and execute them right here in front of me.'"

    English Standard Version
    But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.’”

    Kill dem ND spill the blood of those stupid people that think Christians are weaklings. Let them near me....and dey would meet those virgins in hell fire. Nonsensical nonsense

  46. I concur jare! Enough is enough.

  47. I don't see anything wrong with this statement, is just the simple truth. Christians should wake up and defend themselves from this evil forces.

  48. If you speak against what's he has said. .. Hmm. .i am sure u are a Fulani herdsman. ... If i see u.. . I will kill you first! Idiot!

  49. Preach Peace at this time... This is the only way Peace can come. ... The Kingdom of God suffereth violence and ONLY the VIOLENT takes it by FORCE . .... Well said PAPA. ..WE DEY FOLLOW. .. NO SHAKING. ..

  50. Just exactly what pastor Oyedepo said

  51. It's unfortunate that Nigerians Christians added and embraced stupidity to the understanding and interpretation of Bible. And it's also unfortunate that their so called Pastors and evangelists only preached and teached mainly the soft messages in the Bible, which was 'Prosperity', in order to enrich themselves. But in a critical and urgent situation like this, I was expecting tens, hundreds and thousands of these same Pastors and evangelists who knew how to preach and teach prosperity to tell their congregation to arm and defend themselves. A passage in the Bible said, be as wise as serpent and as diligent as dove. It never said we should be stupid. Where d Bible said that if they slap u in the right cheek, turn the left cheek, this statement still did not say Nigerian Christian should be stupid. Or can u turn your left cheek where u're killed? And who introduced Christianity to Nigerians in the first place? The westerners. According to Bible, Israel was the apple of God's face. But up till now do u know that Israel never stopped fighting and fight back their enemies? They never fold their hands or turn their left cheek and expected God or his angels to fight their battles. Even from the Bible till now they never fight by mare Fasting and Prayers but also with physical weapons. Today Israel is one of the respected country in the world in terms of sophisticated weapons. So, why did they not say because they are the apple of God's eyes and rely mainly on fastening and praying? This should be a food for thought for all our ignorance Christians in Nigeria that added absorbed stupidity to their religion. In addition to this, we should embrace the truth and stop deceiving ourselves. Nigerian is not one country and we will never be one country. This is not a curse! The facts are there and they're so obvious. Break up is the only way out. We should stop listening to the benefactors of Nigeria arrangement who kept telling us that we were not created by accident but destined to be together. This was a blatant lie! Here is the question, can you condemned a system that you and your family are benefiting from?

  52. We r tired of preaching peace nd praying!! Will God come down to fight our battles 4 us??we r nt saying kill Muslims rather defend yasef!!dnt fold ya hands nd b praying wen dy r coming to kill u!!DEFEND YOURSELF

  53. Hmmmmmm Iam just passing by

  54. This country needs to disintegrate into a confederal system, that way each Confederate can establish their own religious doctrines.

  55. Bcos he's a pastor, he should be killed abi? U can wait and allow d herdsmen kill u or ur family member, and don't react,bcos u are a Christian, let enlighten u,Christianity z not cowardice.... Go back to history, b4 jihad,dia was d crusader.....

  56. #killthefulaniherdsmen# supported


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